
Technical supervision of construction - definition, functions and rules

Technical supervision is a set of measures that should verify compliance with established building codes during work. It also allows you to monitor the compliance of work performed with quality requirements. So what is technical supervision in construction? The provisions governing this process are of interest to many.

Introductory information

It should be noted that this term is becoming obsolete. This is due to amendments to the Construction Code. So how to speak correctly? Construction control. However, the old version is more familiar. Why is technical supervision in construction necessary? Why can't the contractor control and double-check itself? The simple answer is difficult to give here. Influence has many factors. So, on the terms of work depends on the profit. Additionally, the company is interested in a high speed of work. The same is influenced by the standards and conditions for their achievement. Most often, they rarely remember about additional quality control. Of course, there are construction teams that are formed from high-quality specialists who can cope in a short time. That's just they usually perform special work, such as installing partitions, plumbing and heating. But those who are engaged in concrete work must erect the frame on time. At the same time, the strength of the structure, which is formed from the speed of work and compliance with the technology, has an effect. In addition, technical supervision of the construction of an object is also important in cases where a particularly important activity is carried out. An example is work in the ground, laying engineering networks, concreting the foundation. After all, all subsequent activities critically depend on them.

Another aspect of need

work of technical supervision in construction

There may be a situation where the contractor deliberately stretches the construction period. This is done under the pretext of a lack of funds, damage to building materials or an accident. As a result, the customer overpays, and all these funds are not spent on the necessary work. As a result, an increasing amount, which can be a multiple of the values ​​indicated in the estimate. Yes, and despite this, the structure is obtained of inadequate quality. To avoid this, the implementation of technical supervision in construction is necessary. It should be remembered that in this area the problem of a shortage of highly qualified personnel has always been acute. Errors are difficult to avoid, but they can be prevented. The phased nature of technical supervision avoids costly miscalculations. For example, an incorrectly installed formwork is not difficult to remount. Whereas it is much more difficult to disassemble molded non-design structures.

Input control

implementation of technical supervision in construction

There is a question about the quality of materials. So, every cubic meter of concrete used, which is delivered to the construction site, must be suitable for laying and operation. Any ton of steel must comply with the design values. All materials that are delivered by suppliers to the site undergo incoming control. Conducted laboratory activities can be entrusted to other companies. But there must be someone monitoring the regularity and correctness of the control methods used.

What to concentrate on?

Construction companies are interested in a good result.Therefore, technical supervision can be a special unit of the general contractor. But more often they hire a separate company. In addition to supervision, it also performs, as a rule, a whole series of technical services - it provides documentary design and construction of an object.

What does this help to cope with?

technical supervision of the construction of the facility

Carrying out technical supervision in the construction has a favorable role for the entire activity of the company due to:

  1. Avoiding artificial overstatement of the estimated construction budget by contractors who wish to enrich themselves at the expense of customers.
  2. Prevention of the appearance of deformation and collapse of the structure due to lower quality of work, as well as avoiding errors in the construction process.

Technical supervision during the construction of engineering networks allows:

  1. Prevent hidden defects without the need for separate examinations and additional investments.
  2. It allows to prevent the unjustified saving of contractors on building materials or their replacement with low-quality samples, which lead to a deterioration in the quality of the work created.
  3. Allows you to monitor compliance with deadlines and implement the project within the established budget, while at the same time incurring minimal costs.
  4. Minimize the number of errors and violations in the working and design documentation, which leads to difficulties in the maintenance of the building during operation.
  5. Compliance with building codes during the work.

How beneficial is it?

Technical supervision of the customer over the construction allows him to save usually up to half of all funds spent on the sale. In addition, it contributes to the timely completion of the project and the prevention of accidents. Mention should also be made of a higher level of satisfaction with the result of construction.

