
Vacant position substitution: terms and conditions of the competition

Replacing a vacant post involves hiring a new employee for a vacant post. This makes it possible to receive decent remuneration for their own work and attractive career prospects. In addition, a vacancy often hides a proposal to take a worthy position in government. Therefore, filling a vacant position can be a good prospect for young professionals if they manage to pass a competitive selection.

Jobs in Moscow


Substitution is different from regular employment. To get the desired vacancy in Moscow or another city, it is not enough just to send a resume and pass an interview. It is possible that the potential employer will have to prove his own skills and merits, as well as compliance with the proposal. It is possible that even a competition for filling a vacant position will have to take place. Each company has its own rules and requirements.

So, filling a vacant position gives a potential employee the opportunity to get a certain status. However, before you have to go through the special purpose procedure. The vacancy may be temporary or permanent. It depends on the conditions of the particular enterprise, to which the potential applicant agrees at his discretion.

post categories

For example, a new employee may replace a previous employee who has been laid off or temporarily on vacation. Depending on the reason for the absence of a previous specialist, you can understand for what period the vacancy is relevant. In the second case, a new employee can be called "acting", which becomes a signal of a temporary situation.

Replacement of a vacant position is possible both in the state and in the civil service.

Conditions of the competition

So, what requirements does a potential candidate need to fulfill?

civil service posts

To participate in the competition for filling a vacant position, adult specialists with the necessary set of knowledge and skills are allowed. Experience is also welcome. This is enough to be able to apply for very attractive vacancies in Moscow, including those related to public service.

Competition Procedure

In fact, the whole procedure involves only two stages.

  • Posting information to attract potential candidates.
  • Direct competition.

However, each of them implies features, which we will discuss below.

The first stage of the competition

vacancy procedure

First, the potential employer, or rather its personnel department, accepts applications from potential candidates who want to participate in the competition. You will also have to submit the following documents from the list:

  • Profile.
  • ID document.
  • Diploma of the availability of special education, as well as a copy of it.
  • Labor book, as well as a copy.
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of serious diseases.

This list may be supplemented at the discretion of the employer with some other documents permitted by Russian law.

Further, the personnel department considers the applications received within a month. The procedure for filling vacant positions obliges to notify candidates admitted to participate in the competitive selection. Then the fun begins.

The second stage of the competition

After compliance with the formalities, they proceed directly to the review and selection of candidates.The winner will receive a previously announced civil service or public position.

What activities may include competitive selection?

  • Interview
  • Careful familiarization with the submitted documents.
  • Stress testing.
  • Checking the availability of specialized skills and knowledge to successfully cope with the obligations stated in the vacancy.

If a candidate who has successfully passed the selection for some reason refuses the vacancy, it is submitted to the applicant, who won second place in the competition.

Competition will not take place

There are situations when the selection for a vacancy is not carried out. This is public information that can be found in advance.

  • If a new employee is hired for a short period.
  • If the head was appointed by decree of the President.
  • If a civil servant has been transferred to a new vacancy from his previous job.
  • If the position is granted to an employee registered in the personnel reserve.
  • If the vacancy does not involve serious responsibilities and does not require a specialized candidate to have specialized skills and knowledge.

Post categories

Vacancies can be filled in various fields of activity. However, all posts, in fact, are divided into only two categories: state and civil.

You need to understand that the features of the competition may vary depending on the conditions of the employer. Someone puts forward more loyal requirements for candidates, someone conducts a tough selection.

You need to understand that in the case of, for example, government officials, competitive selection is not the only way to nominate a candidate. Alternatives for him could be elections or election. All information is enshrined in law.

vacancy procedure

If we talk about competitive selection, it involves the presence of several candidates who are able to demonstrate their own work skills, experience, knowledge, etc. That is, everything that may interest a potential employer and prove useful for the performance of duties.

A special commission is created to evaluate candidates. She is engaged in evaluating applicants, taking into account the professional skills and knowledge of each of them. The selection result allows you to fairly distribute places between private traders. The specialist who occupies the first line of the list receives an appointment for a vacant position.

Reasons for refusal

If the applicant submits an application for participation in the competition, this does not mean that he will be allowed to participate in the competition.

There are many reasons why the personnel department may reject an application.

For example, in case of non-compliance with professional requirements. Theoretically, to fill a vacant position, it is enough to have a university diploma or a university. However, in practice, it may turn out that another specialization is needed, etc.

Also, candidates who have any administrative offenses cannot apply for competitive selection.

vacancy contest

So, having collected a lot of theoretical information, we can draw many conclusions regarding the prospects of filling a vacant position. It is possible that for someone this could be a serious step in career development. However, you must have sufficient professional skills to get around other candidates.

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