
Visa Application: Sample Application Form

It is not so easy to draw up a document in Russia. This is especially true for topics related to overseas travel. For example, it is not clear to everyone how to apply and draw up an application for a visa. We will deal with this topic today. This is actually not such a difficult task. In any case, if you prepare in advance for the process, then you can realize the idea in life without problems or with minimal losses.visa application

The form

An application for a Schengen visa (such a document interests people most often) takes a certain form. And it will have to be respected.

The request is submitted only in writing. The application is a form that a citizen must fill out. An electronic application is allowed, but this option is not too common.

Main conditions

Filling the study paper is a lot of trouble for citizens. The basic principles for creating a visa application directly depend on the conditions dictated by the consulate in which the paper is submitted.

Usually, all requirements can be seen either on the information stands or on the official pages of the consulates of various states. But this does not mean that the citizen will not cope with the task on their own. Below we will consider the general principles for filling out visa applications.


Let's start with the language in which this or that information will be submitted. This is one of the most important points of the topic being studied.

An application for a Schengen visa, like any other, in Russia is filled out exclusively in transliteration (Russian words are written in Latin letters) or in English.Schengen visa application

In addition, it is allowed to fill out a questionnaire in the language of the state to the consulate of which the citizen is applying. The main thing is that all the text should be written in the same language.

How to fill

An application for a visa is proposed to fill in various ways. It all depends on what the citizen prefers.

For example, you can fill out a document online. In this case, the request provides a fingerprint of the requested information in the designated fields from the PC keyboard.

Nevertheless, the bulk of the questionnaire is filled out either on a computer and then printed, or directly by hand. It is the latter option that prevails. But such a reception will have to be taken very carefully and responsibly.

Briefly about the principles of filling

The application for a visa, as we have already found out, is filled out mainly in English or in transliteration. Moreover, as practice shows, by hand.

When filling out the questionnaire in the established form, you will have to enter information in all the items printed on the form. The text should be written without typos and corrections. The letters are ideally written in capital letters.

The handwriting with which a visa application should be filled out should be legible, beautiful and readable. People with small, illegible handwriting may have some problems filling out a visa application. They are recommended to either try hard, or resort to the help of visa centers, or print a questionnaire on a printer with information entered in advance on the form.visa application

About the pens

It is hard to believe, but the requirements in the matter under study include the need to use specific pens when filling out questionnaires by hand. What is this about?

Ideally, you need to use a black gel pen for your visa application form, but you can get by with a ballpoint pen. Blue feathers are also acceptable. But colored pastes are prohibited.

Something doesn’t apply

A sample visa application form will be presented below.In fact, the listed rules are not difficult to remember. And therefore, even a beginner is able to cope with the task!

Sometimes it happens that the visa application has items that are not relevant to the applicant. But, as we have already said, all fields must be filled. What to do?

In paragraphs that are not related to the applicant, it is required to put “Not applicable” marks. Or "No". Inscriptions suitable for the situation being studied are usually reported at the consulates. Nevertheless, the use of the studied signatures is also permissible. The main thing is that there are no passes in the questionnaire.

Document Information

It is important to understand what information should be recorded in the paper being studied. An application for a visa, as a rule, is compiled according to certain templates. They require writing of this or that information about the applicant.visa application form

The following field types are found in the questionnaire:

  • surname;
  • last name at birth;
  • name;
  • date when a citizen was born;
  • city ​​of birth;
  • a country;
  • current citizenship;
  • gender;
  • marital status;
  • identification number (residents of the Russian Federation do not fill out this item);
  • travel document category;
  • passport ID;
  • date of registration of the travel document;
  • passport validity period;
  • who issued the travel paper;
  • residence address;
  • applicant's email address;
  • host country;
  • current activity;
  • data about the employer;
  • purpose of the trip;
  • country to which entry is planned;
  • state of first entry;
  • number of requested entries;
  • travel duration;
  • visas received in the last 36 months;
  • fingerprints;
  • permission to enter the country of the final journey;
  • estimated date of entry and exit to a particular zone;
  • name and surname of the inviting party;
  • travel expenses and who pays for accommodation;
  • data on relatives to whom the citizen comes;
  • date and place of filling out the document;
  • signature of the applicant.

