
Record in the work book about employment. Rules for registration of a work book

Record in the work book about employment is a very important component for any official employee, since this document legally certifies the work experience and work experience. Read more about the document in this article.

What is a work book?

A workbook is an official state document that confirms the owner’s work, his seniority, experience and place of work, and other similar information regarding official paid labor. All this information (for example, a probationary period when applying for a job) is necessary not only for the citizen himself to take up some position at his desired vacancy or to receive certain benefits provided by the society, but also for people who take jobs for a complete analysis of labor the applicant’s activities and assessing his potential usefulness in the ranks of this company.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as some regulatory documents, such as official decrees of the Ministry of Labor and governing bodies of the Russian Federation, are responsible for adjusting standards for filling out and maintaining a work book.

What does a work book look like?

Type of work book and its insert

This is a view of both the work book itself and the insert in it. This "appearance" along with the entire extensive list of rules related to the maintenance and storage of this important legal document, the printing of forms of the work book and sending them to all official employers was adopted by a special government decree, which is called: "On work books". It was adopted on April 16, 2003, although the labor document itself began to look like this only after January 1, 2004.

Despite the fact that this resolution contains a description of the type of the document we are considering today, there is no hint of how to fill it out correctly (and this information is really very important for the design of the work book); unless some brief rules regarding the process of filling out a citizen.

The very first paperwork

Employment process

The procedure for applying for a job is as follows: if a citizen is officially employed for the first time at the official level, the work book is handed to him from the employer himself after a contract is concluded between them (labor contract). In accordance with this, an order is issued by the organization, after which, within five days after the conclusion and execution of the contract, a corresponding note is entered in the form of the working document.

Accordingly, if a candidate for a position does not have a work book, this is not a reason to refuse to apply for a job and deprive a person of chances. On the contrary, such actions are unlawful, because a citizen earlier simply could not work, and he could not get a workbook in another way (and there is no reason). In this case, when entering a new work position, a person must personally write a statement, which is subsequently addressed to the employer, and requests directly to fill out the form (all this happens in accordance with Article No. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Then the document goes through the registration process in the accounting database of work books and their movements.

Therefore, the question is whether they will be hired without a work book, the answer is yes. True, only if an employee is suitable for the organization, then one should not expect miracles.

Who draws up the work book?

Everything related to the organization of storage and reporting on the work books of all employees of any organization, as well as making new entries in them - all this lies with the employer. But all these points are already performed on a factual basis by a special employee of the personnel department (although sometimes it can be some accountant or manager, this is not so important), which is appointed by a separate order from the organization. This employee has the right to maintain and fill out work books, to add new information and notes to them, as well as to sign them and fix all the data with the official seal. All this activity (as well as the very order on the appointment of the selected employee to this position) may subsequently be subject to inspection by the labor inspectorate.

Human Resources Officer

It is very important to take into account that to appoint to the post of manager of all processes related to work books, the employer can only be the employee who has such obligations specified directly in his employment contract or job description. If the employer is engaged in personnel accounting on his own, he is obliged by a separate order to take all these functions upon himself.

Required documents

To draw up a work book, a candidate for the position must provide his employer with a list of documents that are required to register the document, just like the employer contributes to this process. Here is the full list of documents you need:

  1. Certificate of education (certificate, diploma, etc.).
  2. Passport or other official identification document.
  3. The charter of the host company or certificate of individual entrepreneurship.
  4. The accounting journal in which labor books are kept.
  5. Post stamp confirming the entry of the work book into legal force.

Workbook Content

A work book is a document from the cover and three different parts inside, each of which is responsible for certain information about its owner. Namely:

  1. Title page. It contains information about the owner of the work book (F. I. O., date of birth, passport details, etc.).
  2. Work data. They take into account the entire working experience of the owner of this document, including the name of the organization, the position that a person held there, the duration of the provision of labor services, etc., just like the entry in the work book about temporary admission.
  3. Department of awards. It highlights all the special achievements of the employee, which in the future can bring him numerous bonuses, including when applying for a new job.

