
Note-calculation upon dismissal. The basic rules of paperwork

One of the prerequisites for the proper execution of the dismissal process is the receipt of the final payment by the employee. This is indicated in article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So that subsequently there would be no misunderstanding regarding the accrued amount, a note-calculation upon dismissal must first be drawn up. The document itself and the rules for its preparation need to be discussed in more detail.

Sequential steps

The termination of labor relations only at first glance seems to be a quick and uncomplicated matter. In fact, this procedure represents a certain order of actions that are carried out in stages and interconnected with each other. Each step in this chain must be done correctly and on time. In the case of dismissal on their own initiative, it all starts with a statement by the employee. If the decision is made by the employer, then appropriate papers should be drawn up. After that, an order is issued, on the basis of which a note-calculation is made upon dismissal.

dismissal note

The employees of two services take part in its design: the personnel department and accounting. Each of them, in turn, contributes information to it, which relates to the duties performed by him. Only after this the note-calculation upon dismissal becomes a full-fledged document and becomes legally valid. It includes everything that is necessary for the final settlement with the employee.

Important details

Sometimes a note-calculation upon dismissal is made in electronic form. This is very convenient and makes it possible at any time to have the right information at hand. But the question arises: is it necessary to print this document or can it be left in its original form? The law in this case does not provide any specific instructions. Therefore, the decision must be made based on the logic of reasoning, taking into account all the available arguments. Of course, no one can forbid specialists to independently choose the method of storing documents. But in this case it is necessary to take into account that on this form there should be two signatures from both sides (personnel officer and accountant), which confirm everything written in it. Therefore, a regular file with unconfirmed information cannot be considered valid and have legal force. Accordingly, it is better to transfer it to paper and archive it along with other documents related to remuneration.

Document Content

How is a note-calculation made upon dismissal? A sample of the filling can be found in the instructions that are usually attached to such a form. In principle, there is nothing complicated.

note calculation upon dismissal sample filling

Specialists can only fill in the necessary columns. The first is the personnel officer. It indicates the details of the employee, as well as the personnel number, position and structural unit. Next, you need to mark the date, reason and reason for dismissal. After that, he can only calculate how many days of labor leave and for what period the employee did not manage to use. Then comes the accountant's turn. He writes out all payments due for the billing period. After that, he makes the calculation of the average earnings (per day or hour), and then separately calculates the amount of money laid for unused vacation, taking into account the advance taken earlier. The final result is tabulated, and the total is duplicated in words. It also indicates the number of the expense order or payroll, according to which the dismissed employee will have to receive his money.

Approved Document Form

All documents that are used to formalize the procedure for the dismissal of employees were approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in a separate resolution No. 1 dated 5.01.2004. This also includes a note-calculation upon dismissal. The form has a specific form No. T-61, which must be strictly observed. It is not necessary to order a standard form from a print shop or other organization. In principle, such a paper can be compiled arbitrarily. The main thing is that all the necessary information is set out in it in full and in a certain sequence. If, as a rule, no questions arise with the front side, the back of the form sometimes causes difficulties.

note calculation upon dismissal

It must be remembered that as payments for the billing period, it is necessary to take the amounts that are usually used in calculating average earnings. The number of calendar days is taken based on the average monthly value. In addition, it is necessary to deduct the amount of taxes due and advances received earlier. Otherwise, filling out the form is not difficult.

Sequential actions

For any company, termination of employment is not uncommon. People are looking for another job or commit rash acts in violation of the law. These actions, as a rule, lead to dismissal. In this situation, it does not matter what was the cause. In any case, a note must be drawn up for such an employee upon dismissal. An example of filling out this document, in principle, can not be considered. Indeed, in each individual case there will be its own special circumstances.

note calculation upon dismissal filling example

The main thing to remember is that there are no unnecessary or unnecessary columns in this form. Each of them must have its own information, and in case of its absence, you can put a dash. For example, if an employee has no debts to the company or has not previously taken part-time leave, then this must be noted. It is also necessary to monitor compliance with deadlines. The date of dismissal must be consistent with the order and resolution on the application. The calculation must be approved by the same number.

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