How to organize this?

documents of technical supervision in construction

If you plan to attract third-party specialists, you should conclude a contract for technical supervision of construction. When referring your own employees, you need to conduct a thorough briefing. So, it is necessary to focus on building codes and rules, adopted engineering and technical and architectural decisions, and ensure economic indicators of the effective use of the future building. Supervision must be carried out throughout the entire construction until the moment the structure is accepted by the commission. If the services of attracted specialists are used, then the tasks are determined on a contractual basis. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the limits of competence, as well as representation in various necessary instances. Separation of an employee from among the active needs to be ordered. But if laboratory or instrumental control is needed, it is best to contact specialized legal entities.


Technical supervision documents in construction should include the following:

  1. Ensuring the specified quality of work and materials used in creating the design and establishing the necessary design solutions to achieve the objectives.
  2. To guarantee the final beneficiary the timely completion of the facility.
  3. Control the timing of the construction.
  4. Monitor compliance with the acceptance of both individual types of construction work, and the entire process.

Functions Performed

position of technical supervision in construction

If you attract true professionals in your field, then technical supervision in construction is invaluable thanks to:

  1. Organization and control over the implementation of all the necessary complex of preparatory work before the construction of the building. In addition, input supervision is also carried out on project documentation. If necessary, the process of making changes to it can be started, which is being agreed upon in the established order.
  2. Checks the level and quality of tasks, logs of various construction and installation works, obtains all the necessary permission from the customer.
  3. The implementation of design estimates is being monitored. At the same time, the technology used is monitored, as well as the quality of the materials used. Certificates may be requested for verification to establish compliance with project documentation.
  4. Not only verification and control is carried out, but also an impact on contractors is carried out so that they timely comply with the requirements and instructions of employees.

Responsibilities of Responsible Professionals

What can an individual do? In short, this is:

  1. Perform verification. And what exactly? There is a great variety. So, you can check documents that confirm the required quality characteristics of products, materials, structures and equipment that is used in the construction of the facility. In this role are technical passports, certificates, laboratory test reports and the like. A check of installation and construction works, products, materials, structures and equipment can also be carried out for compliance with design decisions, state standards, norms and rules, technical requirements and other documentation. Similar can be said about volumes and quality. It can also be checked whether the contractor complies with the requirements and instructions that are issued by technical supervision or state authorities.
  2. Keep the volume of accepted and / or paid work, as well as those that are performed with certain defects, omissions and shortcomings.
  3. Conduct a review and evaluation of the work performed together with the contractor. This applies to hidden and constructive elements.
  4. To issue acts of work that have a certain drawback.
  5. Inform the contractor that the products, equipment and materials do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.
  6. Participate in the audit conducted by the quality commission or public services.
  7. To perform other functions that are inextricably linked with the implementation of technical supervision.

What rights are there?

construction supervision contract

People who carry out the inspection may require the contractor to:

  1. Implementation of work in accordance with design estimates and other technical documentation, compliance with current regulatory requirements on the procedure for implementation and acceptance of the result.
  2. Stop work if the materials, parts, products and structures used do not meet the requirements put forward.
  3. Conduct laboratory tests to confirm / refute quality certificates, technical data sheets, as well as report about them.
  4. Eliminate deviations from design decisions, correct deficiencies and shortcomings.

What is required from a construction supervision engineer? Work involves the possession of such personal qualities as attentiveness, perseverance and perseverance.

On the suspension of the construction process

This right is provided in such cases:

  1. Untimely acts of examination of hidden works were issued.
  2. If an excess deformation of the object was detected or there is a threat of a collapse of the structure.


technical supervision in construction

Technical supervision of construction quality is very important. If you ignore it, then the risk of obtaining poor-quality results at the output increases. And, roughly speaking, this is still good if you manage to get by with just a small crack that can be quickly repaired. And if the building collapses and someone suffers? After all, structures are created with a view to a certain period of use, when the building should be well-standing and not require major repairs. If the collapse occurs, then many questions will arise to those who raised it.Technical supervision in construction allows you to achieve the required level of quality and at the same time saves customer funds from unscrupulous performers.

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