Cover page design

The title page of the work book

It is necessary to fill out the cover page of such an important legal document as a work book with great accuracy, therefore a specially trained employee is responsible for this, who is responsible for storing, maintaining and entering the necessary information on the forms. This employee is appointed directly by the head of the organization.

The title page contains data that looks like this:

  1. F. I. O. worker.
  2. Date of his birth.
  3. Received education.
  4. The profession in which the education was received.
  5. The specialty of this profession.

The first two paragraphs fit into the work book in the same way as in the passport, without any abbreviations. Information about education is taken from the diploma and transferred to the title page with accuracy. If, say, a student is applying for a job, that is, the applicant does not have a completed education, then information about his profession appears on the form only after the student receives a diploma.

A citizen who is issued a labor document needs to independently verify all the information entered and confirm its validity with a signature, and if he finds an erroneous entry in the labor book (which was accepted or something else) that was filled in, the form is destroyed and a new one is entered into which again all the required information is entered. If no errors were made, the surname of the employee who filled out the work book, his signature and company seal are indicated in a special column.


In the event that the information contained in the title page has changed for some reason, it is crossed out, and a new one is written next to which documents on the inside of the cover are listed that are the basis for changing the information (these include passport and papers, for the issuance of which is responsible for the registry office). Thus, you can cancel the entry in the work book about employment, and it is important to know about it.

Registration of information about work

Registration of a work book is a prerequisite for entering a work position, which is based on article number 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Even in ordinary work, personnel officers of various organizations use letterhead forms that are similar to a work book when hiring candidates for work.

Record in the work book about employment is as follows:

  • In the section entitled "Information about the work" the name of the organization itself is entered, after which the serial number of the record is placed in the first column under it.
  • In the second column it is necessary to enter the date when the employee actually started his labor duties.
  • The third one records information about the position, which the owner of the working document takes (for example, "accepted for the position of accountant" in the work book - this is the norm).
  • The fourth column is the details on which the order was issued.

The probationary period for employment is taken into account.

Sample employment record about employment

However, this is not all. It is also important to consider that acceptance by transfer (entry in the work book) is made if the employee quit his former organization by official transfer to a new one.

Award Information Section

This section looks like this:

Information about the awards in the workbook

A sample entry in the work book about employment you can see above.

Basic filling rules

To correctly complete the process of filling out a work book with the necessary data, follow these steps:

  1. Entries in the workbook are made with fountain pens (fountain, gel, roller - it does not matter) with blue, black or purple. Ink of other colors is not allowed for paperwork.
  2. The numbers in the work book must be Arabic, and the dates must be in the format dd / mm / yyyy.
  3. The design language is Russian. However, if in some individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation there is additionally another language at the state level, then in the process of entering all the necessary information into the workbook, you can use it.
  4. All words and phrases fit into the document in full form, that is, without any abbreviations. This applies to posts, and various orders - in general, everything that is contained within the form of interest to us.
  5. All data in the workbook must comply with orders officially issued by the organization.
  6. To enter all the necessary data, the employee responsible for filling out and maintaining reports on labor books has no more than a week from the moment of the immediate event. The exceptions relate to the record of employment, which, as we recall, is made within five days, as well as the record of dismissal: it is made on the day the dismissal takes effect.
  7. Any entry in the work book is necessarily accompanied by its serial number. Although in the case of record numbers in the work book, however, there are also a few exceptions:
  • in the event that the employer himself changes his name, the need to put a serial number disappears;
  • if a duplicate work book is being created, the record of the employee’s experience is also deprived of the need to attach a serial number to it;
  • the headings of the work information section are not subject to numbering.

The owner of the work book must be familiar with all the entries in it under the signature.

Can I own two work books?

In accordance with labor legislation, any employee should have only one work book, directly with which the employee of the organization responsible for entering data conducts work. However, there are situations in which, for some reason, a person has a second work book: for example, if an employee after leaving his job he lost his job document, and then found it, but after issuing a new one upon entering the next position.

