
Certificate of participation in operations: clearance and benefits

The certificate of the participant in the hostilities will provide access to benefits that are compensation from the state. To complete this document, you need to follow a few simple steps.

In order to enjoy regional benefits, in addition to having a certificate, you must submit an application. Without this action, local privileges may not be available.

Who is eligible for a certificate?

Based on the current legislation, all citizens who took part in military conflicts are among the participants in hostilities. If a person served in the process of conducting active hostilities, then he can be assigned the status of a veteran, opening up access to a large list of benefits.

The certificate of a participant in hostilities is the basis for special privileges if a soldier:

  • It was part of the flight units of the USSR, which flew to Afghanistan. The period of hostilities is taken into account directly.
  • He is a member of the department, which was sent by the state to specific regions or other countries with the aim of conducting hostilities. This condition is relevant both for employees in the Russian Federation and for soldiers of the USSR.
  • He was engaged in mine clearance. This includes both the USSR and work in other regions.
  • He was an employee of the auto battalion involved in the transport of goods to Afghanistan during the war.

Those who received disabilities or awards while maintaining the work of domestic units can rely on partial privileges. We are talking about military conflicts that took place outside the country.

how to get a certificate of participation in hostilities

If we take the last period, then the benefits are available to those who:

  • defended Russian citizens in Abkhazia and South Ossetia (2008);
  • took part in the armed conflict on the territory of Chechnya from 1994 to 1996;
  • performed official duties in the territory of the Syrian Republic in 2015;
  • took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region (Chechnya, Dagestan).

Also, civilians who worked in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989 are entitled to rely on the certificate of a combat participant.

Status Confirmation

The certificate of a combatant can be obtained only after providing all the necessary documents. Without them, you won’t be able to confirm your status. We are talking about an extract from the work book, a personal file from a military registration and enlistment office, etc.

If it so happened that none of these documents are available, then to obtain the status of a participant in hostilities, you can use the certificate from the archives. To get it, you need to send a request to the desired military unit.

war widow

When a citizen claiming the rights of a combat participant still serves in a specific formation, then his leadership should send a request. You can also contact the military commissariat.

How to get a certificate

First of all, you need to write a statement that will contain information about the military man himself and the place where he took part in the hostilities. We are talking about the following data:

  • Date of Birth;
  • rank;
  • personal number;
  • place of participation in hostilities and period;
  • information about the current service or stocking / resignation.

All information must be documented. In addition to a passport, you can verify your identity with a military card and two photos (3x4).

Submission of the application and subsequent registration of the status of a combatant is carried out in the district commissariat.

The application will be considered for a certain time and if everything turns out to be in order, the status of a database participant will be assigned.

In addition to information on how to obtain a certificate of participation in hostilities, you need to know the alternative places in which this document is issued:

  1. Central Commission. Here the certificate can be obtained by employees in the main commands of the Armed Forces and structural divisions of the TsVU.
  2. Direct manager. He needs to be contacted with a report by the current military, which are part of the RF Armed Forces.
  3. Commission for a specific county. The servicemen of the military units and the navy come here.

It is obvious that the state has created all the conditions for obtaining a certificate of a participant in a database by military personnel of different units - both active and those in reserve.

Affordable Benefits

Those who participated in hostilities are granted special privileges. The benefits are as follows:

  • set of social services and monthly payments;
  • assistance in the process of acquiring residential real estate;
  • tax incentives;
  • compensation of expenses associated with the payment of housing and communal services;
  • free medical care;
  • assistance to relatives of the deceased participants in the database;
  • labor and pension privileges.
rights of a combatant

It is important to remember that in a particular region the list of benefits to combatants can be supplemented.

Housing and communal services

Considering the benefits to combatants more specifically, paying more attention to housing and utilities services should be given more attention.

First you need to recall that you always need to check the situation in each specific locality and take advantage of the opportunities that are available there.

As for the basic benefits, they come down to compensation of expenses by 50%. This cost group includes:

  • overhaul;
  • gas supply;
  • heating and fuel purchased for heating a private house;
  • communal resources (light and water);
  • maintenance of living space.

Discounts related to housing services apply to family members of UBD, but only to those who live with it.

combatant status

To make the described benefits effective, you need to apply to the social welfare department. Moreover, the issued privileges will be valid for six months, after which they will need to be renewed again.


Within this category, benefits may vary depending on the features of the service. We are talking about citizens who served in hot spots, but who left the army and those who have a stable military status.

Pension for combatants who are not in the service is available under the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 55 and 60 years (women and men);
  • the number of pension points exceeds 13.8;
  • work experience of 9 years.

In addition to the basic pension, these citizens can expect to receive a bonus equal to 32% of the fixed insurance payment. For those who live in regions with a harsh climate, special compensation factors are applied.

Citizens who are military may receive a pension if:

  1. Officially recorded 20 years of service. An alternative is 25 years of work experience, 12.5 of which were obtained in the military status.
  2. Reached 45 years of age.

Pension to participants in the hostilities of this category is assigned in the amount of half of the allowance that they received during the performance of official duties.

If the military experience exceeds 20 years, then for each year that follows after this period, a bonus of 3% will be assigned. The presence of mixed experience gives the basis for accrual of 1%. At the same time, the pension cannot exceed 85% of the paid salary.

