
Recycling as a business

At modern trading enterprises, goods are used in packaging, which in the future should go to waste. We are talking about plastic bottles, waste paper and boxes. It is these so-called wastes that are thrown into the trash. However, few people know that recycling is a fairly profitable business, in which there are so far few competitors.

Business idea

Today, such a business idea is not taken seriously by enterprising people. But not one ton of plastic waste is thrown away every day. recycling

Therefore, the processing of secondary raw materials is a rather profitable and profitable business. The idea of ​​organizing modern non-waste production becomes real in the conditions of managing and increased economy. For example, you can profitably press paper or cardboard with the subsequent transfer of briquettes to plants engaged in recycling.

Primary investments in this business do not exceed the size of investments in any other type of medium-cost activity of business entities.

Plastic Recycling

Every year, every resident of the city throws about 400 kg of garbage. In this case, a third are plastic products (for example, bottles). sinter recycling

It is in such containers that now in supermarkets mainly sold mineral and sparkling water, kvass, beer, yogurt, kefir and juice.

Second-hand plastic bottles are the raw material for the manufacture of flex used in the production of chemical fiber. The same bottles are again made from it. Thus, a rational turnover of plastic occurs.

Other materials are also produced from flex. As an example, the following can be cited: brush, film, paving slabs.

Recycling is an environmentally and socially beneficial business. Studies have shown that it takes about 200 years for one plastic bottle to completely decompose. This industry in Russia is still poorly developed, therefore, it can be attributed to economically promising activities.

Recycling process

Recycling is a process that resembles a collection point for glass containers. processing of secondary raw materials in Russia

Initially, plastic bottles should be re-sorted by color. Then various foreign objects (metal, glass and labels) are removed from the entire mass.

The next stage is pressing bottles and transferring the resulting briquettes to a processing line where waste is shredded with special knives.

The finished mass enters the steam boiler, where the remnants of glue and labels must be removed. Further, the processing process involves the passage of the mass through the rinse and polishing machines. Thus, a flex is obtained.

Equipment list

The equipment for processing secondary raw materials uses the following: crusher, sinter and granulator. These are high-performance compact machines with which to produce recycling with turning them into useful raw materials.


This is one of the most common types of equipment through which a large amount of plastic is passed. The principle of operation of this machine is quite simple. The feedstock enters a specialized tank.

recycling business

Then gradually it goes into the compartment of rotor and stationary knives. Recycling should occur with a high crushing force, which can be achieved through the use of water cooling system. High stability and rotation performance of these knives is an important factor in the selection of equipment.As another feature of the crusher, ease of maintenance and the reliability of the main work units can be indicated.


Recycling of secondary raw materials on an agglomerator is widespread today. It is also a system involved in the recycling of raw materials, but it is arranged much more complicated. With its help, it is possible to complete only some individual stages of a given process, as well as a complete processing complex. This device produces agglomeration, grinding, as well as washing and drying of raw materials.

The working elements of this system are located on a reliable bed. Low noise level, compactness and simplicity in management in combination with high productivity and excellent payback make such equipment a universal tool for recycling.


Another device that has been used for quite a while to process secondary raw materials in Russia is a granulator. This equipment performs operations on the processing of profiles, boxes and films. The versatility of such a machine lies in the replacement of a special screw, with which many types of plastic can be crushed. There are many varieties of granulators that differ in size, reliability of mechanical parts and performance.

Using mini-factories

In addition to stationary lines, mobile mini-factories that process plastic bottles are also widely used. This installation is convenient for those entrepreneurs who are going to engage in this type of business in several cities.

recycling equipment

So, in a month you can collect hundreds of tons of plastic waste. And using a portable plant, it will be easy to move from one landfill to another. By the way, such a mini-factory can even fit in a container. For his work, only sewerage, water and electricity are needed. And the cost of such equipment is acceptable - 100-130 thousand dollars. And if you need a fully equipped line, then the entrepreneur will need to collect about 140 thousand dollars for its acquisition.

As for the number of employees, it is enough to hire only seven people who will sort the raw materials, put them on line and unload the finished product. The speed of one employee is about 150 kg of plastic bottles per hour. In this case, the salary will be about $ 700.

If we take into account all the necessary expenses and line productivity, then the net profit per month will be about 10 thousand dollars. All investments in such a business will pay off in a year and a half.

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Good day! I read an article on recycling and wondered, what kind of product is obtained during processing and how to turn it into money, i.e. sell, earn?


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