
Extract from the Unified State Register: how to get, features

In Russia, for real estate transactions, it is mandatory to take an extract from the Unified State Register. How to get her? Where to send the corresponding request? How much does this certificate cost? The answers to these questions are to be found today. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. And even a citizen who does not understand anything in paperwork will be able to carry out an order for a certificate of the established form.extract from EGRP how to get


So what is an extract from the Unified State Register?

This document is a kind of certificate, printed, as a rule, on several sheets of A4 format. It indicates data on the property listed in the state register.

For some time now, the extract serves as an analogue of a certificate of ownership. Accordingly, they play a huge role in property transactions.

General Provisions

Thinking about how to get an extract from the Unified State Register, it is important to remember some of its features.

Certificates from the unified state register of rights are issued to almost everyone. The USRP information is in the public domain. So, anyone can study real estate data.

Statements are different. For example, among them there are:

  • certificates characterizing the property;
  • a history of transfer of ownership of property;
  • data on restrictions and burdens;
  • extended full statements.

Most often, citizens order either extended certificates or ordinary ones (those that describe in detail the specific "real estate" object). It should be noted that an extended interpretation is usually issued only to property owners.

What do

In order to be able to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, it is necessary to understand for what property such a document can be executed. As we said, you have to deal with real estate.extract from egrp where to get

The concept of "property" in Russia includes the following property:

  • unfinished buildings;
  • apartments;
  • garage places;
  • space for parking cars;
  • plots of land;
  • houses and cottages;
  • rooms.

Also included here are shares in the listed facilities. For all this real estate, you can easily issue an extract from the state register of rights. But how to do that?


First, a few words about what exactly can be learned from the mentioned document. Indeed, in a statement of the established form, certain information is stored.received an extract from the EGRP through

Much depends on the type of certificate ordered. Despite this, most often citizens can see in the extract of the Unified State Register:

  • full address of the property;
  • description of property;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • purpose of the object;
  • information about the owner;
  • type of property right;
  • date of issue of the certificate of ownership;
  • cadastral number of the object;
  • cadastral value;
  • information about arrests and encumbrances.

Here you will also find information about who filed a request for a certificate. It is for the sake of the information listed above that citizens require a study statement when dealing with property. The main thing is that it can determine the presence of encumbrances and establish the fact of the existence of property rights to an object.

Help Types

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register? It all depends on what type of document a citizen needs.

Today, you may come across ordinary paper help. It is most often found in practice. A citizen will be given an extract printed on paper. The document can be used later at its discretion.How to get an extract from the landline for real estate

An electronic interpretation is also available. In this case, a graphic document is sent to the person, which is an analogue of the USR paper statement.It can either be used digitally or printed.


Need an extract from the Unified State Register? How to get an individual her? To do this, you will have to remember that providing information from the registry of rights is a paid service. You will have to pay for a certificate.

How much exactly? The size of the service fee varies. We can say with confidence that a paper document is more expensive than an electronic one. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate? How much will the service cost?

Some sources indicate that an extract from the Unified State Register for individuals costs 200 rubles, for legal entities - 600. Electronic counterparts will cost 150 and 300 rubles, respectively. These rates are relevant for applications at the place of residence of the applicant.

If you submit a request to another registration authority, then you need to pay more. Citizens will transfer 300 and 200 rubles for paper and electronic information, and legal entities will transfer 900 and 400 rubles, respectively.extract from EGRP how to get an individual

Production methods

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register? There are several scenarios. The final choice is made by the citizen himself - as he is comfortable, so he makes the order of the document.

Today the USRP certificate can be issued:

  • personally;
  • through the Internet.

In practice, the first scenario is most often found. Ultimately, the citizen will receive a paper extract. If you order a document via the Internet, you can choose its interpretation. For example, you can get an electronic statement in this way with maximum comfort.

Place of receipt

And where to apply? Where to get an extract from the Unified State Register? On the territory of the Russian Federation, some public services are involved in issuing this certificate.

Which ones? Among them, it is customary to single out the Rosreestr and multifunctional centers. Also, the document is executed and issued in the cadastral registration chambers.

Speaking about Internet technologies, we can distinguish only 2 proven resources on which they provide the service being studied - State Services and the Rosreestra web page.

Step by Step Actions

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register? Let's start with a personal appeal to the registration authority. After all, as we have already found out, this is a fairly common practice. It doesn’t matter where exactly the citizen plans to come for a certificate - to the Rosreestr or to the MFC. The main thing is that the algorithm of actions in both cases will be the same.how to get extract from egrp via internet

A step-by-step guide to registering the USRP looks like this:

  1. Prepare documents for ordering statements.
  2. Write and submit a request to one of the registered bodies.
  3. Pay the state fee.
  4. At the agreed time, come to the registration organization and pick up the finished document.

It is recommended that all payments be made in advance. Otherwise, the application for a certificate will not go through the processing stage. He simply will not be accepted at the Rosreestr. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register is much easier than it seems.

Online Actions

Nevertheless, more and more often citizens are resorting to the use of the Internet to obtain a number of public services. This practice makes life much easier.

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register through the Internet? You can do this, as already mentioned, using the Rosreestr website.

To order a certificate, you must:

  1. Go to the website rosreestr.ru.
  2. In the "Services" section (it is usually located in the lower right corner of the page), click on "Obtaining information from the state real estate registry".
  3. Fill out an application - you need to enter data on the property and the customer.
  4. Indicate the type of reference being ordered.
  5. Write in which body it will be more convenient to receive an extract. If a citizen ordered an electronic certificate, then just enter the email address.
  6. Pay for the statement issuing service. Usually cashless payments are used for this task.

At this step, the main actions end. All that remains now is to wait. As soon as the extract is ready, the person will be informed about this. It will be possible to pick up a certificate of the established form at the Rosreestr or MFC.

If the applicant has drawn up an electronic version of the document, then, upon his readiness, a link will be sent to the e-mail by which the extract can be downloaded. Nothing difficult, special or incomprehensible!Russian registry to get an extract from egrp

Approximately in the same way, the order of the certificate through the "State Services" occurs. The difference is that instead of the "Services" section, you will have to click on "Services" - "Rosreestr / Cadastral Chamber", and a notification of readiness will come not only by e-mail, but also in the "Personal Account" on the site.

The timing

Now it’s clear how to get an extract of their USR. There is nothing incomprehensible in this. Making this information in real life is really really easy.

We received the EGRP statement in several ways - through the Internet and in person. But how long does it take to get the document ready?

If you apply to the registration authority for registration, the paper production time will be about 3 days. In the MFC, it increases to 5 days. If you go to the registration authority not by registration, then you need to wait more - up to 8-10 days.

In any case, obtaining a USRP statement does not take much time. Just a few steps - and the job is done!


An important point is the collection of documents requested during registration. They need a minimum amount. Nevertheless, citizens should still responsibly approach this nuance.

Most often, to order a USRP statement, you need:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • check with paid duty.

To order extended certificates you will need any title documents for the property.

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