
Residence Permit Notice: Sample

A residence permit is submitted by foreign citizens who have lived in the Russian Federation for at least one year as a resident. The requirement applies to all competent adult migrants who have issued a residence permit in Russia. For children and incapacitated persons, proof of residence is submitted by parents, guardians or official representatives.

Legal grounds

The obligation to submit a notification of residence by residence permit is assigned to migrants in accordance with Art. 8 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-ФЗ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

residence permit in the Russian Federation

The procedure for filing a notice is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.01.2007 No. 17.

Employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which issue a residence permit to the applicant, are obliged to warn the foreigner about the need for annual confirmation of residence in the country, as well as the availability of legal income in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 09.11.2017 No. 846. Moreover, a foreigner who receives a residence permit, provides an authorized employee with a receipt confirming that he is notified of the requirement to confirm residence and agrees to fulfill this requirement annually.

What is it for?

The confirmation of the residence permit serves as a message from the foreigner that he is still living in Russia, informing the authorities about his place of residence and the availability of sufficient legal income.

Spouse can confirm income with spouse's income

Since a residence permit is issued and designed for people who will definitely permanently reside in the Russian Federation, monitoring their permanent presence here is fundamentally important. After receiving a residence permit, many foreigners return to their homeland and appear in the Russian Federation only when citizenship can be obtained, thus organizing an additional airfield for themselves just in case or for the future. At the same time, only persons who have a permanent source of legal funds can have a residence permit, which means they will not ask for social assistance from the state.

A residence permit notice is important in the following cases:

  • not to pay a fine;
  • to extend a valid residence permit;
  • not to be deported;
  • in order to successfully obtain citizenship in the future.

When to confirm your stay?

A notice on a residence permit of a foreign citizen is submitted exactly one calendar year after the issuance of the document itself. There is no date of issue in the form of residence, however, according to the requirements of the legislation, after obtaining the status of a resident, the foreigner must issue temporary registration for five years within seven calendar days. Registration is affixed to the document in the form of a stamp in which there is a date of issue and expiration date.

In this case, the countdown of one calendar year may begin and from the date of the decision on approval to issue the applicant a residence permit, since the foreigner could violate the registration deadline.

It is permissible to contact the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a little later than the date specified in the document, however, it is not possible to submit a residence permit notice to the Federal Migration Service (aka passport office, Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FMS) earlier than the date of the decision to issue the document.

Circulation period

In the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a migrant is expected to confirm residence within two months or until the end of the calendar year. Accordingly, if the date of the decision to obtain a residence permit falls on 12/01/2017, the migrant has the right to submit a notification from 02/02/2018 to 02/01/2019 or until the end of 2018.

In the absence of work, income can be confirmed by a certificate from the bank

It is permissible to submit a residence permit notice within five months if the migrant has difficulties, unforeseen circumstances that do not allow him to come to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, the resident must confirm the presence of a difficult situation with relevant documents.

Where to go?

Notices of the availability of a residence permit are considered by the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the place where the applicant was issued a residence permit.

At the same time, you can also inform about your stay in the Russian Federation through the Russian Post by providing a notification and a package of documents. Mail employees consider the received documents, if everything is correct, they return the tear-off form to the applicant, which confirms the successful submission of the notification. The main form of the document with the personal data of the migrant, the dates of departure and income, the authorized mail officers send to the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A residence permit notification is sent to the post office personally by the migrant.

Online notification

A package of documents to confirm residence is carried out only through the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration or through the branch of the Russian Post. You cannot send documents online.

If you find a service on the network that allows you to send a notification through intermediaries or through a website, it is recommended to bypass it, since, most likely, fraudsters are acting. Paying for their services and relying on their good faith is unacceptable.

The order of treatment

There are no difficulties in submitting a notice. You do not have to collect a package of documents, go around the hospital or retake the exam. The following is required of the migrant:

  • Download the notification form or ask for it at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (employees who are involved in RWP and residence permit have forms);
  • fill in the notification without errors, remembering exactly all dates of entry and exit from the Russian Federation (it is recommended to take care of this in advance so as not to forget);
  • in the accounting department at the place of employment, take a certificate in the form 2-NDFL or a certificate from the bank if the migrant has funds in the bank deposit;
  • make copies of passport and residence permit;
  • visit the Main Department of Internal Affairs or the post office.

In the department, the employee will familiarize himself with the notification of the migrant, compare the income indicated in the document and in the 2-NDFL certificate, calculate whether there is enough income for confirmation, return the tear-off form to the applicant, and take back a copy of the papers.

The migrant leaves the tear-off form for himself in order to obtain citizenship in the future or to confirm residence next year at the request of the employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

List of documents

To successfully confirm permanent residence in the Russian Federation, a migrant will need the following documents:

  • completed residence permit notification form;
  • copy and original passport;
  • copy and original of residence permit;
  • certificate on form 2-NDFL from work;
  • if the migrant is an individual entrepreneur, he needs a certificate in the form of 3-personal income tax;
  • if the foreigner is not officially employed, a certificate is issued from the bank on the availability of funds on the deposit sufficient to confirm income.

