
Business idea: Poultry farming as a business

Poultry farming as a businessEvery entrepreneur must understand what value he brings to people when planning his own business. What service or offer will be useful, what category of society is it oriented to. For these reasons, you need to analyze your idea. Consider poultry farming as a business, pluses and minuses.

What is the value of poultry farming as a business.

The product of production are eggs that are part of the daily diet of a person. Do you know that eggs contain more protein than pork and beef? It follows that this kind of activity will be useful for people and regular customers will be easy to find. You can also grow poultry for meat, in which case it will require large costs for raising chickens with an increase in production area and the number of personnel.

The following egg breeds are most common:

Shaver 579 after 12 months they begin to lay 315 eggs a year.

  1. Izobraun efforts of the French selectors gives 320 eggs.
  2. Lohmann-Brown chickens carry large eggs of 62 grams and 310 per year.
  3. Tetra SL - laying hens produces dark brown eggs at 301v a year.

There are several systems for keeping birds: walking and walking.

As you guessed, in the first case, hens breathe air and walk in the sun, but in the second not. With the walking system, the bird is in constant motion, breathing air, in which case the risk of metabolic disorders is reduced to zero. The eggs contain the whole complex of vitamins and minerals, stress resistance increases, the birds get sick less, thus increasing the economic use of the bird.

The no-waste system makes it possible to reduce the cost of egg production, which is not unimportant in business, increases the efficiency of use of space by 3-4 times, if necessary, the chicken can be easily taken out of the cage and examined, the amount of required feed for egg production is also reduced.

The financial side of the issue

A cage in the size of 50-50-80 costs 2600 rubles with a drinking bowl, pan, egg collector and feeder. To start you will need 10 such cells or 26,000 rubles. You should also take into account the cost of food and the initial livestock.

In western countries poultry farming as a business very beneficial for the owner, large companies enter into long-term contracts with him and the farm is developing steadily. You can choose one of the breeds listed above for breeding, trying on the most suitable breeding system for you to build a profitable business.

A source:
Website of business ideas

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