
In what year was the signing of the Federal Treaty?

In what year was the signing of the Federal Treaty? This question is of interest not only to historians and political scientists, but also to ordinary people who care about the past and present of Russia. As you know, without the past there is no future. What lessons can be learned from such a historical event as the signing of the Federal Treaty? The date of such an important incident is of interest to many. It can easily be found in any history textbook. However, what is behind these dry numbers?

The year of signing the Federal Treaty forever entered the history of the world as a year of complex decisions and great deeds. What caused such an important political phenomenon? What events preceded this incident? What are the consequences of the creation and signing of the Federal Treaty? Answers to these questions will be presented below. But first, let's take a look at the terminology.

What is this event?

In short, a federal treaty is a combination of several regulatory treaties that are considered one of the main sources of modern constitutional law of the Russian Federation in the regulation of various federal relations. It is worth explaining that Russia is a sovereign state with a federal structure. That is, it consists of entities (or parts of the state) that have a certain independence, legally confirmed and regulated. These subjects of the federation have quite broad powers, which are guided in domestic politics, but they do not possess state sovereignty.

federal agreement

The legal basis for such a political structure of the Russian Federation is precisely the Federal Treaty, the date of signature of which will be discussed in this article. It is noteworthy that this regulatory agreement consists of three completely independent documents signed at the same time. These agreements regulate the delimitation of powers and objects of jurisdiction within the Russian Federation between federal authorities (of primary state importance) and authorities of entities (parts of the state), which are combined into three groups:

  1. Sovereign republics.
  2. Territories and regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  3. Autonomous okrugs and autonomous regions.

This normative document regulated and still regulates public relations between numerous constituent entities of the Russian Federation and, most importantly, between them and the Federation itself. When did the signing of the Federal Treaty take place? In what year was the fate of the republics of the great USSR?

Briefly about the date

It’s no secret that the year of signing the Federal Treaty turned out to be difficult for the entire post-Soviet people, not only politically, but also economically. It was a time of serious change and financial crisis. As many Russian citizens say, if this document had not been signed, the country would be dragged into chaos, followed by disunity of the nation and the destruction of a great empire.

When did the signing of the Federal Treaty take place? In March 1992. It was then that representatives from the Russian Federation and representatives from state entities signed three agreements among themselves.

federal agreement

This happened on March 31st. Ten days later, the Sixth Congress of People's Deputies (the highest body of state power of the RSFSR) approved the document and included its content in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Some legal information

We will talk about the reasons for signing the Federal Treaty (1992) a little lower. Now let's find out what legal power the document of interest to us has.

As mentioned above, in April 1992, the supreme body of state power of the RSFSR decided to include the text of the Federal Treaty in the Constitution. However, a year later, in this very basic document of the state, it was noted that constitutional norms far exceed the norms of the treaty itself. This information is contained in the first paragraph of the second section. Further (namely, in the third paragraph of the eleventh article) it is explained that the Federal Treaty is the main regulatory document for regulating and regulating federal relations. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state is a constitutional (and in no case non-contractual) federation. That is why the Constitution has the highest legal force in comparison with the contract of interest to us.

Parade of sovereignty

What events preceded the signing of the Federal Treaty in 1992? As you know, this event was the result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The process of disintegration began in 1988, when a conflict was brewing between the so-called union center of the former Soviet Union and the republics that are its members. The reason for such serious changes was the proclamation of the prevalence of republican laws and resolutions over union laws, which was a violation of the Constitution of the USSR, namely article 74. This conflict with the further separation of the republics is called a parade of sovereignty.

ussr map

In this regard, all union republics, as well as many autonomous ones, have adopted their own Declaration of Independence, thereby putting their legislation above state. In addition, the republics that declared their sovereignty took deliberate actions to strengthen their own economic independence, which included a refusal to pay taxes to the general union (and even federal) budget. This situation contributed to the cessation of economic and economic relations between the regions and republics of the USSR, which worsened the already difficult financial situation of the Country of Soviets.

What happened in the state in those difficult years?

Events before the collapse

To determine the prerequisites and consequences of signing the Federal Treaty, it is necessary to find out what situation provoked the creation of this regulatory document and what results were achieved by concluding such an important agreement.

The Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which at that time was part of the Azerbaijan SSR, is considered to be the very first territory that declared its sovereignty. This happened at the end of January 1990. What events provoked such a radical decision of the residents of Nakhichevan? On January 20, political opposition was suppressed in Baku. Armed units of the Soviet Army entered the city, as a result of which hundreds of peaceful Azerbaijanis were destroyed. This day forever entered Russian history under the name of Black, or Bloody, January.

The declaration of sovereignty of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was a precedent for the declaration of independence of other republics. Within seven months, six more republics announced their secession from the country. These were Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Estonia, Georgia and Moldova. And at the same time, some autonomous entities that were part of the last two territories announced their desire to remain among the republics of the Union. Such a decision was made by Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as Gagauzia and part of Transnistria.