Notification form

Accommodation Notice

The form and sample of filling out a residence permit notice can be downloaded from the official website of the Russian Post, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or taken from an employee of the department if the migrant does not have the opportunity later to print out the completed notifications.

The document is in the form of a brief questionnaire (shorter than the application for a residence permit). It requires the following information about the applicant:

  • Registration address (note that a migrant has the right to live only at the place of registration, otherwise he and the owner of the house in which the foreigner does not live, are fined).
  • The name of the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (you can find out in the department itself or look at the site. This is important, since any inaccuracies will force the migrant to re-submit a residence permit notification).
  • Place of employment for the last year (it is important to indicate the individual entrepreneur and / or LLC, and not the brand name of the organization).
  • Duration of stay in the Russian Federation, indicating the exact dates of entry and exit, if any.
  • Source of income and monthly income.
  • Series and number of residence permit, date of issue, authority that issued the document.
  • Series and number of passport, date of issue, authority that issued the document.

Names of documents submitted that confirm income (certificate on form 2-NDFL).

Reference 2 personal income tax

A migrant is responsible for filling out a residence permit notification and a tear-off form. The last lines of the “Notification Accepted” document are filled in by the management employee.

Notification form and procedure

notice of residence fill in by hand

A migrant has the right to fill out a form on a computer, and then print or enter information by hand with a blue ballpoint pen. If the document is filled on the computer, any corrections in it by hand are not allowed. If the migrant enters data with a pen, minor corrections are possible.

To fill out the document correctly, you can use the sample residence permit notification, which we posted below. It is advisable to compare your notice with a sample that is allegedly filed in the migrant region.

What to look for when filling out?

Sample Residence Notice

General guidelines for filling out the form:

  • write clearly;
  • avoid mistakes, corrections, strikethroughs;
  • do not use corrector;
  • Errors in the typed document should also be corrected on the computer;
  • refuse to use abbreviations and acronyms;
  • write only the truth;
  • Do not leave questions unanswered;
  • do not write the words "I do not know" or "I do not remember."

What income is required to confirm residence?

In accordance with the law, a migrant for further residence in the Russian Federation must have an income that would be above the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence. At the same time, for pensioners, children and students, their minimum subsistence level is also set in accordance with the region in which the notice is given.

How to find out the minimum cost of living? Its value can be found on the network on the official website of the government of a certain area, in the IFC, the tax department, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or any other state institution.

Please note that if a family of four with two working adults and two children confirms the income, the total income should be enough to cover four living wages. If the salaries of the breadwinners are not enough, a bank deposit is opened. Confirmation of solvency by means of a savings book, inheritance, assigned pension, alimony and other things is allowed.

What should students do? Students who apply for a residence permit confirm the income with an extract or a certificate of scholarship and bank deposit. If there are no funds on the bank deposit, you can supplement the amount of the scholarship to the minimum subsistence level with a certificate in the form of 2-personal income tax of one of the parents. In this case, the student will need to submit an application stating that he is dependent, that is, on the support of his parents. If parents do not have official income, they should personally contact the inspector to discuss the situation and ask for advice. Perhaps the student is allowed to confirm residence only with a scholarship.

The applicant has the right to confirm the income by means of a spouse, spouse, parents or children. You should not be dependent on strangers, acquaintances or friends who are not migrant relatives or family members.

Amount of deposit to confirm income

In accordance with the legislation, a migrant who confirms income requires a valid bank deposit with an amount in excess of the minimum living wage for the year. Sometimes they also require a certificate of the movement of funds on the deposit over the past few months.

If the migrant does not have such a certificate, there is no need to run to the inspector with questions, what kind of certificate, why it is needed and so on. Each region may have its own rules within the framework of the current legislation. If the usual certificate of bank deposit with the opening date and the amount of funds was not accepted, the migrant brings additional documents as directed by the inspector.

If the inspector did not explain anything to the migrant and did not accept the documents, the foreigner will need additional consultation from this particular employee, since lawyers can in their own way assess the act of the employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Perhaps the applicant simply does not meet the figures in the application and the certificate or there is no copy of the passport.

Penalty for missing notification

If the migrant misses the notice of residence, he will be charged a fine of two to five thousand for re-applying the next time. The amount of the fine is established and regulated by Article 18 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The same article allows the expulsion of a foreigner for evading the obligation to confirm residence and income.


If all the information specified in the document suits the inspector, he returns the tear-off notification form to the applicant, having previously signed it and affixed the corresponding stamp. A tear-off form is a document that confirms the submission of a notice of residence. Do not discard the tear-off form until citizenship is obtained.

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