In this case, the employee is not threatened with any fines or sanctions, because the legislation simply does not provide for such measures. The employer also has no right to punish the employee in any way, let alone fine or even refuse to hire, if so far it is only a candidate. It is only important for him to take into account that inscribing all the necessary working information is carried out in only one single work book, since ownership of two at once, again, is not legally prescribed in the law.

Basically, you can just throw out the extra work document.

Side job

Some categories of citizens (for example, minors, drivers, medical workers, etc.) have the right to be taken part-time. The entry in the workbook in this case is supplemented after recording the position with the wording “part-time”.

There is also a separate rule for those who conclude an agreement with the employer as a student (student, trainee). Similarly, the document notes all this. “Adopted by the student” - the entry in the work book in this case looks exactly like this.

Paperwork in future employment

But working in different organizations for two different work books is illegal and strictly punishable by the court. Therefore, remember that an application to the employer with a request for the issuance of a new form should be made only if you really lost your work book and you simply do not have it.

The entry of information into this document upon entry into new job positions after the first is carried out according to the same principle as before (except that the title page remains unchanged). You have already seen a sample entry in the work book about employment.

Samples of filling in cases of employment and dismissal

As already mentioned in this article, when an employee takes up a new position, the employer not later than five days writes information about this action, performed on the basis of an official order, directly into the workbook itself. If a citizen is employed for the first time, then he puts his signature on the title page of his new labor document, thereby confirming the absence of any errors in filling in the data (although he is not responsible for this notorious correct filling).

Do not forget that if the employer is an individual who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur, then he is deprived of the right to acquire new work books at the legislative level (and all this is done exclusively in accordance with laws on official registration for work). In this case, all data on the experience and work activities of the employee will be notarized by a written contract, which is concluded specifically in such cases.

On the day when the employee leaves his job (that is, finishes the last day of work, also provided for by the law and for which a serious penalty is provided for ignoring), the employer is obliged to issue him all the documents related to the position, including the work book. After that, the employer calculates the employee, gives him the last salary, and on that their paths diverge.

There are cases in which the employer for some reason cannot give the employee a work book.Then he draws up a written protocol from which the employee learns about the need to pick up the document and agrees to send it to him by mail. From the moment the employer has sent this message to this person, he does not bear any responsibility for possible delays in receiving him a former employee of the work book. He also avoids this responsibility when the actual last day of the worker is different from the day indicated on the expiration date of the employment contract drawn up upon assuming office.

Dismissal is not easy

There are many similar situations, and all of them are diverse, therefore, an employee of the organization, who is the main in matters of personnel affairs and maintaining work books, needs to study all possible grounds for legal actions related to employment, as well as the wording that will need to be entered in each individual case.

An entry in the work book about hiring is understandable, however, when a dismissal is made, it is very important to take into account that its grounds and reason must somehow correspond to what is written in this regard in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The dismissed employee must personally sign the record of his dismissal, just like the employer, after which all this information receives a special seal of the organization, after which it is considered legally certified and reliable.

Nuances and interesting facts

It is not necessary for owners of old-style work books to be replaced with new ones, and the federal body responsible for the service related to labor and employment of citizens (called Rostrud) back in April 2017 approved the cancellation of work books, which has been talked about for many years.

This is due to the desire of the authorities to increase the protection of the rights of working citizens, as well as significantly simplify or completely preempt many bureaucratic processes associated with the maintenance, storage and transfer of work books. Moreover, the item of state budget expenditures going directly to the production and distribution of these documents by paper mail will be reduced. In several countries of the post-Soviet space, even rejection of labor books as such has already been made.

It is not yet clear when to wait for this cancellation in Russia, however, it can already be noted that this will positively affect all legal calculations. Particularly convenient is the transition from paper work books to electronic ones (and this will subsequently be done in electronic format) will be for those workers who carry out their labor activities remotely or using the so-called shift method.


This article was devoted to general issues on the acquisition and entry of information in the work book. We hope all your questions have been clarified.

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