It is noteworthy that not one of the Central Asian republics that are part of the Country of Soviets did not set as its goal independence from the center. In these territories, there were not even any parties or movements organized that defended the idea of ​​sovereignty.The only exception was the National Democratic Parties of Azerbaijan ("Popular Front") and Tatarstan ("Ittifak").

black january

Due to the fact that some republics wanted complete independence, the head of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev decided to modify the state structure of the Soviet Union by proposing a milder form of government - a decentralized federation, which would include only nine territories (of the fifteen that existed). His project was approved by the Fourth Congress of People’s Deputies, and in mid-1991 a special working group was created to form a new union treaty, called the Novoogarevsky process. However, the president’s plans were never destined to materialize.

The signing of this agreement was scheduled for August 20. However, the events known to all prevented the implementation of such an important event. The August putsch began the collapse of a great power. Despite the fact that a sharp change of power did not happen, Gorbachev began to lose his authority and leverage. Influence and power gradually passed into the hands of Boris Yeltsin, the president of the RSFSR, as well as the heads of other republics.

Around this time, almost all the republics and autonomous entities that are members of the Soviet Union declare their independence. In early September, the Council of State recognized the legality of secession from the country of the councils of such states as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Two months later, the leaders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, together with President Gorbachev, decided to sign an agreement on the creation of the so-called GCC (or Union of Sovereign States). However, these plans did not succeed.

The day before the signing of this document, the Bialowieza Agreements were signed, which officially announced the termination of the Union and the creation of an interstate organization, called the Commonwealth of Independent States. The documents were signed by the founding countries of the USSR (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). Soon, eight more republics joined them.


In what sequence did the Union republics secede from the Land of Soviets? The Estonian SSR was the first to speak of its own independence, and then the Lithuanian and Latvian. Then the Azerbaijan and Georgian SSR declared themselves. They were joined by the RSFSR, as well as the Uzbek, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Turkmen, Armenian and Tajik republics. They proclaimed their sovereignty in the summer of 1990. Then, in the fall, the Kazakh SSR declared its independence, and in December, the Kyrgyz SSR.

In addition to the republics, autonomous regions and territories included in their composition began to defend their right to sovereignty. First of all, we are talking about Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Transnistria and the island of Crimea.

The political consequences of the collapse of the Union

People still cannot agree on the consequences of the collapse of the Secular Union. Someone considers the fall of a great power a positive phenomenon. Others yearn for the Soviet past and condemn the events of those turbulent days. Be that as it may, no one knows a definite answer. It is known for certain that not all territories that declared their independence went along the path of development and progress. Other states, after the collapse of the Union, on the contrary, achieved great prosperity and prosperity.

Moreover, not all states proclaiming their sovereignty were recognized as such by the international community. Only in the late 2000s, partial international recognition was achieved by Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Some territories, such as Nagorno-Karabakh and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, are still fighting for their independence, which, of course, negatively affects their economic and political level of development.

On the other hand, some independent states have lost their sovereignty over time. This is, first of all, Tatarstan, Ichkeria (Chechen Republic) and Gagauzia. More about this can be found below.

Agreement signing

The collapse of the Soviet Union entailed an economic and political crisis that almost all of its territories had to endure. In addition to financial problems, Russia also experienced internal difficulties. Some autonomous regions included in its composition, declared their independence. This could adversely affect not only the state’s economy, but also the country's social and cultural life. Among other things, separatist sentiments everywhere intensified. For example, Chechnya refused to submit to Russia and recognize its independence on its territory. Tatarstan also refused to pay taxes to the general treasury and was going to introduce its own currency. To unite peoples and create a strong power, it was necessary to take certain actions. Boris Yeltsin decided to rally the country's population at the political level.

Boris Yeltsin

Thus, the signing of the Federal Treaty was initiated with the aim of resolving the brewing conflict between Russia and its constituent republics. This agreement was supposed to strengthen the state and regulate its domestic policy.

Difficulties on the road to unity

However, not all territories that are part of Russia have revealed a desire to sign a regulatory document. Categorical refused to sit at the negotiating table Chechnya and Tatarstan. Long negotiations were started with them. The parties reached a general agreement a few years later. Despite this, the signing of the agreement took place. This happened, as mentioned above, in 1992, March 31.

Essence of the agreement

Three treaties were signed that were supposed to regulate relations between state power and the power of individual territories that are part of Russia. According to this normative document, federal republics should have representatives in the chamber of the supreme legislative body of the state in the amount of not less than fifty percent of all occupied seats.

So, there were three contracts. What is their essence?