In fact, everything is extremely simple and clear. Next, we will consider some features of filling out a visa application. Some residents of the Russian Federation are experiencing problems with this task.

About marital status

Let's start with marital status. The fact is that you will have to report about it when applying for visas without fail. Documents confirming this or that status should be attached to the request.filling out a visa application

A sample visa application is presented to your attention. You can fill out this paper in the Marital Status section as follows:

  • “Not married or single” - if a person has never entered into an official marriage;
  • “Married” - official marriage, spouses live together;
  • "I do not live with my spouse" - if there is a registered relationship, but with the husband and wife separately living;
  • "Divorced" - if at the moment there is no marriage, but previously it took place;
  • "Widower or widow" - in the event of the death of the spouse.

In addition, gay marriage is allowed in some countries. In such circumstances, you will have to write "registered partnership" or something like that.

What if the person is in a civil marriage? Such relationships are equated to their actual absence. Therefore, the items “married” will not work. Will have to put either "divorced", or "widower", or "single". It all depends on the specific situation.

About travel document

Some do not understand what a travel document is when filling out a visa application. When the corresponding field first appears, it is required to write “Normal Passport” in it.

It is customary to call a travel document issued to a citizen a foreign passport. It is from this or that data that will be written out. For example, the series and passport number. You do not need to write any identification marks like "No." and the like in the questionnaire.

Address of residence

A sample visa application is presented to your attention. This document, as practice shows, is filled out without much difficulty, but some points require clarification.

For example, the address of residence.In this field, it is customary to indicate the actual place of residence. If it does not coincide with the registration, proof may be required that the person really lives in the indicated coordinates. For example, a lease or documents of ownership of housing.

Street addresses are not translated. It is important. They are completely written using transliteration in Latin.visa application form


Special attention will have to be paid to the item on the professional activity of a citizen. Especially if a person learns and works.

All employed citizens write in this area a position written in a certificate from the employer. If a person is studying, then the inscription Student is suitable for him, and when staying in the status of a pensioner - Pensioner. Is a citizen not studying and not working? Then the status of a housewife suits him. In this case, Domohozyayka is written in the questionnaire.


Every citizen can apply for a visa to the Czech Republic, as well as to any other country. When filling out the questionnaire, the purpose of the visit must be indicated.

Often this field is marked "Tourism". This means that the applicant is visiting the country for recreation and study. And nothing more. The citizen does not plan to work in the place of travel.

If a working trip is meant, then in the corresponding field write "Working visit". Its need, as you might guess, should be confirmed by documents.

Countries of birth

It's hard to believe, but when filling out an application for a visa, people have questions related to indicating the country of birth. In particular, similar problems appear in people born before 1991.

The bulk of the countries require in this case to indicate the USSR as the country of birth. But there are exceptions. For example:

  • Czech Republic - "RUS" is written in the country of birth and "SUN" - in citizenship;
  • France - the name of the country at the moment;
  • Sweden - "USSR" or "Russia", depending on which inscription is indicated in the "foreign".

In fact, filling out a visa application form is not the most difficult task. But in order to get the most correct sample of filling out an application for a visa, a citizen can apply to special offices. They propose for a fee to independently enter information about the applicant, obtained from the submitted documents.

Preparation of documents

And what exactly can come in handy? Consider the package of documents for the "Schengen". He is most often found in real life.sample application for a Schengen visa

We have already studied the sample application for a Schengen visa. The applicant must attach to it:

  • Photo;
  • international passport;
  • passport;
  • certificate of insurance coverage;
  • statements on the availability of a sufficient amount of money from a citizen;
  • certificates from the place of work / study / employment center;
  • documents confirming marital status;
  • receipt of payment of the consular fee (for citizens of the Russian Federation - $ 35);
  • birth certificates of children;
  • consent to travel abroad from parents (for minors).

Usually this package of papers will be enough. All of them are attached to the completed application for a visa, after which the request is considered at the visa center or at the consulate.

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