
Cafe Business Plan

Cafe Business PlanThe number of office business centers is growing at a tremendous speed. The number of employees who do not want to spend a lot of time dining is growing. Near office centers, you can increasingly notice small cafes for 35-50 people, which are full during lunch. This is a great idea for business, but to open this institution you need a cafe business plan, without which it is impossible to create a profitable business.

Before opening a cafe, it is advisable to probe the ground to learn more about competition in the market, visit several cafes of your competitors for a closer look. When opening a cafe, it is very important to consider the location. The bulk of visitors will be representatives of the middle class, office workers.

Business plan cafe. The choice of premises.

At choosing a room consider the parameters you need. With the expectation of 50 seats, you need a room of 250 square meters. The premises can be rented or purchased. If there is money, then you can buy a room, then you can use it as collateral when taking a loan for expansion. You can also take advantage of leasing offers of various banks. When making a business, the cafe plan do not forget about the possibility of taking a loan, but many experts do not recommend starting a business with a loan.

Equipment purchase will be your next step. Equipment should be purchased based on the cafe menu. If you are counting on the middle class, then you just do not need expensive equipment, but enough stoves, several cutting tables, a freezer, an oven, a microwave.

Staff recruitment and his training should be done by a professional. Of course, you can do it yourself, but it’s better to turn to those who find experienced people who will not cheat. Workers will be required to have work experience, as your cafe will be young and will not have old employees who will train new staff. You can set any cafe work schedule. It is best if the cafe is open 16 hours. The cafe’s working day from 10 am to 12 am will be the most optimal. Employees will come earlier by an hour, and leave later by an hour, so they can work two shifts of eight hours each. Each shift should have a cook, several waiters, a bartender, an administrator. A manager and accountant will also be required.

You need to take care of the advertising support for the opening of your cafe. Publications in the newspaper, several small indexes arranged by quarter, leaflets. You can also arrange for corporate lunches with the heads of departments of nearby offices.

The cafe business plan will require you to accurately calculate the costs of opening a cafe, a list of all expenses scheduled monthly for the year ahead.

Approximate expenses for opening a cafe:

Rental of premises - from 17 thousand dollars a year

Equipment purchase - 15 thousand dollars

Repair of premises and design design - 7 thousand dollars

Advertising company - from 2 thousand dollars (hereinafter - 500 dollars per month)

The purchase of furniture in a cafe - from 10 thousand dollars

Purchase of goods - from 8.5 thousand (5 thousand each month)

Salary to staff from 8.5 thousand (month)

Other costs - 15 thousand dollars

The cost of opening a cafe and the first month of work = $ 70,000

Each month in the future will cost 16 thousand dollars


The average daily check is $ 10

Evening check 45 dollars

Estimated monthly profit of 35,000 dollars.

The main goal of the cafe’s business plan is to calculate all possible costs. Having considered and modeled various situations, even at the planning stage, you can avoid unpleasant nuances when working.

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Well, then the business plan is ready, the basic purchases are clear, the small thing is to come up with something original in the menu and GO!


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