The first document was signed by representatives from the Russian Federation and the republics that are its members. The latter included the following territories:

  • Adygea.
  • Chuvash Republic.
  • Bashkortostan.
  • Khakassia.
  • Mordovian ASSR.
  • Buryatia.
  • Udmurtia.
  • Mountain Altai.
  • Dagestan.
  • Tuva.
  • Kabardino-Balkaria.
  • North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
  • Kalmykia.
  • Sakha (Yakutia).
  • Karachay-Cherkess SSR.
  • Mari El Republic.
  • Karelia.
  • Komi SSR.
  • Mari SSR.

Plenipotentiary representatives from the regions, regions and two large cities (St. Petersburg and Moscow) participated in the signing of the next agreement with representatives of the Russian Federation. In addition to the latter, the agreement was adopted:

  • Kursk region.
  • Murmansk.
  • Lipetsk region.
  • Magadan.
  • Altai region.
  • Amur region.
  • Volgograd.
  • Ivanovo region.
  • Moscow.
  • Penza region.
  • Samara.
  • Krasnodar region.
  • Vologodskaya Oblast.
  • Arkhangelsk.
  • Irkutsk region.
  • Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Perm region.
  • Saratov.
  • Primorsky Krai.
  • Astrakhan region.
  • Voronezh.
  • Kaliningrad region.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Pskov region.
  • Sakhalin.
  • Krasnoyarsk region.
  • Belgorod region.
  • Kaluga.
  • Kamchatka region.
  • Omsk.
  • Rostov region.
  • Sverdlovsk.
  • Stavropol region.
  • Bryansk region.
  • Kemerovo.
  • Kirov region.
  • Orenburg.
  • Ryazan Oblast.
  • Smolenskaya.
  • Khabarovsk region.
  • Vladimir region.
  • Kostroma.
  • Kurgan region.
  • Oryol.
  • Leningrad region.
  • Chitinskaya.
  • Tambov Region.
  • Tyumen.
  • Chelyabinsk region.
  • Tverskaya.
  • Yaroslavskaya oblast.
  • Tula.
  • Ulyanovsk.
  • Tomsk region.

The third contract was drawn up between the Russian Federation and the autonomous regions and districts that were part of it. These included:

  1. Jewish Autonomous Region.
  2. Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.
  3. Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug.
  4. Koryaksky.
  5. Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
  6. Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug.
  7. Ust-Orda Buryat.
  8. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  9. Chukchi.
  10. Evenk Autonomous Okrug.
  11. Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Relations with Tatarstan

The history of relations between Russia and Tatarstan is fascinating and full of contradictions. Did something unite states before the signing of the Federal Treaty?

A decree was signed between the USSR and Tatarstan in the spring of 1920. Its initiator was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In accordance with this agreement, in a certain territory covering part of the Ufa and Kazan provinces, an autonomous state was formed - the Tatar ASSR, which was part of the RSFSR. In the early 1990s, the territory received its modern name - the Republic of Tatarstan.

But what about the modern history of this state? Since 1991, negotiations have been held with him on the signing of the Federal Treaty. Tatarstan for three years defended its independence in order to sign an agreement with the Russian Federation on differentiation of authorities in early 1994. The signing of the document was attended by: on behalf of Russia - Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin (who was at that time the Chairman of the Government) and on behalf of Tatarstan - Mintimer Shaimiev (president of the country) and Muhammat Sabirov (prime minister).

agreement with Tatarstan 1994

According to this agreement, Tatarstan was considered an independent state, part of the Russian Federation. The republic was allowed to have its own legislation and the Constitution, the National Bank and its own foreign policy. In addition, Tatarstan had the right to establish and levy taxes in its own treasury. The republic could independently issue passports to its citizens and dispose of its natural resources, which were considered its special heritage. Moreover, financial preferences and some benefits were offered to the state.

This agreement has expired after ten years. After that, the Russian government proposed a new Federal Treaty, the signing of which took place in the summer of 2007. Although this agreement was mutually disadvantageous, it was accepted by both parties. From the side of Russia, its President Vladimir Putin spoke, and from the side of Tatarstan - the head of the Republic Mintimer Shaimiev. The normative document deprived Tatarstan of certain privileges and privileges. The duration of the agreement was also limited to ten years.

Relations of Russia with Chechnya

The signing of the Federal Treaty was rejected by Chechnya in order to create its own independent state. As mentioned above, the world community did not accept the sovereignty of the republic, which caused terrorism and the beginning of a bloody war on its territory.

Only in 1997, an agreement was signed between the Russian Federation and unrecognized Ichkeria, which included the basic principles for regulating relations between states. According to the document, residents of Chechnya were exempted from taxes on gas and electricity, and all other taxes went to the treasury of the proclaimed republic. In addition, both sides pledged to cease all hostilities. The question of the independence of Ichkeria was postponed indefinitely.

agreement with Chechnya 1997

The agreement was concluded between the presidents of the two countries - Boris Yeltsin from Russia and Aslan Maskhadov from the Chechen Republic. The purpose of this document was to establish peace in Ichkeria. However, this, unfortunately, could not be fully implemented.

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