
Certificate of the balance of maternity capital: where and how to get, validity period

Maternity capital is issued to every family in which a second child appears. It can only be used for a limited number of purposes. Its size is considered significant, since it reaches 450 thousand rubles. Only families that have received the appropriate certificate from the PF have the right to receive it. You can use the amount in whole or in part for different purposes. To find out how much money is left on the account, you can get a certificate of the balance of the maternity capital. It can be ordered when visiting the PF branch or through special services on the Internet. Based on this document, you can understand what other amount a family can manage.

Purpose of the document

A statement of the maternity capital balance allows you to get information about how much money is available on the account. It is they that the family can dispose of for various limited purposes. A document is issued by PF branches on the basis of an application left by the certificate holder.

Maternity capital for the first child is not issued, therefore, it can only be issued at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent baby. The need for a certificate containing information about the balance of funds may arise in different situations.

certificate of the balance of maternity capital through public services

When is the certificate ordered?

It is required in the following cases:

  • the family plans to obtain a mortgage for the purchase of residential real estate;
  • the proclamation of a private residential building;
  • tuition for children in different educational institutions is paid;
  • funds are directed to the mother’s account in the PF, which ensures an increase in her future pension.

When making any process, you need to know what exact amount of money the family has. For this purpose, a certificate on the balance of maternity capital is ordered from the Pension Fund. It can be requested not only when visiting the department of this institution, but also using various services on the Internet. Documentation is issued only if the account has more than 30 rubles.

What information does it contain?

A statement of the balance of the maternity capital contains significant information. Using this document, you can obtain the following information:

  • information about the applicant, submitted by his F. I. O. and passport data, and he should be only a citizen entitled to use the capital;
  • SNILS number of the applicant, since on the basis of this document a quick search of the necessary information in the PF database is provided;
  • the direct size of the capital represented by the amount of money that the certificate holder may dispose of for the purposes established by law;
  • data on all past spending of funds are provided;
  • Signature of authorized PF employees;
  • date of compilation of documentation.

It is with the help of a certificate of the balance of maternity capital that one can obtain data on how much the certificate holder can manage. The document has a limited validity period, so you can use it for different purposes only within 30 days from the date of receipt. Therefore, if a mortgage loan is made out by the parents of the kids, it is important to take care of the timely issuance of a certificate, which is then transferred to the employees of the selected bank.

certificate of the balance of maternity capital

Production methods

Many people who use matkapital for different purposes often think about how to find out the balance of maternity capital. You can use different methods for this:

  • direct visit to the regional branch of the PF, for which it is necessary to have a passport and certificate confirming the citizen's right to use the capital;
  • sending the application with copies of other documents by mail, and a direct reference is sent to the applicant in the same way;
  • attraction of an official representative with a notarized power of attorney;
  • application site PF;
  • obtaining information on the Gosuslug portal.

In order to receive a certificate of the balance of maternity capital, it is necessary that the applicants already have a certificate issued in advance. You can deal with its design immediately after the appearance of the second baby in the family.

Each method of obtaining help is considered simple and understandable. The applicant is required to prepare certain documentation.

how to find out the balance of maternity capital

What documents are needed?

Before finding out the balance of the maternity capital, the certificate holder must prepare certain documentation. It can be transferred to the PF in paper or electronic form. The following papers belong to it:

  • direct certificate confirming that the applicant really has the right to receive this amount of money from the state;
  • passport of the citizen who is the owner of the certificate;
  • application in the form of PF;
  • marriage certificate;
  • documents for children submitted by their passports or birth certificates;
  • SNILS, since using its number to find information in the PF database is not difficult.

Other documents may be required if necessary. The statement indicates what the certificate is for. If you just need information, it is advisable to receive the document in electronic form. If the certificate is further transferred to a bank or other organization, then it is ordered in paper form.

how to order a certificate of maternity capital balance

Personal visit to the PF branch

Maternity capital for the first child is not issued. It is intended only for families in which the second baby appeared. He may be born or adopted. After the second child appears, the family must take care of obtaining a certificate. It is a confirmation that citizens have the right to receive support from the state.

