
Application for a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child - features of preparation and sample

The appearance of a child in the family is, of course, a happy event, but also costly. The state seeks to support young families and help provide the newborn with everything necessary. For this, parents are entitled to certain payments related to pregnancy, childbirth and caring for him. Such support, as well as the application for a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child, will be discussed later.

sample lump sum application

Possible benefits

After learning about pregnancy, future parents begin to plan the family budget for the period of maternity leave, because it is often difficult to live on one husband’s salary. In such a situation, payments that are designed to support future parents come in handy:

  • The very first payment is due to expectant mothers who consulted a doctor in the first months of pregnancy. To get it, you need to be examined by a gynecologist before the 3rd month of pregnancy. Thus, the legislator encourages women to seek medical help as early as possible and to keep their baby's health and health under control, as this maximizes the chances of a successful outcome. The allowance is a fixed small amount, paid along with the maternity allowance. When applying for a sick leave, you need to take a certificate from the consultation and submit them simultaneously to the personnel department.
  • The next and most significant payment is accrued after the provision of a sick leave issued during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period to the personnel department. She is forty percent of the average woman’s earnings. Some employers in collective agreements provide for a surcharge of up to one hundred percent of average earnings.
  • After the birth of a child, the establishment of his official status as a citizen, and the receipt of a birth certificate, one can begin collecting documents for processing a one-time allowance for the birth of a child. A sample lump-sum application is located below.
  • Then, after the end of the period of incapacity for work, the mother can go to work or stay to look after the child for one and a half or three years. In addition to mom, any relatives can do this, they will receive support from the state in the form of compensation for forty percent of lost wages.

This article will examine in detail the design mechanism and the procedure for filling out an application for a one-time allowance for the birth of a child.

lump sum application for a child

Benefit claimants

In the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012n of December 23, 2009, you can find a list of people who have the right to apply for a one-time allowance. It includes:

  • One of the parents. Moreover, it is important that if one of the parents does not work, then the working parent will draw up the allowance.
  • Unemployed Moms.
  • Contracted mothers who are certified officers of the police, customs, and fire service.
  • Foreign citizens insured in the compulsory medical insurance system.
  • Women who have adopted a baby.

If as a result of a multiple pregnancy two or three children simultaneously appear, payment will be charged on each of them. The only condition is the vitality of the child, in the case of the death of the baby, it does not make sense to write an application for a lump-sum child allowance, since its nature means helping to provide the child with necessary things at first.

Statement concept

Application for a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child - a written expression of the will of the applicant to receive support from the state for the maintenance of a newborn child.

lump sum application for a child

Application Features

Article 11 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-ФЗ “On state benefits to citizens with children” establishes some features of applying for a one-time allowance for child birth:

  • only one of the parents or a substitute person can write a statement;
  • confirmation must be attached to the application that the second parent did not receive state support of this kind;
  • in the case of the birth of several children, applications are submitted separately for each child;
  • if a dead child is born, no application is submitted;
  • the amount of payment in the application does not need to be indicated, it is universal, does not depend on the salary of the applicant, varies depending on the area in which the applicant works.
application for a lump-sum birth benefit

How to apply for benefits

A feature of social assistance in Russia is that the initiative to receive any payments from the state should come from citizens, otherwise no payments will be made. Including the application for a lump-sum allowance, one of the parents must write independently in the personnel department of the enterprise or in the office of social protection of the population. At the same time, you must not miss a period of six months, during which you should apply for benefits.

The content of the application is free in nature, but should include:

  • the addressee to whom the citizen applies for payment;
  • degree of kinship with the child (mother, father), applicant's full name;
  • his passport details and address;
  • in the main part, the applicant announces his desire to receive childbirth allowance and indicates a current account for the transfer of funds;
  • date and signature.

The following is a sample application for a birth benefit.

sample application for birth benefits

Documents for registration

It’s not enough just to write a statement to draw up the manual. Clause 28 of Order No. 1012n fixes the list of documents attached to the application for a lump-sum benefit at birth:

  • Duplicate of the document confirming the registration of the child in the registry office.
  • Birth certificate that parents receive in a single copy when registering a child with the registry office. This certificate is valid for 6 months.
  • Certificate that the second parent did not claim benefits at the place of his work. If the father does not work, she is issued by the social security authority.
  • If the parents are not employed, the applicant must provide an extract from the work book, certified by the employment center.
  • If the applicant is registered in another region, then he provides a certificate stating that he did not receive this allowance at the place of permanent residence.
  • Extract from the adoption decision, if the adoptive parents claim for payment.
  • Confirmation of the status of stay in the Russian Federation, if we are talking about a foreign citizen.
  • Divorce certificate and proof of residence with one of the parents, if they are divorced.

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