
Business plan internet cafe. How to open an Internet cafe?

Entrepreneurs are constantly trying to find new business ideas that would allow them to make big profits. However, creative and sometimes dubious offers cannot always be realized. To obtain a sufficiently high income, there are proven, proven over the years methods. One of them is the organization of its own Internet cafe.

Business prospects

The computer and the World Wide Web are mastered by people of different ages. That is why the owners of Internet cafes are provided with a stable flow of customers. The market for services that allow you to receive information from a worldwide network is by far the most dynamic and rapidly developing. The Internet has entered the life of almost every person, and it is an important, and often an integral part of it.

business plan internet cafe

We use the services of the World Wide Web everywhere. This happens not only at home or in the office, but also on the way to work, as well as on vacation. That is why Internet cafes are becoming increasingly popular. In these establishments, you can have a tasty meal and use a computer to complete tasks with application programs, play games or work online.

Do you want to open an Internet cafe from scratch? This is a very effective and quite promising idea of ​​investing finance. However, as in any business, there are a lot of pitfalls and nuances. In order to avoid them, you will need to draw up a quality business plan for an Internet cafe.

Main sections

The business plan of an Internet cafe, first of all, should specifically determine the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise. Depending on the size of the project, this may be a limited liability company or private enterprise.

how to organize an internet cafe

The business plan of the Internet cafe should determine the source of financing for the project. This can be equity or a loan taken from a bank.

The opening of the Internet cafe should take place in a good location. This is important to attract more customers and maximize revenue. When choosing the location of the premises for organizing your own business, you should consider the main category of future visitors. The business plan of the Internet cafe should have a section with the choice of location of the premises. Based on the available information, it is necessary to rent an area, having concluded an agreement on the right of subsequent redemption.

To maintain the reporting of the newly created organization, it will be necessary to independently select the OKVED code. For an Internet cafe, this is 72.6. It corresponds to activities that involve the use of computer technology, as well as information technology.

Locating an Internet Cafe

The bulk of entrepreneurs make a very common mistake. They make the choice of premises for opening their business on the basis of the financial resources available to them. However, this step is incorrect, since the place where the Internet cafe will be located is very important.

okved for internet cafe

For successful business development, many factors should be considered.

First of all, you need to thoroughly study your potential customers, determine their average age and habits, place of study and residence, as well as the main routes of movement within the city.

After that, you will need to draw up a map indicating the sleeping areas, clubs, universities, hotels, cinemas. It is necessary to designate and subway stations.

After such preparatory work is carried out, the routes of mass movement of citizens should be laid out on the map.The intersection points of such lines will turn out to be the most profitable places. It is worth paying attention to shopping centers, which have recently opened more and more. Renting a room in a super- or hypermarket is simply a great option.

Paramount task

The concept of a business plan for an Internet cafe should include developing your own style. This is one of the main conditions for the profitability of your project. The experience of entrepreneurs containing such establishments convincingly shows that customers attach great importance to the atmosphere and style of Internet cafes.

Internet cafe business plan concept

For example, a computer center, the main concept of which is “Cafe max”, should differ not only in functionality, but also in the atmosphere of a stylish cozy cafe. Moreover, there should be several zones on its area.

Among them - a spacious computer room; premises where business meetings and seminars will be held; coffee house; service center for scanning, printing and recording various data on media. Here you should allocate a place for games, which should be located far from the working area, because completely different clients will come here.

The chosen concept of an Internet cafe must be adhered to strictly. The requirements of a given style must be strictly observed.

Project scale

How to organize an Internet cafe so that investing money brings maximum profit? At first glance, a small point for the provision of computer services is very attractive. There will be minimal overhead and a small rent.

However, business experts advise starting with an Internet cafe where at least sixty computers will be installed. It is economically calculated that this amount of equipment (at least) is capable of generating good profit.

how to open an internet cafe

It should be borne in mind that the duration of a small Internet cafe is from one and a half to two years. After that, the computer park should be updated. If the income received is not high enough, then a significant amount of capital will need to be invested in a new project.

Equipment purchase

How to open an Internet cafe? After solving all organizational issues and choosing the necessary premises, you will need to purchase computer equipment. One supplier is not worth it.

The computer market is very dynamic both in terms of offers and prices. Every six months, the model series are updated. Prices, respectively, are changing. In this regard, you should study this market constantly.

open an internet cafe from scratch

When purchasing equipment, the supplier should agree on the warranty period of service. The organization of our own service and procurement for the future of the necessary parts for the implementation of operational repairs is an overhead and unprofitable business.

Mode of operation

The main target audience of Internet cafes are visitors aged sixteen to thirty-five. This category includes senior pupils and students, as well as young professionals. Most of them prefer to play games on a computer or search for information on the Internet at night. In this regard, your Internet cafe should work around the clock. Moreover, the point should adhere to this mode of operation all seven days a week.

Staff recruitment

How to open an Internet cafe in Russia? If your project involves equipping the point with sixty computers, then about forty people will be required to staff. The staff will work in three shifts, each of which lasts eight hours.

To serve visitors in the Internet cafe should be at the same time ten people. The staffing includes the director and managers in various fields, shift managers and IT specialists, computer games and Internet use assistants, employees of a coffee shop and a copy center, as well as a security guard and maintenance staff.

The special atmosphere of the establishment is formed with the constant work of dozens of people. That is why it is important not only to make a competent selection of personnel, but also to motivate them and train. You can accept students for such work. In order to avoid staff turnover, schemes of various incentives and bonuses should be applied, as well as providing career opportunities.

Price policy

The cost of services should be consistent with the costs incurred. It is important to constantly monitor the prices of competitors and try not to exceed them. It is advisable to develop a flexible system of payment and discounts.

how to open an internet cafe in Russia

Among the constant costs of Internet cafes are the cost of renting premises, communication services, utility bills, and salaries. Profit from the provided access to the Internet, as a rule, is equal to fifty percent of the income. The remaining amounts are distributed between the gaming area, the coffee shop, and the services of photocopiers. Income can also be obtained from the sale of advertising space.

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