Tax benefits

The database participants, both at the federal and regional levels, are given certain concessions.

The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide opportunities for:

  • changes or reductions in vehicle tax;
  • cancellation of the rate or its reduction in the framework of land taxation.
pension to combatants

The following benefits are approved at the federal level:

  • A combat participant may not pay property tax for one object of each type.
  • In cases of general jurisdiction, exemption from payment of state duty occurs. An exception is those cases when the amount of the claim exceeds the mark of 1 million rubles.
  • Each month, the tax base of a database participant is reduced when paying personal income tax. That is, the amount of 500 rubles is taken away. In the event that a soldier has received a disability, the amount of his taxable income will be reduced by 3,000 rubles.

It must be remembered that in order to receive regional benefits it is necessary to submit an appropriate application.

The situation with medicine

The participant of the hostilities, while he is in the service, has the opportunity to undergo treatment and examination in those medical organizations that are in the department of his ministry.

If you have the appropriate certificate, you can use the right to:

  • free prosthetics (teeth are an exception);
  • the use of medical services out of turn;
  • passing treatment in dispensaries and sanatoriums on the basis of the doctor’s testimony.

If there is reason for this, then UBD can receive medicines and medical supplies free of charge. To take this opportunity, you need to provide the doctor with a certificate from the FIU, which will confirm this right. As a result, the DB participant will be prescribed a prescription that allows you to get medicine at the pharmacy without payment.

But there is one caveat: such a scheme of actions is possible only if the veteran visits a pharmacy that has signed a contract with the state. Such a list can be obtained at the clinic.

vacation to combatants

The same principle applies to trips to the sanatorium. And, besides, such treatment is possible only with medical grounds. Having received the necessary conclusion from the doctor, it must be provided to the social protection authorities. Only after this therapeutic rest will be possible.

When a combat participant is disabled, social services become available to him at home. He also has the right to extraordinary admission to various institutions (nursing homes, boarding schools, etc.)


The military is available basic rest, as well as other working citizens. At the same time, the standard leave of a combatant does not exclude his right to an additional 35 days. Moreover, you can choose any time of the year. But such an opportunity is reserved only for those who serve.

In addition, UBD can count on free retraining if it is necessary to obtain a new specialty or advanced training.

Apartment purchase

The state is ready to assist the participants in the database in improving housing conditions.

This loyalty is manifested in the form of a special subsidy. We are talking about paying part of the cost of acquired residential real estate at the budget expense. How big the subsidy will be depends on the cost per square meter and the number of military family members.

But such assistance will be provided only if it is really necessary. Here are the requirements for applying for a state subsidy:

  • in the possession of the military there is no housing on the basis of a social contract hiring;
  • the property does not contain real estate registered for the database participant or his family members;
  • lives in a communal apartment, office or dormitory;
  • lives in a room that does not comply with the principle of 18 square meters per person or sanitary standards.

To receive a subsidy, you need to write an application to the housing department.

Benefits to the relatives of the victims

Families of veterans who have died can count on special rights. The following benefits are available to them:

  • compensation for half of the cost of housing and communal services;
  • medical care at public expense;
  • housing subsidies;
  • the appointment of a social worker for out-of-turn home care (talking about elderly relatives).

The widow of a combatant is entitled to use the described benefits provided that she:

  • lives alone;
  • independently brings up a minor child;
  • not remarried.

In addition to his wife, the military’s parents can count on benefits.

The burial of the deceased participant in hostilities is carried out for budgetary funds.

Privileges for civilians with the status of UBD

If the person who received the certificate of participation in the hostilities has switched to work outside the military sector, then he will have special rights at his workplace.

war veteran in Chechnya

These are the following privileges:

  • the right to additional leave (35 days) remains, but at one’s own expense;
  • change qualifications and improve it at the expense of the organization;
  • you can go on vacation at a convenient time, regardless of the position of management;
  • upon staff reduction, the last to be dismissed.

In addition, UBD in civilian status can attend sports, cultural and recreational events without waiting in line.

Benefits for those serving in Chechnya

Information on the special rights of citizens who performed their military duty on the territory of this region is contained in Law No. 5-FZ.

As for the list of basic benefits for a participant in hostilities in Chechnya, it is the same as in the case of other veterans:

  • the right to rest;
  • pension;
  • assistance in the process of acquiring residential real estate;
  • rent reduction;
  • benefits related to medical care;
  • advanced training at the expense of the employer.

Also, the certificate of a participant in hostilities in Chechnya gives the right to receive tax deductions and exempts from fees for property and land, including.

It is important to remember the benefits that may be available only in a particular region.

Privileges for Afghans

Participants in hostilities in Afghanistan (1978-1989) have access to all the benefits and rights that are granted to veterans in the Russian Federation.

They also have one special privilege - they are completely exempt from paying real estate tax. That is, if an Afghan man owns an apartment, a house, a room, or a garage, then he does not need to pay for them.

combatants in Afghanistan

There are two conditions for the operation of such a benefit:

  • the cadastral value of real estate should not exceed 300 million rubles.
  • taxation is deducted from only one object in each category.

That is, if the property has two apartments, then one of them will have to pay tax.


The current law allows combatants to receive a full range of benefits and rights that compensate for the disadvantages of their service.

Regional authorities also take care of the comfortable life of veterans by giving them access to special rights.

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