
Application for a replacement driver’s license: design features and requirements

Driving license - a document that under certain circumstances must be exchanged. This can only be done after submitting the relevant application. In this article, we will review the application for a replacement driver’s license. What is it? Where to get this paper? How to use it in a particular case? Having understood all these issues, each driver will be able to reissue the VU as soon as possible. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Especially if you follow the simple instructions below.


What is an application for a replacement driver’s license? This is a standard document printed on an A4 sheet. He submits a petition by which a person will be able to fulfill a request for the issuance of new rights.

Without a statement of the established form, it will not be possible to cope with the task. The application may be electronic and paper. The interpretation of this document directly depends on the method of contacting the authorized bodies of the University.

What does it look like

Below is a sample application for a replacement driver’s license. This is a template with which you can understand what the studied paper looks like.

Sample claim for rights

Usually, a request for reissue of a VU is written either according to the indicated principle, or in a free form. The second option is highly discouraged - law enforcement officials may refuse to service and force them to rewrite the application.

What is useful for filling

A sample application in the traffic police to replace a driver’s license, we studied. Now you need to figure out how to fill out this form correctly. Only with proper preparation will there be no problems.

In order to complete the application for rights, you need to take in advance:

  • VU (if any);
  • passport;
  • medical certificate.

That should be enough. Especially when reissuing rights "on time". In any case, everything necessary for the successful replacement of the control unit must be in the hands of the driver initially.

Rules for filling out a paper petition

Filling out an application for a replacement driver’s license usually does not cause any trouble. Even a teenager can cope with this task. The main thing is to have the necessary information about the driver, vehicle management skills, the health of the driver and WU.

Usually, when filling out a paper application, you have to indicate the following data:

  • name of the traffic police;
  • Applicant's full name;
  • date and place of birth;
  • registration of the applicant;
  • series and passport number;
  • date and place of issue of the civil identification card;
  • reason for requesting service;
  • information about WU;
  • list of documents attached to the application.

All listed information is written by hand and in legible handwriting. It is advisable to bring to the authorized bodies an already completed application. So it will be possible to significantly accelerate the speed of service citizen.

WU replacement rules

Important: Printing a document that is completely filled out on a computer is not recommended.

Electronic Filling

You can apply for a replacement driver’s license through Government Services. In this case, the citizen will have to deal with the electronic application form. Its filling gives a minimum of difficulties.

Typically, the user has to type the above data on the keyboard into the fields provided. Part of the information is copied from the "My Account" on the "State Services".

Some questions of the application for a replacement driver’s license are drawn up even easier - the user only needs to tick the appropriate answer. For example, the reason for replacing the "driver card".

That's all. Usually there are no problems with the electronic application for rights. The corresponding application does not even have to be printed out - it is processed online by the State Services system.

Electronic application

Where to get

And where can I get the application form for a replacement driver’s license? To give a definite answer to this question will not work. An application can be requested from various organizations. It is also available for download on the Internet.

In general, ready-made application templates are issued:

  • at the MFC;
  • MREO;
  • Traffic police;
  • State traffic inspections;
  • single window services.

You can download the application:

  • on the website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation;
  • through "State services";
  • from third-party web resources.

However, the last trick is not recommended. It is better to personally request an application form for reissuing a VU. Only under such circumstances, the driver can hope to work with the current form of the document.

Reasons to Reissue

Many are interested in what is needed to submit an application form for replacing a driver’s license with the traffic police. Having prepared for such an operation, everyone will be able to reissue rights without significant difficulties.

The "driver card" can be exchanged:

  • due to the expiration of the paper;
  • when adjusting personal information;
  • if the state of health of a citizen has changed a lot;
  • in connection with loss, damage or theft;
  • if the driver has changed appearance;
  • when opening a new vehicle control category.

The application form will be the same. The difference will be due to the reason for applying for the service.

Service cost

How much is an application for a replacement driver’s license? Usually issued free of charge. Moreover, downloading it also does not require any costs.

