
Yard cleaning: rules and regulations

Household, yard territory - this is what is in front of our eyes every day. Sometimes it’s nice to sit on a bench, spend time with your child, walk your pet in a special area. Therefore, we want this site to be clean, comfortable and beautiful. But, alas, this is not always the case. Who is responsible for the mess? What are the cleaning standards for this area in winter and summer? At whose expense is this done? We will answer these and other relevant questions further.

What is considered a local area?

Surely you noticed that somewhere there are large yards, and somewhere - very small areas, "spots". Accordingly, cleaning the yard here will be of varying complexity.

Each multi-story residential building (or their complex) in the Russian Federation is assigned a plot of land where there are playgrounds and sports complexes, car parks, garages and more. It must meet the needs of all apartment owners. Its dimensions depend on cumulative factors:

  • The yard area norms for a specific region.
  • The number of floors of the building.
  • Other conditions indicated in the public cadastral map.

The boundaries of the yard are arbitrary. If in private construction the adjacent territory can be protected by land surveying, since it is personal, then it is more difficult. After all, the land is common. But in many cities the practice of closed courtyards is already being introduced - space is blocked by a fence, the entrance is through a gate, a gate with an intercom.

yard cleaning

Who is responsible for cleaning?

And who is responsible for cleaning the yard?

The following entities:

  • Management company with which homeowners have entered into an agreement.
  • Themselves living in a multi-storey building.
  • HOA workers.
  • Contractors, third-party organizations with which the HOA, the Criminal Code or tenants conclude an appropriate agreement for cleaning services.

At the same time, all performers with whom the owners of apartments of a multi-storey building draw up a contract for cleaning the yard should strictly observe the points of this document. Otherwise, the case can be brought to trial.

In practice, only in rare cases, residents choose to cope with the cleaning of the house territory on their own. Basically, at a general vote, they choose a management company or a special company for cleaning the yard.

Yard Cleaning Agreement

An agreement of the established form is concluded with any contractor who is selected by the meeting of tenants for the cleaning of domestic territories in Moscow or in another other city of the federation. The following is mandatory in the document:

  • Details of the contractor - HOA or management company.
  • The exact address of the house.
  • Rights, responsibilities and obligations of the customer and the contractor.
  • Household cleaning regulations.
  • Terms and conditions of termination of the agreement.
  • Enumeration of the rendered services. The conditions on which they are provided.
  • Prices for the cleaning of the yard, the basic tariffs.
  • Conditions for the extension of the contract.

The document must be signed by two parties. Their details, positions, full name are indicated. The date of signing is affixed, the document is certified by the official seal.

According to the standard model, it is also necessary to draw up an agreement with a janitor - an employee, whose duty will be summer and winter cleaning of the yard.

regulations for the cleaning of domestic territories in the summer

Who pays for it?

If the homeowners have entered into an agreement on cleaning maintenance of the house adjoining site with the Criminal Code, Homeowners Association or a third-party company, then, accordingly, payment of the bills will be their (tenants) responsibility.This is spelled out in the Russian LCD.

What determines the amount of payment for summer and winter cleaning of yard areas? In most cases, square meters of the premises occupied by the owner are taken into account. The larger the apartment, the higher the payment.

And if the property is not privatized? According to Art. 158 LCD, this fact does not play a special role. The territory adjacent to the high-rise building is the property of each of its residents. Accordingly, the obligation to ensure its cleaning belongs equally to everyone. After all, one way or another, each of the residents uses the yard.

If the cleaning is of poor quality?

Sometimes such an unpleasant fact pops up. Residents regularly pay bills for cleaning the yard in the winter period, and summer. However, cleaning services are not provided in full or in insufficient quality.

What to do here? Apartment owners are authorized to contact the company with which the cleaning contract has been concluded, with a request to make a recalculation taking into account the list of unfulfilled janitors.

yard area

Where should the cleaning standards be kept?

In order to make a full claim, you need to know what is included in the cleaning regulations for yard areas - winter and summer.

Both general standards and rules specific to your region must be attached to the contract for cleaning services. The document itself must include a detailed list of work that will be performed for your benefit by the contractor. At least 1/2 of the total number of apartment owners in a high-rise building must agree with the list.

What are considered optional additional services?

