
Validity of the diagnostic card for OSAGO - requirements and features

In the article, we will consider what is the validity period of a diagnostic card.

This document is formed at the service station after verification. It contains special data regarding the technical condition of the car, an expert does it.

The card does not have degrees of protection, because it is printed on a simple printer. The maximum that authenticity can be authenticated is the signature of the expert, the seal of the organization on the basis of which this verification was carried out, as well as the card number that can be verified on the basis of EAISTO.

validity period of a car diagnostic card

About the document - what is it like?

This is one of the required documents for the insurance policy. This requirement came into force when the procedure for obtaining insurance was changed and new inspection rules were introduced.

All car owners must undergo a technical inspection. In the course of maintenance, the general condition of the vehicle is checked, the shortcomings in it are revealed, which increases safety.

The diagnostic card contains information on the technical condition of the car, separately for each zone. During the check, the master makes notes, and then the information is transferred to the form, in a specific cell of it.

Each diagnostic card also has an expiration date.

It is published by the document number, its expiration date, as well as the necessary information about the operator who conducted the study and the location of the inspection point.

In addition, this card contains information directly about the car, year of manufacture, model, make and additional parameters, including the VIN number.

The current diagnostic card is used when issuing OSAGO policies, and confirms that the car can be operated quite safely at the time of the examination. This eliminates the likelihood that this vehicle will provoke an accident due to its malfunction, and payment of compensation will be made in the near future.

The validity of the diagnostic card for compulsory car insurance is important.

validity period of the diagnostic inspection card

If defects are detected in the car, then the registration of the insurance policy will be unambiguously refused, since it is unsafe to operate it, and fraudsters who carry out frauds with insurance organizations can even take advantage of this, but in the case of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance this is unlikely, as the originator of the accident and the insurance holder the policy will not be able to receive the cash payment that is due to the victim.

What is the validity period of a diagnostic card, read below.

What laws are regulated?

A diagnostic card was introduced in 2012, after the adoption of 170-FZ. This law speaks about how a diagnostic card is applied, how this document should be drawn up, and also prescribes a mandatory defined period of storage of issued cards at the enterprise, however, non-compliance with this rule will result in the imposition of a sanction for the organization that conducted the technical inspection.

check the validity period of the diagnostic card for CTP

The Traffic Rules (paragraph 2.1.1) states that only three documents may be presented to the traffic police inspector, among which are a certificate of registration of a car, a driver’s license and an insurance policy.

The diagnostic card, in contrast to the inspection ticket that was issued earlier and is no longer used in Russia, is not considered such a document, so you can safely leave the carriageway without it.

Diagnostic card validity period

In order not to find out at the most unexpected moment that such an important document has expired, you must first know how long it works. The owner should check the validity of the inspection card and make sure that everything is in order.

It is very important to know where to get such a card, and whether it is possible to draw up a document without inspecting the car.

Expiration of the validity of the diagnostic card for insurance cannot be allowed, because in the event of an accident or other emergency, expired paper may play a bad joke and the insurance company may not pay monetary compensation due to violated conditions of cooperation.

check the validity period of the diagnostic card

Where to get a diagnostic card?

You can purchase this document for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance together with car inspection at specialized service stations that have a license to carry out such activities and can confirm this with documents.

The driver independently chooses the place where he will undergo a technical inspection, and even if he is going to check the condition of his car in another region where he is currently located, no one has the right to prohibit this, since this procedure is absolutely decentralized. Thus, it is possible to select the most convenient technical inspection station, without having any restrictions.

The service and the list of nodes necessary for research are always the same, and you only have to pay a different price, depending on the pricing features in a particular region.

Can I get a card without inspecting the car?

Despite the fact that the diagnostic card is supposed to study the technical part of the car and then fill out the documents, as well as the conclusion in conclusion, often the masters are negligent in their work and execute documents randomly, without conducting a direct study of the condition of the car. Thus, they get paid for the document actually filled out, and the drivers are not interested in whether the car was checked, and, moreover, they almost never follow such a process.

However, if the master fails to identify the problem in time and does not describe it in the reporting documents, this can lead to serious consequences, which in most cases take the form of traffic accidents. At the same time, experts are responsible for falsifying documentation, but it is rather difficult to prove, since the inspection of the car is not confirmed or recorded, and the presence of false information can only be detected if it is checked again at another service station or after an accident that may result in not only to material damage, but also to the death of people.

validity period of the diagnostic card


The maximum price for a technical inspection is set in the legislation at 800 rubles, and in no case should this amount be exceeded, and this applies to all regions of the country. However, this rule works in the case of inspection of cars, but other types of vehicles will be examined at a different cost:

  • motor vehicles - about 240 rubles;
  • trailers up to 10 tons - 1100 rubles;
  • trailers less than 3.5 tons - in the region of 600 rubles;
  • passenger vehicles - up to 1560 rubles;
  • freight cars - up to 1630 rubles.

Many are interested in how to check the validity period of a diagnostic card.

What affects the expiration date?

Depending on the year of manufacture of the car, the term of the card's functionality for compulsory motor liability insurance can be 1-2 years. It all depends on this parameter.

So, less old and unreliable vehicles should undergo a similar diagnosis more often than new ones. This means that updating the card is necessary depending on the requirements of the current legislation, because if the maintenance is over, but the insurance policy is still valid, then the MTPL insurance will still be considered invalid.

In order to resume the operation of the diagnostic card, you must re-apply to the station where they examine the car for violations in the operation of the nodes.

find out the validity period of the diagnostic card

Temporary insurance

The driver has the opportunity to take out temporary insurance for 20 days to get to the place of the inspection, this is not prohibited by law, but a permanent card can only be obtained when a technical inspection has been carried out, and no deviations from the norm have been revealed during it.

Annual inspection is provided for such vehicles:

  • cars in which people are trained in driving;
  • trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • cars with special signals.


If technical problems are found in the car, the driver is given a period of 20 days to fully correct them, and a repeated technical examination in this case is absolutely free.

If no problems are identified, then the document is issued immediately, and the CTP insurance document can also be issued. However, if the time is up, but the problems remain, then the vehicle owner will have to pay for the inspection again.

In order to check the validity period of the diagnostic card for OSAGO and its availability in the official database, you can use special sites that are connected to the EAISTO system. The main advantage of such services is free of charge and the fact that often they do not require registration, but nevertheless reliable information is issued quickly.

diagnostic card validity period for insurance

Drivers are often interested in whether a car diagnostic card has expired or not. In fact, there will be nothing terrible if a person managed to draw up an insurance document before the inspection has expired, while it ends already when using insurance. Of course, the driver had to extend the inspection at least two months before the end.

We examined how to find out the validity period of a diagnostic card.

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