
Memo: how to write, design rules and sample

A memo is an interstate document through which official communication between employees occurs. Its content is reduced to assignments, the performance of any tasks, etc., that is, working issues. Despite the fact that writing a memo is a simple matter, and unregulated by very strict rules, nevertheless, you need to know them. In this article, we will consider the procedure for compiling this documentation, types, etc.memo


The nature of the service note is informational, which means it contains certain notifications, messages, instructions, etc. The issues addressed in it relate to the specific employee to whom it was sent. In other words, a memo is a toolbox for communication within an enterprise.

Note: the obligatory memo has not been established. This is an additional document, although orders and instructions may be drawn up on its basis.


The memo is considered to be frequently used documentation, at the same time, not included in the list of officially classified management papers. Widely used, it becomes communication at the horizontal level: that is, it is compiled by an employee of one unit to transfer a request or proposal to an employee of another.

Important: the statuses of the control objects between which communication is made through a memo must be equivalent. Otherwise, the document is considered not a memo, but a memo.how to write a memo

Purpose of use

A memo for work can be used in various cases.

Here are some examples:

  • for employee bonuses;
  • to send an employee on a business trip;
  • reporting to the logistics department about equipment malfunction;
  • purchase memo;
  • notification of the security chief from the head of any other unit about the need for unauthorized persons (not employees) to enter the company building with reasons;
  • a request in the form of a memo sent to the accounting department for the allocation of material resources for certain needs, etc.

Selected cases for writing memos

Although the memo is considered an internal paper, one of its varieties is a document sent to the attestation commission. However, using sticky notes solely for working communication is still more common.how to write a memo

How to write a memo?

The basic rules for writing a memo are similar to any other. They include writing on a sheet of A4 format, instructions from whom and to whom it is sent, certification by date and signature. But how to write a memo in compliance with all requirements?

  • in the center (also allowed on the left side of the sheet) write the corresponding name of the document;
  • There are two options for writing the date - both in completely Arabic numerals and the indication of the month in words;
  • in the title, a brief description of the contents of the document can be added to the main heading;
  • Information about the sender and the recipient must be complete: name, surname and patronymic, full name of the position and department (unit) to which this position is attached.

Service Note Content

The answer to the question of how to write a memo includes not only the details and attributes of this document, but also what its content should be.

The paper under consideration does not require a statement of the essence of the problem in a very dry and official language - free narrative is allowed, however, specifically reflecting the reason for writing.

The content is usually divided into two parts. The first of these is called the preamble. It briefly talks about what prompted the drafter to write a memo and send it to a specific employee.writing a memo

The second part is considered the main, it is also larger than the preamble. This text includes a statement of the direct request or proposal. To it can be added an analysis of the situation, conclusions and results.

The form

When asked about how to write a memo, some companies simply provide their employees with a special form. But, it should be noted, this is not a mandatory unification - GOST provides only advisory provisions (regarding fonts, dimensions and spacing) without an approved sample. However, if this exists in a particular company, it is best to stick with it.

Service and memos

A little higher in the note, it was noted how the official and reporting notes differ. But many people are still inclined to confuse them with each other.

The most common errors are:

  • memo for the employee from the employee to the boss (in fact, a report);
  • about salary increase;
  • about promotion.

The last two involve treatment not at the horizontal level, but vertically, which denies the definition of a memo.

Important: the division of memos into memos and explanatory a priori is incorrect.

check in

All memos are recorded in the registry. Depending on how the paperwork is organized in each particular company, either the one who drew up the paper or the one who received it can deal with this. In any case, this boils down to the fact that the service note is assigned a unique number, which should be indicated in its text.employee memo

Sample memo

"Sales Department, Director of the Information Technology Division V. A. Kutsak
№ 19-43/102
April 13, 2015
On testing the status of a PC for its performance
Starting from 04/10/2015 in the personal computer of a sales employee R. D. Maksimenko there are regular malfunctions, namely: a reboot without giving this command to the PC, problems with turning on / off, and also screen flickering. Due to the described, I ask you to carry out the necessary diagnostics by the specialists of your department in order to detect the causes of the malfunctions, as well as to successfully resolve them. I suggest that the results of the testing be issued in writing, with summed up on further actions: repair or replacement of the machine.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev "

Suppose it turned out that the PC is not repairable. In this case, we draw up a memo to write off the equipment.

Example decommissioning note

"Sales department, Logistics Director Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 21-45/104
April 16, 2015
About decommissioning an inoperative PC
Beginning April 10, 2015, regular malfunctions occurred in the personal computer of a sales employee, R. Maximenko. The diagnostics carried out as a result of this by the specialists of the IT department showed the following: the PC is not suitable for further operation. In this regard, I ask to write off the above equipment for inoperability.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev "

In addition to her, you will need another note - to replace the decommissioned equipment.work memo

Equipment Replacement Note

"Sales Department, Director of the Logistics Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 22-46/104
April 17, 2015
About replacing a broken PC
The personal computer of a department specialist, Maksimenko R. D., was decommissioned and needs to be replaced due to its inoperability (according to doc. No. 20-44 / 103 of 04/15/2015).Please provide new equipment that matches the decommissioned parameters. Please inform about the implementation in writing. I am attaching to the note the report of the information technology division on the diagnostics and its results.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev "


Typically, writing a memo does not cause problems. This interstate document is a fairly familiar means of communication between different levels of government. Only “confusion” between memos and memos can cause conditional barriers (the article indicates how they differ).

In some companies, the compilation of memos takes place exclusively according to the introduced and approved model (in this case, it is better to stock up with special forms for them), in others it is more than free.

When compiling this document, one should be guided by the same rules as for other papers - the font and spacing according to GOST, the date and signature for the validity of the note.purchase memo

In general, a memo is a very convenient toolkit, which is easy to master and, when used correctly, there is a well-coordinated and clear work of a team of organizations. It helps to maintain a holistic connection between departments, and also strengthens the structure that they make up.

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