With the approval of the tenants, additional ones may be added to the main list of the rendered works:

  • Improvement, improvement of the territory.
  • Landscaping of the yard.
  • Decoration Services.
  • Measures to optimize the territory for elderly residents, children - the installation of benches, gazebos, game and sports facilities on the site and more.
    yard cleaning regulations

Generally established cleaning standards

The main manual and mechanized cleaning of the yard is as follows:

  • The cleanliness of sidewalks, paths, lawns, children's, sports grounds and other facilities in the conventional yard area.
  • If it is technically impossible to use mechanized devices to clean this area, then care is taken by the janitor manually.
  • Special snow removal equipment is used to remove snow from the local area.
  • To improve and speed up cleaning, ramps for the planned passage of mechanized devices designed to care for the territory are equipped with ramps.
  • Companies that provide cleaning services are required to provide free access to nodes, hatches, engineering structures in the courtyard.
  • For the location of equipment and storage of tools used for cleaning the territory, a certain zone should be allocated.
  • If the width of the courtyard driveway, the sidewalk is wider than three meters, then to clean these areas it is necessary to apply equipment designed for general roads.

All of the above norms are based on the following legislative acts:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal law.
  • Instructions for the technical operation of a residential apartment building.
    yard cleaning equipment

Summer yard cleaning

The list of services provided by the contractor varies depending on the season. Here are the works that employees are required to perform in the summer:

  • Sweeping the sidewalk, as well as washing it in open areas. Work should be done in the early morning or late evening, so as not to disturb the residents.
  • Cleaning the area from scattered debris and other contaminants.
  • Watering plants planted on lawns, flower beds. Frequency depends on the region of residence, as well as climate, daily average temperature. However, the procedure is performed at least twice a day.
  • Mowing trees, shrubs as needed.
  • Lawn care (in particular, mowing with special equipment).
  • Cleaning of children's and sports grounds in accordance with the sanitary standards of the Russian Federation.
  • Cleaning garbage bins and mini-containers located on the territory of the house (this does not include the removal, removal of waste from the garbage cans, this is the sphere of activity of another contractor).
  • Watering paths, sidewalks on hot days.

Among the additional services may be whitewashing of tree trunks, borders, painting benches, arbors, structures on the playground.

What is the frequency of debris and dust cleaning? Up to three times a day. In conditions of increased weediness, this number of cleanings will be already mandatory.

the process of cleaning the yard

Winter yard cleaning

The regulation for the cleaning of domestic territories in the winter is associated with a characteristic phenomenon for the season - snowfalls. Therefore, the main activities will be as follows:

  • Clearing of sidewalks from snow drifts. Snow masses are transferred from there to the upper edge of the cuvette or to the parlor area (a distance of up to two meters from the edge of the roadway).
  • Warehousing of the collected snow with neat shafts in the tributary zone.
  • Timely cleaning of snow mass on trampled areas with baking powder and shear.
  • Complete removal of snow, ice from sidewalks and driveways inside the courtyard.
  • Processing sand or technical salt of pedestrian paths, as well as space on sports and playgrounds.
  • Complete clearing of ice from areas around sewer manholes.
  • Loosening of snow in areas where there will be lawns or flower beds in the summer.

What is the frequency of snow removal from the territory? It all depends on the duration and intensity of precipitation. As much as possible a day, the janitor should carry out two complete cleaning of the territory from snow.

Sanitary courtyards

In addition to the above, the duty of responsible workers will be the sanitary cleaning of the local area. What is it? According to housing legislation, near each high-rise building (or a complex of similar houses) there should be waste bins with a capacity of up to one hundred liters.

These tanks must be installed on a special concreted area, in accordance with Russian sanitary standards. The janitor's duty is to paint them twice a year. The access to the tanks should be cleared for special waste collection equipment, as well as well-lit.

yard cleaning

Cleaning Frequency

The frequency of cleaning the yard is determined by the tenants themselves with a contract in the contractor. In some cases, they trust this prerogative of the management company.

However, own control or supervision of the Criminal Code or Homeowners Association is sometimes not enough for the contractor to fulfill his duties in good faith. In this case, it is authorized to apply to the territorial administration with a request to understand the issue. Last resort - Rospotrebnadzor. The following violations push him to participate in the conflict of residents:

  • The services performed by the contractor are of poor quality.
  • The standards introduced by housing legislation are not implemented.
  • The frequency of cleaning the territory has been violated.
  • It is necessary to verify the integrity of the contractor by higher authorities.

Cleaning the yard in one way or another concerns each apartment owner in a multi-storey building. Somewhere, residents manage this business on their own, somewhere they attract a third-party executor, somewhere - they trust the business of the management company. One way or another, you need to know about the services that relate to cleaning the local area, the frequency of their provision, the features of winter and summer. Indeed, for their money, homeowners should receive conscientious work.

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