
Business plan for the production of LED lighting

Due to the ban on the production of conventional incandescent lamps, the need for LEDs has increased. While this niche in the market is not too busy, which means there is a chance to successfully join this business. Thus, the production of LED lamps is not only a sought-after business, but also profitable. Moreover, its popularity is still gaining momentum.

According to experts, the development of this type of business is yet to come. If you start it now, then there is a chance to earn a reputation for yourself, build a clientele, not “burn out”.

At the initial stage, you have to invest, but it's worth it. Moreover, it pays off quickly. LED lighting is safe, relevant, necessary for the public. Moreover, the life of one lamp is about 3-5 years. The cost of one such lamp will be cheaper for people than the purchase of “Ilyich’s bulbs”. LEDs are safe for health, do not contain mercury (as, for example, in fluorescent lamps), save energy. It is important to draw up a detailed business plan, study your competitors, and purchase good and high-quality equipment. You can’t save on the latter, because in the end you can get products that turn out to be worse than Chinese in quality. You need to focus on quality, not quantity.

Business investment

Business organization requires properly assembled and executed documentation. You can’t count on help from the state, because it hardly supports this type of business. It can take from 2 to 4 weeks to collect documents. For money it is about 10-15 thousand, it all depends on the region. In the middle lane it is cheaper than in the north or in the south.

Of course, you will need a room. Its size cannot be less than 3 thousand squares. At the same time, those workshops where the lamps themselves will be assembled must be with a good ventilation system. The production of LED lamps can be of two types: assembly from the finished material (which was made by third parties), assembly from scratch. The latter option requires skill from employees, knowledge in this area and dexterity. Manual assembly for medium-sized production requires at least 20 workers. For them, it is necessary to organize jobs. If you prefer an assembly of semi-finished elements, then you will have to pay a round sum for their purchase (about 600 thousand rubles, in bulk).

[caption id = "attachment_4710" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]LED lighting production Own business: production of LED lamps [/ caption]

You can also purchase the necessary equipment, which will provide a mechanized assembly. Then you need only a couple of people who will monitor the operation of the devices. The cost of special equipment ranges from 100 to 600 thousand rubles.

Salaries to employees may not be less than 15 thousand rubles. Otherwise, no one will simply work for you, having gone to competitors.

Of the equipment required devices that provide all stages of work. These are: the creation of special chips, their fasteners, the selection of a case for every detail, the assembly of the final product.

The production of LED lighting requires skill and experience. And yet, in comparison with China, your production will be more expensive. This means that the quality of your products cannot be just good, only high. Otherwise, the profit will be minimal (if at all).

In addition, you will have to purchase supplies. You can purchase it from domestic manufacturers or from foreign suppliers. Domestic is not inferior in quality, especially since the price of the material is not too high.At the initial stage, you will have to pay about 100-500 thousand rubles.

Total expenses:

  1. documents and premises;
  2. recruitment of labor;
  3. equipment;
  4. consumables.

Income, payback, profitability

If you started production from scratch, invested a lot of money, then you should not expect a quick payback. It will take about a couple of three years. Of course, if you have a well-established customer base, then things can go faster. But, as practice shows, this is rarely the case with those engaged in production from the bottom.

By the way, LED spotlights are in great demand among large companies and factories. To create such spotlights is not much more difficult than conventional lamps. But the retail price is much higher. Demand for such products is also high. In addition to large firms, many private buyers purchase them for the security complex of their land. The cost of one searchlight can range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on size.

In general, the profitability of this type of business is great - from 200 to 500 thousand rubles per month. The main thing is to find your customers. Moreover, most of the competition is made up of products from China. Russian manufacturing companies are still in great demand, because they cause more confidence. There are not so many domestic-made firms, the niche has not yet been filled. Some regions do not have their own manufacturers.

Profitability of a case can exceed 100%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this enterprise is that the product has a frantic demand. Moreover, demand will not fall, only grow. From the beginning of 2014, the production of conventional incandescent lamps in general will be banned in the country. This means that LEDs will be bought more often. Moreover, their service life is much longer.

Please note that selling street LED lights is also popular. You can sell them to those companies that produce street lighting (with solar panels). If you wish and the availability of funds, you can simultaneously organize your own workshop with such a service. Investments are minimal, demand is high.

Another advantage of a business with LEDs is that although it requires large investments, it pays off quickly, and the income is stable and high. Moreover, the work is not seasonal, but year-round.

Of the shortcomings, only greater competition with Chinese manufacturers and compliance with all technologies. Your staff should consist of professionals, otherwise the quality will leave much to be desired, and customers will be dissatisfied.

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Hello! Can you tell me what equipment is needed to assemble LED lamps?


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