How to get a certificate of the balance of maternity capital? This document may be required for various reasons, but it is usually passed on to other organizations. Therefore, a paper version of the certificate is often needed. Many people prefer to personally visit the PF department to obtain a document. How to order a certificate of the balance of maternity capital in this organization? To do this, the steps are:

  • documents are prepared that are necessary for the preparation of a certificate;
  • at the PF branch located at the place of residence of the applicant, a statement is drawn up in the form of an institution;
  • all documents are transferred to the fund employee;
  • documentation is usually reviewed within 10 days;
  • after this, the citizen can again contact the employee of the Pension Fund to obtain ready-made documentation.

If the document is not issued, then the PF employee reports on the reasons for this decision. This is usually due to the lack of the necessary documentation, which must be prepared by the certificate holder.

Documents can be transmitted not only during a personal visit to the PF department, but even by mail. In addition, you can attract a proxy, but in this case you will have to draw up a power of attorney in advance, which is notarized.

how to get a certificate of the balance of maternity capital

Using the PF site

Information on the balance of maternity capital can be obtained through the official website of the PF. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • you will have to register on the fund's website, for which personal information about the citizen is entered;
  • on the main page of the site, a section called "Electronic Services" is selected;
  • Next, you need to find a section offering to order documentation;
  • A list of documents that can be ordered on the PF website will open;
  • Further, the application is filled in electronically;
  • copies of documents confirming that the citizen has the right to capital are attached to it;
  • the method is selected by which the certificate will be provided, since it can be issued in electronic or paper form;
  • if you need an electronic document, enter the email address to which the documentation will be sent;
  • if the necessary certificate is in paper form, then the PF department is selected, which will have to be visited to receive the document.

By using this site, time is saved, since it is not even necessary to leave the house to compile an application. You will have to make copies in advance of all the documents necessary for compiling the certificate. Each citizen can use this service.

maternity capital for the first child

Application of the Gosuslug portal

A certificate is issued even through "State services" about the balance of maternity capital. To do this, you must have an authenticated account. In this case, you can perform the following actions:

  • Initially, authorization is carried out on the portal;
  • PF is selected in the list of proposed organizations;
  • Next, you need to select the appropriate category, which is represented by the provision of different statements;
  • a button is pressed to offer a service;
  • Fill in the fields of the electronic application;
  • some information is entered automatically;
  • after checking all the information, it is indicated that it is necessary to obtain information about the remainder of the capital;
  • the application is considered within a maximum of 30 days, after which the documentation will be sent to the specified email address.

The disadvantage of this method is that the application is verified quite difficult. It is possible to order a certificate on the balance of the maternity capital in paper form through the State Services, but in this case the statement indicates in which particular branch of the PF the applicant will be able to pick up the document. In your personal account on the portal you can find out exactly when you need to come to the fund.

pension fund certificate of maternity capital balance

Document Validity

The validity of the certificate of the maternity capital balance is only 30 days. It is during this time that you need to use this document. Typically, documentation is required for transfer to a bank or other similar institution.

A document is issued completely free of charge, so you do not have to pay any fee.

Reasons for refusing extradition

A certificate containing information on the remainder of the capital is not issued if the following reasons exist:

  • less than 30 rubles left on the account .;
  • All motherboard has already been used by certificate holders;
  • the necessary documents were not transferred to the employee of the PF;
  • A person who does not own a certificate applies for help.

The applicant shall be notified in writing of the reason for the refusal.


Matcapital is issued to every family in which a second child appears. Its size is considered significant, and you can use it for a limited number of purposes. If citizens want to use these funds, then first you will have to get a certificate from the PF, which contains information about the balance of funds.

The certificate can be ordered on the PF website, on the Gosuslug portal or directly at the foundation’s branch. The procedure is carried out for a maximum of 30 days, and you do not have to pay a fee for receiving this document.

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