
License for the sale of beer: step by step instructions for registration

The turnover of alcohol products in the Russian Federation is a question of the legislative level. So, back in 1995, for its regulation, the authorities adopted the corresponding federal law, which is still valid today (naturally, subject to some changes and additions). What does this legislative act imply? Do you need a beer license today? What measures does the absence of this document entail? You can find answers to these and other equally interesting questions in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.

beer sale license

License required

Before considering the issue of whether a license to sell beer is needed, it would be advisable to find out what types of product are in one way or another subject to licensing by the relevant state bodies. So, if the product contains less than fifteen percent of ethyl alcohol, then a license certificate is not required. So, in accordance with the legislation, such a product is allowed to be sold on a common basis (as well as goods of other categories).

Nevertheless, the manufacturer should be aware that the federal law mentioned above classifies products with an alcohol content into food and non-food. So, along with almost all non-food goods, beer products do not imply a licensing procedure for its implementation. This means that a license to sell beer is not needed, except for some cases described in the next chapter.

need a license to sell beer


As it turned out, there are cases, exceptions, when licensing of entrepreneurial activities for the sale of beer products is mandatory. In accordance with regulatory requirements, today there are two fundamental conditions in the beer trading process. Firstly, the area of ​​the premises where the product is sold, in no case can exceed fifty square meters.

In addition, an additional requirement, which differs in accordance with different regions, is the proximity of the outlet to children's, school, preschool, and sports facilities. Secondly, a license for the sale of draft beer is necessary and mandatory if the content of ethyl alcohol in products exceeds sixteen percent.

Important Nuances

In addition to the above restrictions, it should be noted that the sale of beer products that are licensed in one way or another is classified into retail and wholesale. The first is appropriate for bars, cafes, catering, shops and restaurants. In this case, the cost of the license is 65,000 rubles per year.

The second assumes the existence of additional requirements for storage facilities, the area of ​​which is sufficient for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity of this type and with the corresponding technical characteristics. In addition, the cost of the permit document (license) in this case is slightly higher.

Do I need a license to sell beer?

Current requirements

How to get a license to sell beer? To carry out licensed business activities, a number of requirements must be followed. So, in accordance with the above Federal Law and the Regulation on Licensing, which are developed at the regional level, to receive an authorization document for the sale of beer products, the ethyl alcohol content of which exceeds sixteen percent, has the right as Russian,foreign structure, regardless of ownership.

A license to sell beer is issued exclusively with a minimum authorized capital of 10,000 rubles (1,000,000 rubles in Moscow), if it is a retail business. 10,000,000 rubles are necessary if it comes to the wholesale of beer products.

 Do I need a license to sell beer 2017?

Actual documentation

A license to sell beer is granted after a series of procedures. First you need to collect the following documentation:

  • A package of copies of the statutory documentation (a decision directly on the creation, the final version of the Charter, state registration, a document on registration with the tax authorities, paper on the ownership of the premises, a sanitary report).
  • Copy of the floor plan.
  • Copy of the lease agreement for the object (store, restaurant, bar).
  • Copy of fire safety inspection certificate.
  • A copy of the agreement confirming the maintenance of the alarm.
  • Copy of state registration in respect of cash register.
  • Original confirmation that the room fully complies with fire safety standards.
  • The original of the document on the absence of tax debts by the business owner.

Do I need a license to sell beer - 2017?

As it turned out, in certain cases licensing of beer sales activities is a mandatory procedure. How to get a permit in 2017?

It should be noted that the current year for entrepreneurs of this niche was very revolutionary, because in many respects the requirements for the candidate for a license agreement have changed. Today, a license to sell beer is issued by the Federal Service for Russian Alcohol Regulation (Rosalkogolregulirovanie).

How to get a license to sell beer?

Variety of services

In order to somewhat simplify such a difficult fate for entrepreneurs involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages, private intermediary companies entered the market. The thing is that they received licenses to provide services for obtaining license certificates for the sale of beer and other alcoholic beverages, both for individuals and for legal entities. So, these structures assist their own clients and help them in obtaining the documentation in question. In connection with these innovations, obtaining all the necessary documents for the sale of the products in question was greatly simplified.

draft beer license

additional information

It is important to note that the application for the right to trade in beer, the alcohol content of which exceeds sixteen percent, is submitted directly to the department for the development of trade and entrepreneurship at the place of registration (and residence) of the business entity. The very permit document has the right to issue strictly Rosalkogolregulirovanie. It must be added that no more than thirty calendar days must elapse between the application and the receipt of a license certificate.

sale of beer without a license

Sale of beer without a license

As it turned out, the rules for licensing activities for the sale of beer products for the most part suggest that you can do without a permit. However, with more than sixteen percent ethyl alcohol in beer, a license is needed. It is important to note that failure to comply or improper fulfillment of this requirement in one way or another entails not only large administrative fines, but also criminal prosecution in certain situations. Therefore, this issue should be taken very responsibly.

In addition, you need to know that any alcoholic beverages, including beer, which is sold through retail, must have the following information:

  • Product name.
  • Information directly about the manufacturer.
  • The presence of certain additives (e.g., flavoring).
  • The presence of contraindications.
  • Production date.
  • Shelf life.
  • Warning that alcohol is harmful to public health.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a licensing agreement for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities for the sale of beer products or beer directly is not necessary for the most part. However, there is an exception, according to which a product is subject to licensing, the content of which differs by the presence of ethyl alcohol in more than sixteen percent (today there is a minimum quantity of this product on the market).

In addition, the sale of beer and other beer products, as well as the sale of alcohol of other categories, in any case, implies the unconditional fulfillment of a number of requirements. Failure to comply with them, as a rule, entails administrative fines in large amounts. In addition, it happens that an unlawful businessman is subject to criminal prosecution by the relevant state authorities and, accordingly, further arrest.

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