
How much does a realtor take for the sale of an apartment: services, features and recommendations

Selling, buying, exchanging and other real estate transactions, as a rule, always take place accompanied by a realtor. If you believe the statistics, the services of these specialists are incredibly popular - only one deal out of twenty does without their participation. Most of those people who are interested in how much a realtor takes for selling an apartment are private individuals. Commercial real estate transactions are less frequent. However, they bring a realtor a big profit.


It is curious that even the lack of a legislative framework does not become an obstacle to the implementation of real estate activities.

At all stages of the transaction, you need to understand that this specialist receives income only in the event of a successful transaction. That is why in some cases realtors resort to various tricks. For example, artificially lower the price of an object or praise illiquid real estate. All this is done for the sole purpose - to quickly realize the sale, close a deal and get a commission.

how much do realtors charge for selling an apartment

How much a realtor takes for the sale of an apartment depends on the complexity of the task. The more difficult it is to sell an object, the less buyers are interested in it, the higher the owner will have to pay a fee.

How much does a realtor take for the sale of an apartment?

If you are interested in specific amounts, then they will hardly be able to find out. Usually, specialists work for a percentage of the cost of real estate, without having a fixed rate.

In fact, the realtor’s income consists of a commission that the participants in the transaction have to pay. This means that the specialist is interested in signing the contract. Otherwise, he will not receive his commission, which is usually 2-4%. Now you know how much percent realtors charge for selling an apartment.

Who is turning?

Clients of professional realtors are both sellers and buyers of real estate. However, they have different goals for cooperation.

Sellers want to quickly find a buyer in a market full of various offers. Buyers are interested in a quick search for an object that is fully consistent with their wishes. At the same time, neither one nor the other wants to delve into the process of buying and selling real estate.

What determines the price of services?

how many realtor takes for the sale of an apartment? The service provider also affects this. It can be an agency or a private specialist. Each of them in the real estate market can be set their own prices.

how much interest does a realtor take for the sale of an apartment

You can’t say for sure who will take the most money: a realtor from an agency or a private professional. However, it is believed that the company lays down expenses for the maintenance of the entire state in its own commission from the transaction. For a client, these services can be more expensive. But you should also understand what he gets in return. Due to the presence of diverse specialists in the staff, it will be possible to implement transactions of varying complexity.

How much money do realtors take for selling an apartment? A private specialist often has to attract customers, lowering the price. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the above question. Too many factors affect how much interest a realtor takes to sell an apartment.

For example, an inexperienced specialist does not undertake complex transactions, so his fee may be lower than that of colleagues. However, the entire amount that customers pay in the form of commissions goes to him. You don’t have to share with the agency.

Now you know what the salary of a specialist depends on, and how much money a realtor takes for the sale of an apartment.

Where is more profitable?

In large cities, the real estate market is more mobile than in the regions. This happens for various reasons. In megacities there are more objects and potential customers. In addition, real estate is more expensive, and supply and demand are much higher.

how much interest do realtors charge for selling an apartment

And how much does a realtor take for selling an apartment in St. Petersburg and the region? The answer will be different. In the first case, the final income, as a rule, will be higher. This is due to the fact that the salary of such specialists is a percentage of the completed transaction. In St. Petersburg, real estate is more expensive, so the commission will be higher. From this we can conclude that a realtor is more profitable to be in a large city, and not in a small province.

Do I need to contact?

Having learned how much realtors charge for the sale of an apartment, some clients begin to think about conducting an independent transaction. After all, the more expensive the facility, the greater the amount you have to pay for escort.

Some clients believe that real estate transactions are incredibly complex, and an ordinary person does not manage to figure them out. However, the profession of a realtor does not have the best reputation in our country. This is due to the fact that people without special education come to it. It is not surprising that in their work they make various mistakes, which ultimately lead to disappointment on the part of customers.

How much to pay a realtor?

If the services are provided to the client by a private specialist, and not an agency, then the amount of the fee can be agreed individually.

how much money does a realtor take for selling an apartment

Much depends on the attractiveness of the object, the price set by the seller and wishes on the timing of the transaction. If the buyer addresses, his requests will be of great importance. If he wants to get the best option at a low budget, the realtor will have to try and organize a lot of views. The amount of work done directly affects how much realtors charge for the sale of an apartment, a country cottage, a house, a townhouse or other real estate.

How do realtors calculate income?

Most professionals in this industry do not work for a fixed rate. Their income is the number of transactions multiplied by the size of the commission. That is why realtors are interested in the speedy implementation of the object. For this reason, they tend to embellish the merits and in every possible way hide the flaws from potential buyers.

If the seller applies, he will be offered an unreasonably strong underestimate of the price, making it lower than the market price. This will allow the realtor to quickly find a buyer and close the deal. However, he is not interested in the financial losses that the seller will suffer. That is why when communicating with such "specialists" you need to be very careful.

how much money do realtors take for selling an apartment

On average, realtors estimate the cost of their services in the amount of three to six percent of the value of the property being sold. However, some agencies are ready to offer their customers a fixed rate, offering a range of services to support real estate transactions. Some agencies have a separate price list, which may additionally indicate the cost of each service.


Real estate professionals offer their potential clients an impressive list of various services.

  1. Selection of objects in accordance with the wishes of the buyer or tenant.
  2. Organization of impressions and views of the realized object.
  3. Checking documents to identify conditions that impede the implementation of real estate transactions.
  4. Negotiating with the opposite side of the transaction, that is, with the seller or with the buyer.
  5. Collection of documents required for the implementation of real estate transactions.
  6. Organization of settlements between parties involved in the transaction.
How much does a realtor take for a sale

The above are the main services that realtors provide their clients. However, each specialist can add or shorten the list at his discretion. Therefore, the conditions must be negotiated individually.


Since there is no fixed rate for realtor services, each potential client needs to know how to act correctly so as not to overpay.

In the case of a simple real estate transaction, the cost should be minimal. This is true when you only need to complete a purchase or sale.

If the realtor will have additional work, such as selection of objects, the cost will be slightly higher. A specialist can also engage in real estate advertising in order to quickly attract potential buyers.

how much does a realtor take for the sale of an apartment spb

In addition to the sale, realtors work in the rental market. In this case, the fee may be half or the full value of the monthly rent.

Who pays?

Another relevant point is who should pay for the services of a realtor. After all, two parties are usually involved in a transaction. In fact, there is no single answer to this question either.

Commission may be paid by one of the parties. They can also be divided in equal proportions. It depends on the terms of the agreements between the participants.

Typically, sellers and buyers in the real estate market prefer not to enter into transactions on their own. It is possible that each side will have its own realtor. And this complicates the payment even more.

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