
Analytical help: example of writing, content features

Consider a sample of analytical information, which is a confirmation of the professional activities of the educator of a preschool educational institution, compiled by experts in the process of certification of a teacher.

analytical help writing example

Help Purpose

An analytical report, an example of which will be offered below, is necessary for certification of a teacher. A preschool institution has a certain specificity of activity, since the educational process here is aimed at the upbringing and development of preschool children, and not at teaching them specific academic disciplines.

The pedagogical technologies used in the work of educators are aimed at developing individual personal qualities of children, based on the application of primary abilities and skills that they possess.

An analytical report, an example of which we will consider below, should reflect the use by an employee of a preschool institution in the work of personality-oriented and health-saving technologies, since they allow them to fulfill a social order - to form a harmoniously developed personality that can adapt in modern society.

 tutor's analytical background example

Help content

What should the analytic look like? An example of writing for certification should contain information about the teacher, his pedagogical experience, main areas of activity, professional achievements.

The teacher’s analytical report, an example of which is presented in the photo, contains detailed information about a particular teacher.

analytical reference writing example for certification

Sample Help

Ivanova Natalya Ivanovna, teaching experience 24 years, the first qualification category.

In his work he uses the following innovative technologies: design, personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving. It carries out systematic work related to filling out electronic and paper versions of the portfolio of pupils, and applies information and communication skills and abilities.

In the design work, he carries out the formation of a positive attitude of children to the surrounding reality. The teacher tries to reveal the individual abilities of each child, monitors the personal growth of children.

There is a positive trend in the involvement of preschoolers in design work, the creation of collective creative work over the past three years. As a teacher of the middle group, Natalya Ivanovna strives to create success situations for her wards.

The results of the monitoring showed that over the past three years there has been an increase in the level of formation of communicative competencies, initiative, research interest, curiosity from 58 percent (low level) to 80 percent (high level).

Every year there is an increase in the number of children who participate in international and national competitions. The educator has winners, prize-winners of events dedicated to the study of traffic rules by preschoolers.

The teacher for the analyzed period of time carried out work on testing the design technology on the basis of a preschool educational institution. She has carried out pedagogical projects aimed at correcting violations of posture, vision of preschoolers.

The work was carried out in close contact with the medical worker of the preschool institution.

analytical background sample writing example

The uniqueness of technological methods

What else should analytic help include? An example of writing, a sample of ready-made help is presented above.It should be noted that in order for the educator to obtain the highest qualification technology, it is important that the uniqueness of the educational methodology used by him in his work be noted.

For example, an analytical report, an example of which is presented in the article, suggests an indication of traditional and innovative (author's) pedagogical and methodological techniques that contribute to the development of fine motor skills in preschool children.

Features of the teacher

For what purposes is an analytical report compiled? An example of writing such a document testifies to its importance for successfully passing qualification tests and increasing the salary of a teacher. The uniqueness of the activities of the certified teacher must be reflected by experts in the analytical report. For example, we can note the use of different methodological technologies aimed at achieving the goal in full.

sample analytical background


In connection with the transition of preschool educational institutions to new educational standards, significant changes were made to the work of educators. The analytical report, which is composed of experts who check the quality of work of the certified teacher, reflects not only the personal achievements of the educator himself, but also the positive dynamics of the personal growth of his pupils.

To assign the teacher the first or highest qualification category, indicating a high level of his professional activity, it is necessary to draw up a detailed analytical report.

Particular attention in this document is given to the listing of innovative methods and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of preschool children. If the teacher has publications in all-Russian pedagogical publications, the full name of the publication and the date of publication must be indicated in the certificate.

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