
Fish business: how to open a fish store. Fish Store Business Plan: Documents and Costing

Fish Store Business PlanOf course, in our country there are more of those who prefer to eat meat rather than fish. However, this does not mean that consumer demand for salmon or, for example, salmon is small. Quite the contrary.

A huge number of fish lovers live in Russia. And all because it is not only tasty, but also a healthy food product. The fish contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals important for health.

In this regard, those who are wondering how and how to make money can give up the idea of ​​opening a store selling carp, carp, or pike. With a competent approach to business, the fishing business can bring quite substantial profits.

What needs to be done first

A completely natural question arises: “Where to start?” Of course, the question of how to open a fish store is a key one, and it requires a detailed consideration.

First, attention should be paid to market research. Go to the shops that sell seafood. Analyze the product range, its value, “look” at the equipment that the outlet is equipped with, find out the level of consumer demand in a particular area, for example, in where you live. What's next?

Develop a detailed business plan

Take a notebook and pen to draw up a fish shop business plan. In it, you should work out all the details and nuances of organizing your business, namely, indicate what you will need to carry out entrepreneurial activities (premises, personnel, equipment, product range, etc.), what amount of funds you will need as initial capital.

In addition, the business plan of the fish store should contain information about the approximate payback period your business. As practice shows, on average it is one and a half years.

Be sure your business plan for the fish store must contain the goals and objectives that you want to achieve. Record “on paper” what profit you expect in a year and how much money you want to receive in three years from the moment you start the above business activities.

The business plan of the fish store will be the most important document for you, since only it reflects all the data on the growth and development prospects of the commercial enterprise.

After that, you can proceed to legal registration of the business.

Register your business

Before you open a fish store, you must register your business with the tax office. It usually takes no more than a week to resolve this issue, but if you have never encountered the above procedure before, then it doesn’t matter; contact lawyers or business friends, and they will certainly help you.

To legally organize your own fishing business, you will need to coordinate entrepreneurial activity with supervisory structures. In particular, the employees of the sanitary-epidemiological service will issue an appropriate opinion, which contains a list of works and services provided by you, an assortment of products sold.

Also in this document will be noted an action plan to comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of sanitation. In addition, you should receive an opinion from the fire department that you are in compliance with fire safety standards when conducting business.

Fish business

Paradoxical as it may seem, to open a fish shop, you will need to face administrative barriers, which, unfortunately, “put pressure” on small businesses in our country. However, they can be overcome - they should not stop you in the desire to become financially independent.

So, you have received all the necessary documents ...

Store location

At the next stage, you need to take care of renting a room for your outlet and choosing its location. Perhaps you have your own? In this case, you do not have to spend money on rent. Your store should be located in an area where there are no other merchants selling fish products. Otherwise, your sales volumes will be low.

A recently opened outlet can adjoin competitors' stores only if it compares favorably with their range and prices. However, this will not be a guarantee of great customer demand in your "stall".

A great place for your outlet is the territory located near the grocery market. Why? Yes, because often consumers after purchasing the necessary products at the bazaar rush to specialized stores, which have a wide selection.

As for the area of ​​rented premises for trade, it all depends on the volume of goods turnover and the size of your wallet. Remember that the space must contain both display cases and freezers.

Range of products sold

Before opening a fish store, it is very important to determine what you will be trading: pike, crucian carp, herring or pink salmon. Naturally, this should be the fish that is most in demand by the consumer. Finding out it is a task that you had to solve at the preparatory stage of organizing a business. Without fail, you must know exactly how much the percentage of your outlet will be frozen, fresh, smoked, salted fish, as well as canned food, preserves, caviar and seafood.

A properly selected assortment of a fish store is the key to successful sales and growth in turnover.

Open fish shop

Of course, the wider the choice of goods, the better. However, it should be remembered that fish is a perishable food product, therefore, at the initial stage of organizing a business, experimentation with the assortment should not be.

It is optimal to purchase a bit of everything from suppliers. Otherwise, you may expect unforeseen expenses that are absolutely unnecessary. You must in practice catch the demand of the consumer and on the basis of this develop a range of goods.

It is very important to learn how to work with product residues. There is an unwritten rule regarding how to form an application to the supplier: determine the total result of the sold fish species and add another half to it. If, for example, you sold thirty carps, then the next order should already be forty-five pieces. If you adhere to the above principle, you will always be able to have the goods in stock. In this case, a small carry-over is allowed.


If we consider the fish store as a business, then it should be noted that for its successful development it is necessary to calculate all the details to the smallest detail. One of them is the choice of a supplier of fish products.

Fish Shop Assortment

Of course, in every city there are merchants who are ready to sell fish products in bulk, but you should not make an order with the first one. Everyone has different prices, so you should study in advance as many offers as possible on the market.

Remember that your customers should receive a fresh and high-quality product, otherwise the next time there are few people who want to come to your store.

In addition, make sure that products are delivered to you on time. Require documents for all purchased goods, be sure to ask the supplier for certificates confirming the quality of the fish products.


When selling fish, do not forget that this food product needs proper storage. And each group of fish products must be sold separately. In particular, frozen fish is usually placed in special chests, but fresh chilled fish is sold on special tables made of stainless material. At the same time, a huge amount of ice surrounds the fish.

Packaged products are sold on shelves, smoked or dried, placed on hooks. For other variations of fish products, the use of a refrigerated display case is allowed. Of course, the above equipment will require a fairly substantial amount of money, and you should be prepared for this.


For business, you can not do without sensible sellers.

Fish shop as a business

For starters, you can get by with two or three employees. First of all, they should have experience in the food trade. They must have medical records.

Sellers should be polite and friendly with customers. In addition, you will need an accountant who will prepare financial statements for the tax inspection, and a procurement manager who will deal with the acquisition of goods for its subsequent sale.

Please note that you will pay salaries every month to the above employees.


Of course, you should clearly understand that it is impossible to organize a fishing business in Russia without start-up capital. Moreover, its size, to put it mildly, is “impressive”. He will be able to pay off, as already emphasized, in about a year and a half. Agree, the term is not so long.

So, what items of expenses await you?

Each month you will give about 20 thousand rubles for renting a trading floor. Employees will need approximately 80 thousand rubles for wages. Using utilities will cost you another 10,000 rubles. Well, for the purchase of goods every month your wallet will be emptied by 200,000 rubles. As a result, per month your income should be more than 310,000 rubles.

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Reason for complaint
I thought it was better to open a store or buy it on a franchise, and you know, on a franchise it turned out to be more profitable. Immediately, people went to a recognizable sign; there was no need to look for suppliers. I bought a fishnet franchise and am very pleased.
Max Eugene
Eugene, the advertising of the Rybset franchise is not necessary here. It’s not very profitable.


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