However, you will have to pay for a driver’s license. A citizen must be obliged to pay a state fee to the treasury. Otherwise, the rights will not be reissued.

In 2018, you need to pay 3,000 rubles for VU. So much is the national sample document. For international rights, 1,600 rubles are transferred to the state treasury.

Payment of rights fee

Important: when paying through State Services, citizens receive a discount. It is thirty percent of the payment amount.

Rights Request Instruction

Now let's talk about how you can use the application for a replacement driver’s license. In itself, it is useless. Citizens have to behave properly in order to reissue the "driver card".

Let's start with a personal appeal to the authorized bodies. Instructions for request WU looks like this:

  1. Generate a specific help package. It will vary depending on the situation.
  2. Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  3. Submit the application to the authorized body.
  4. Make payment of state duty.
  5. At the appointed time, pick up the finished documentation from the traffic police or the MFC.

There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. The real troubles usually bring the formation of a package of documents for the implementation of the task.

Instructions for working with "State services"

An application for a replacement driver’s license in Russia can, as we have already said, be submitted through the State Services. The main thing is to first register and confirm the account on the portal. This is done in a few weeks.

All about applying for a replacement

The instructions for submitting an electronic application for reissue have the following interpretation:

  1. Log in to the ESIA "State Services" and open a catalog with available electronic services.
  2. Click on the "STSI" category.
  3. Select "Driving License".
  4. Click on the line that most accurately describes the required service.
  5. Click on the "Get ..." button.
  6. Enter data into the electronic application.
  7. Select the date and place of delivery of the "driver card"
  8. Click on the "Submit Request" button.

After that, you need to go to the "My Account" and make a state fee for the rights. Otherwise, the application will not be accepted for consideration. Until the applicant pays for the VU, he will not be able to pick up the document from the registration authorities.

It seems that there is nothing too difficult in the implementation of the task. Especially if you prepare the documents for WU in advance.

References for replacing rights

An application for a replacement driver’s license will not be considered, not only without payment, but also without a specific certificate package. Usually it is necessary to form it in advance.

Without fail, the applicant must bring with him to the authorized bodies:

  • application of a standard form;
  • identity id;
  • old rights or a certificate of their loss / theft;
  • private photos;
  • check on payment of state duty.

That's not all. Further, the package of documents will vary depending on the circumstances. Typically, the following components may come in handy for drivers:

  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • statements on the change of personal data;
  • certificates of completion of driving training and passing exams;
  • medical report;
  • military card (for those liable for military service).

All specified documentation should be submitted to the STSI not only in the form of originals, but also in copies. There is no need to certify them separately.

International law

Service speed

How quickly will a citizen be given rights? The answer to such a question will depend on where exactly the driver submits the application.

On average, rights are manufactured over several hours. Sometimes you have to wait about 2-5 days. Usually so much time is required by the traffic police to provide the corresponding services to one citizen.

If a person applies to intermediaries with a request to reissue a “driver card”, he can wait 10-15 days for the document. When re-issuing a VU due to its theft, the readiness of the document is able to step over the 2-month mark.

Can refuse

Are the traffic police able to refuse to grant rights? Yes. But they cannot refuse to issue applications of the established form. It is simply illegal.

Denials of registration of rights are most often encountered for the following reasons:

  • the application is filled out with errors;
  • the person did not pay for the issuance of the document;
  • An incomplete package of certificates was submitted for reissuing a "driver card";
  • references used are fake or invalid.

That's all. Failures should generally be substantiated. Otherwise, you can complain about the traffic police to the prosecutor or go to court with a lawsuit.


Now it’s clear how to apply for a replacement driver’s license. This is not such a difficult task if you prepare for it.

How to apply for rights online

An application can be filled in advance. A citizen has the right to take the form in advance, indicate at home the necessary data in it, and then transfer the application to the authorized bodies. It is advisable to sign a statement in the presence of the traffic police. So the authorized bodies will not have any extra questions.

Important: national rights are valid for 10 years, and international - 3 years.

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