
Application for privatization: drafting rules and legal advice

Privatization in Russia is still free. And it attracts many citizens. Indeed, this operation allows the population to take ownership of public housing. To do this, you just have to submit an application for privatization to the registration authority. Some documents are attached to it, after which the tenants are waiting for a decision. In the case of a positive answer, it remains only to conclude a privatization agreement and formalize property rights in the prescribed manner. But how to make a statement of the established form? What you need to know before serving? Below we will talk about all the features of privatization in Russia.privatization application

Who is eligible

To begin with, we will try to understand who can participate in the operation being studied. Not everyone is able to privatize public housing.

Participants in privatization can be both adults and children. Free service is provided once in a lifetime. But participants under 14 years of age retain this right after adulthood.

Persons who can apply for privatization include all citizens registered in municipal housing. Only they have the right to register housing as property.

Where to get

Some are interested in where to get the privatization application. Indeed, in Russia the bulk of applications have certain preprinted forms. By filling them out at the prompts, it will be possible to form the most correct and competent request.

An application for housing privatization can be obtained easily.

Take it to the privatization department in the department of housing policy / city administration;

  • download;
  • create yourself.

It is best to either download the forms or take them from an authorized agency. Free writing of a document often slows down the privatization process.sample privatization application

Writing principles

And what will the sample application for the privatization of the apartment look like? If you create a document yourself, you will have to understand some key points.


  1. The beginning of the document is the header. It is written in the upper right corner and contains information about the applicants, as well as about the body to which citizens apply.
  2. It is imperative to register the full address of the property being registered as an applicant.
  3. In the application, all persons participating in privatization are prescribed without fail.
  4. At the end of the application, a list of attached papers is compiled.

In principle, that’s all. If someone refused to participate in the operation, citizens can indicate this in a statement. This technique will greatly facilitate life when questions arise in the housing department.privatization declaration

About the lawsuit

Sometimes a claim for privatization may come in handy. This paper is necessary in case of failures. Citizens who are confident in the legality of their actions have the right to defend their interests in court.

What data should be in such a privatization application? For example:

  1. Information about the status of housing. It must be municipal.
  2. Data from a social contract of employment. It is necessary to register all citizens entitled to privatization and the grounds for the emergence of such opportunities.
  3. A list of all participants in the operation.
  4. Links to privatization refusals. They must be documented.
  5. Justification of the decision on privatization.

In fact, citizens simply turn to lawyers who help draw up a lawsuit in the established form. But in real life, denials of privatization are extremely rare.

When do you need a lawsuit

A sample claim for privatization is presented to our attention.This document may be required in exceptional cases.privatization lawsuit

When? Most often, the following reasons for filing a lawsuit are identified:

  1. If the apartment does not belong to the municipality, but people still want to own it.
  2. In case of confusion with the number of applicants for the property.
  3. If there are disputes regarding the status of housing.
  4. Missed deadlines for registration of property rights.
  5. An incomplete package of documents was provided or it turned out that the papers were fake.

As we have already said, privatization, with proper preparation, takes place without any problems. And no ships are threatened by the bulk of the residents.

Application Features

What features of the privatization application must be taken into account when implementing the task?

There are not many of them, but some people are unaware that some information needs to be written in the request. What is this about?

The thing is that in the application of the established form you must specify:

  • the type of property rights that arise in citizens (shared or joint);
  • number of rooms in housing;
  • total area of ​​the apartment / house.

It is important to remember that children cannot refuse to privatize in favor of any of the residents. If you want to exclude a minor child who has reached the age of 14 from applicants for property, it is imperative to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities for this. Otherwise, the operation will be refused.

Terms of consideration

How long is the application for recognition of privatization considered? The lawsuit of the established form, as well as the usual request for re-registration of the state apartment in private ownership, is studied no more than 30 days.privatization claim

This means that citizens will receive one or another answer within a month from the date of application. If there is no answer, you can go to court. But, as a rule, such problems usually do not arise.


How to draw up a sample application for the privatization of an apartment, we already understand. But what documents come in handy for implementing the idea? Without them, privatization simply does not take place.

Typically, residents are required to:

  • order;
  • cadastral passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • social contract of employment;
  • passports
  • birth certificates of children;
  • refusals of participation in privatization, certified by a notary;
  • consent of guardianship authorities to remove children from privatization;
  • certificates with registration of participants;
  • extracts from the house book;
  • certificates of family composition;
  • a document confirming the lack of housing owned by a citizen.

It's enough. If any documents come in handy for a particular case, then this will be reported to the housing department. But usually no further help is needed.

Step-by-step instruction

Now consider in more detail the application for privatization. How can I describe this process step by step? The instruction written below will help to avoid problems and failures in the implementation of the idea.sample application for privatization of an apartment

Privatization guidelines come down to the following steps:

  1. The manifestation of the initiative. At this time, one of the residents should offer to privatize housing.
  2. Definition with a choice. Each person registered on the territory either agrees to participate in privatization, or goes to a notary public and writes a refusal. In the absence of refusals and agreements from some tenants, privatization will be impossible.
  3. Collection of documents. This is the most critical part. And for some, complicated. After all, you need to collect a lot of papers. Their list is already known.
  4. Writing / filling out an application for privatization. We have already talked about how and where to get this paper.
  5. Submitting a request to the housing department of the municipality.
  6. Waiting for an answer.
  7. Signing of the privatization agreement at the appointed time in case of a positive decision.
  8. Registration of property rights to property.

In real life, privatization is often delayed due to the fact that some tenants do not draw up refusals to participate in the operation. Nor do they act as applicants. Under the law, under such circumstances, privatization can be forgotten.That is why a similar issue should be resolved in advance.

About registration of rights

From now on, it is clear how to correctly write a statement on privatization. And the lawsuit as well. The final stage will be the registration of property rights in the MFC or in the Rosreestr.

To do this, citizens need to bring with them:

  • passports
  • privatization agreement;
  • court decision (if any);
  • cadastral passport of real estate;
  • application for amendments to the Unified State Register.

For minor citizens, birth certificates must be brought separately. Otherwise, the new data will not be entered in the state register of rights.

Certificates of ownership on the basis of privatization are issued approximately 5-10 days after the application to Rosreestr. You need to take this paper with ID.apply for privatization


We got acquainted with the privatization of housing in Russia. This is actually not such a difficult task.

If you need to go to court, do not neglect this measure of protection of rights. Judicial authorities often side with the tenants of an apartment. Therefore, the chosen method of protecting civil rights is very effective. It is on the basis of a court order that a privatization agreement will be concluded in this case.

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