
Will they be taken into the army if there is a child: law, features and recommendations

In Russia, young people are trying to do everything not to serve in the army. Only a few are responsible for the performance of their civic duties. Under certain circumstances, a service can inflict a serious blow on a person’s civilian life. For example, when it comes to a family man. Will they be taken into the army if there is a child? When is a full exemption from service, and when only a deferment? Is a wife’s pregnancy or childbirth really helping to postpone service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? We will have to figure out all of this further. In fact, everything is not so difficult to understand.will they be taken into the army if there is a child

Who is being called

First you need to find out which citizens are subject to compulsory military service. In Russia, the draft age is considered to be the period from 18 to 27 years inclusive.

This means that all male citizens in the indicated period of time will serve in the army. The duration of this period is 1 year.

Fortunately, there are exceptions. Under certain circumstances, citizens can both completely withdraw their obligation to serve and delay their performance. But when is this possible? And will they be taken into the army if there is a child?

Reasons for Release

Today in Russia, issues related to conscription, cause a lot of problems among the civilian population. Young people are interested in how not to legally serve. And is it possible?will they be taken into the army if 3 children

Yes. As already mentioned, a draftee can be given a reprieve or completely free him from the need to stay in the Armed Forces of the country.

When is this possible? By law, the following are not called up for military service:

  • people with disabilities
  • Citizens with serious illnesses (without assigning disability status);
  • persons with a scientific degree;
  • young people graduating;
  • people with outstanding convictions;
  • close relatives of citizens who died at military training or while serving in the army;
  • all men after 27 years.

These are the main categories of citizens who may receive a deferment or complete exemption from conscription. But what about family people? Will they be taken into the army if there is a child?

Are children a reason to postpone?

Definitely difficult to answer. After all, family circumstances can be different. Once a citizen is exempted from service, but once not.whether two children will be taken into the army

Will they be taken into the army if 3 children? According to the established legislation, fathers with many children must be exempted from service. In Russia, a delay can be obtained if there are 2 minors.

What does it mean? If a citizen has 2 small children (usually up to 3 years old), then we can hope that they will not be taken into the army.

Single parent

But there are exceptions. Are they being taken into the army if 2 children? Practice shows that yes. Conscripts are often taken to serve in the Armed Forces for a specified period.

However, this does not always happen. There are exceptions. The thing is that single fathers are not taken into the army. If there is no one else to look after the child, then the man can hope that he will not need to serve.

But what if the conscript has only 1 child? If a man is the sole parent of a minor, then, as was emphasized earlier, he will not be taken into the army. Only the status of a single father will need to be documented.

Children with disabilities

If a child is born, will they be taken into the army? In complete families, fathers are usually not exempted from military duties. They will have to serve the prescribed year, after which they will be able to return to everyday life.whether they are taking into the army with two children

Will they be taken into the army if there is a disabled child? On the territory of the Russian Federation, legislation indicates that at the birth of a disabled person, fathers may be released from service. But only for a certain period. Namely, until the 3rd anniversary of a disabled child. Then you still have to serve in the army. This is a normal, legal requirement.

Before giving birth

It is clear whether they will be taken into the army if there is a child. But what if the citizen has a pregnant wife during the call? After all, women after a certain period of their “interesting situation” become disabled and vulnerable, the burden of providing the family passes to the full extent of the man.

Fortunately, under certain conditions, a citizen can receive a reprieve from the army. To do this, he must have a wife with a pregnancy of more than 26 weeks. Then, before the birth, the army does not threaten the conscript. But after the birth of the child will still have to fulfill their civic responsibilities.

Another important nuance is that the mother of the child should be officially married to the conscript. Otherwise, it will not work to consider him the father of the baby. And the presence of minor children will not serve as an excuse for deferment of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.if 2 children are taken into the army

Real picture

All of the above circumstances in Russia exist at the legislative level. Life is unpredictable, and every family is an individual. Therefore, it is not necessary to speak clearly about the postponement from the army associated with the appearance of children. Each case is considered in the military commissariat separately.

How are things in practice? The family has two children. Will the father of the family be taken into the army if the kids have a mother who can raise them? Yes. As already mentioned, in practice, in the absence of the status of a single father, one will have to accept the call.

Reviews of women and men regarding the topic under study indicate that the military enlistment office does not care how many children are in the family. Men are actively called up for service, but they are often given layoffs and even leave. For example, after the birth of a baby.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? Conscription is something that many men try to avoid for one reason or another. Some believe that if they have minor children, they can permanently get rid of this duty.

This is actually not the case. Usually, fathers who single-handedly raise minors can hope to be released from service. In complete families, one can count on exemption from the army only when the unit of society is officially recognized as having many children. And no other way. Pregnancy of an official wife is another reason for a delay.if the child was born will they be taken into the army

Every year you will have to confirm your status and age of children in the military enlistment office. This is a normal occurrence that every draftee may encounter. Even if the man is the only breadwinner in the family, but he is not a loner, you will have to put up with the call. In this case, the mother woman will not be left without support, she will be assigned benefits for the entire duration of her husband’s service. Are they being drafted into the army with two children? In most cases, yes.

Based on the information studied, it can be concluded that exemption from conscription is 100% for large families. All other situations will be considered individually at the military registration and enlistment offices. Often, fathers are indeed called up to the Armed Forces, but upon execution they are given additional leave and dismissal. No exceptions or concessions. Military duty is imposed on all men in Russia.

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