
Business idea: Parquet laying

Parquet layingI want to offer you a great idea for a business is laying parquet. Parquet is a very popular material, and also very practical to use. This leads people to the floor, and not linoleum or other materials of this type.

For many years, people have been making floor coverings of wood. Parquet is the best option for insulation, sound insulation, as well as just for enjoyment. Parquet comes in different colors, it all depends on the preferences of the client. When choosing parquet, they always focus on what it is made of. What tree was used. Each tree has its own unique and inimitable properties that can never be replaced with synthetic materials.

The practicality of parquet lies in its strength, unpretentiousness in use. Of course, laying parquet takes time, and only the master can put it right. But this investment pays off over time. Parquet can lie for years and does not deteriorate if it is not subjected to mechanical damage and does not tempt fate.

Parquet laying is a profitable business that makes money. Laying one meter of square flooring costs $ 40, of which $ 20 is the cost of materials and $ 20 for the work. Thus, you can estimate yourself a monthly wage, if you can safely put 17 meters of square parquet per day.

To organize a company for laying parquet, you will need your small office, at first it can be your apartment. The office will accept orders, for which you need to advertise in the city. You also need to find workers with experience who can work and learn in one. It is advisable to several specialists, as well as several promising workers who want to learn business from the masters.

The technology of laying parquet is quite simple, but has its own specifics. Laying parquet does not endure in a hurry, you need to carefully calculate everything. First of all, the floor surface is leveled. Next is the screed. The next layer after the screed will be an insulating film or special bedding, after which you can start the main part of the work on laying parquet. You can do without an insulating film, and lay the parquet on the screed using glue.

When laying parquet, many fixing methods are used. You can use cold mastic or hot. When using cold mastic, parquet should be left for final adhesion for 2-5 days. Using hot mastic for 2-3 hours. The difference is very significant, using hot mastic you need to work carefully. You can get burned, as well as hot mastic spreads very much and dries, so it goes to a thick layer, which reduces the strength of the hitch.

When laying parquet, several technological rules for temperature conditions must be observed. No need to deviate from the norms and lay the parquet at a temperature below ten degrees and humidity, not more than 60%. Clearances should not be exceeded 2 millimeters. It is also necessary to observe the distance of the parquet from the wall.

Laying parquet is a profitable business that brings money. In addition to laying parquet, your company can deal with complex apartment renovations and insulation.

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The idea is good, but less and less I meet parquet in houses ..
Yes, this business will always be relevant.People will always make repairs, and the floors of the parquet are beautiful. Now, however, many are also carried away by the laminate.
Agree. Good business laying parquet.


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