
Business plan for the production of metal

The fact that roofing material is in demand is a known fact, because not a single construction can do without it. After private low-rise houses (one or two floors) came into fashion, the demand for roofing material became higher, while customer demands grew. That is why the production of metal has become a profitable business. During the construction of a residential building, this material as well as possible satisfies all the needs - strong, durable, easy to install, inexpensive and beautiful.

Business investment

Investments in the business are not so great. First, you need to complete all the documents. Having registered yourself as an entrepreneur, it is worth finding a room. You can rent it, or you can build it yourself or buy it. 150 squares will be enough in area. In different regions, the price of a room will be different, so in the middle lane and in the south it will cost a little more than in the north. All authorities must give work permits. The entire package of documents can cost 50-60 thousand rubles.

[caption id = "attachment_4678" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]metal tile production Own business: metal tile production [/ caption]

The largest item in the business plan for expenses will be equipment for the production of metal. In total, it will take about 4-5 million rubles. The figure is large, but it pays off pretty quickly, because the demand for finished products is quite large. You can purchase equipment both from domestic manufacturers and from foreign ones. The former are cheaper, easier to maintain, install and operate. The second is more expensive, but the service life is usually longer. Before you buy all the items, it is worthwhile to carefully study the sales offers.

In addition to all of the above, raw materials will be needed. It can be purchased in bulk from manufacturing plants in Russia. It is not practical to make an order abroad - the raw materials do not differ in quality, and the price of foreign material will be an order of magnitude higher.

So, the investments include:

  1. documents,
  2. room
  3. equipment,
  4. raw materials
  5. advertising.

Advertising your factory should be bright and attracting attention. Otherwise, competitors will simply pinch you. It is advisable to create your own website, which will provide all the information about your company, services, prices.

On equipment: the line of production of metal can be different. For the most part, only one type of tile can be produced on one line. In order for your business to flourish, you need to install several lines. Universal does not exist. On the other hand, if you are not ready to make too massive investments at the starting stage, one line will be enough, while you can expand the range due to the color scheme. It is she who most often interests the buyer more than even quality. Everyone wants to get a unique and original roofing material (in color), which will be combined with the general view of the structure.

In addition to the color and type of tile, texture also matters. To make it perfect, you need to purchase only the machine for the production of tiles, which works clearly and smoothly. For the most part, all the work of your enterprise will depend on such a machine. It may take about two weeks to break in.

Income, profit, profitability

Despite the competition, your business can find its customers, and therefore, make a profit all the time. It is worth considering in advance that in winter there will be negligible orders. So that the company does not stand idle, you can study the wishes of customers by producing in winter the type of tile that will be relevant in the spring.Due to the great demand for the finished product, the production of metal is very profitable and profitable. On average, you can get about 15 million rubles of net profit per month (minus all monthly expenses). In order for these figures to become real in your production, you need to find stable suppliers of raw materials, buyers of finished raw materials. Ideally - to sell to private customers directly from production a product. This is a small but stable percentage of profit.

Revenues from the case can be received almost immediately after the start of the enterprise. So that the competition is not too high, study the products of your colleagues, ultimately betting on something that is not yet produced or is produced little.

Profitability of the case is almost 100%, that is, approximately 98-99%.

Pros and Cons of Production

An undoubted advantage is a stable and high profit with small investments. In addition, production pays for itself in a month or two. Also, the advantages include the demand for this type of business. If you find your niche and occupy it firmly, there will be no end to buyers. With the proper organization of the business, good advertising, stable releases of the finished product, the business will be doomed to success, even during the winter decline in demand.

The disadvantages include only high competition. Metal tile production is already a well-developed business in Russia, there are quite a few firms. It is important to find the type of tile that is least represented, but also in demand.

In order for the business to bring money, it works stably and only as a plus, it is necessary to draw up a competent and maximally complete business plan, where all items of expenses and income will be spelled out. Explore the market of supply and demand, find out about the average price, choosing for yourself that will be affordable for buyers from different categories, and you will bring income.

Business features

Pay special attention to the fact that the color spectrum of your products should be as large as possible. This will attract even the most demanding customer. It is also worth considering buying several machines, so that the texture of the tiles that you will produce is different. A wide range is a guarantee that there will be many buyers.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to organize the production of custom metal tiles. Then you will be able to grow regular customers who will give you a clear work plan: how much, what color and when the products will be ready. Pre-orders, according to experts, make up about 30% of profit per month.

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