
Own business: how to open a butcher's shop? Butcher shop business plan

If you decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity in the field of trade, you must choose the right product. It is from this that the profitability of your enterprise will depend. The best option would be food trading.

After all, say, a person is quite able to do without an extra pair of shoes or new trousers, but without food - no. And which product can be considered the most popular? Certainly not chips and sweets. It’s best to think about how to open a butcher shop. Why meat? Because it is it that is always in constant demand among our population, among which there are not so many, if not very few, vegetarians.

how to open a butcher shop

Meat business

As mentioned above, a Russian person can hardly imagine lunch without a piece of meat in a soup or a second. However, many prefer to purchase this product not in a frozen state, and not even in supermarkets, namely from a private trader. Usually for this people go to the market where you can buy a fresh product.

However, you must admit, it is much more convenient to purchase it near the house, in a butcher's shop, where you can also ask the seller to cut off a piece you like, buy freshly prepared minced meat, almost in front of your eyes, without fear for the quality of the goods. And since opening a butcher's shop today is by no means a daunting task, then why not do it.

Believe me, this product is not afraid of any economic crises, it has always been bought, bought and, of course, will be bought. And in order for the business to really go, as they say, we must, by all means at the preparatory stage, draw up the correct business plan for the butcher's shop. And strictly follow all its points. And then you can unconditionally count not only on obtaining a stable profit, but also think over time about the expansion of the enterprise.

So, let's talk about how to open a butcher's shop.


Naturally, a well-chosen place for a shop is the key to success. The room must be sought where there is a large crowd of people. Since you should not even think about building your own store at the initial stage, one thing remains - to rent it. Remember, there’s no need to start a search in the center.

Since there has always been high competition in this type of activity, there is no need to plan the opening of a butcher shop where these products are offered at every corner. Ideally, the area of ​​new buildings is most suitable for you. And the rent for the premises on the periphery is much lower, and there are more than enough people in high-rise buildings (read - potential customers), and there is practically no competition.

 semi-finished meat production


When thinking about where and how to open a butcher's shop, remember one thing: you are new to this business. And, to be honest, the entrepreneur is still inexperienced. Therefore, perhaps at first it is best to rent a department at the grocery store. After all, by and large, you will not need much space.

Say, for the first time, you can get by with a room of no more than ten to fifteen squares. And the rent will not be so high, and you can trade by purchasing small quantities of goods, gradually gaining experience and studying consumer demand.

Of course, if you intend to approach the issue of “how to open a butcher's shop” on a large scale, well, then rent a separate room. You can simultaneously trade in other products: milk, bread, groceries. Or even master your own meat production delicacies, which, although laborious, but quite doable.

Yes, and contributes to increased profits. In this case, when developing a business plan for a butcher's shop, do not forget to include this item in the expense item. However, as we have already said, it is still better for a beginner in the field of trade to start small. Do not forget that meat is a specific product that has value in the eyes of the buyer only in fresh form. Therefore, it is better to develop your business gradually, starting with small ones.

butcher shop business plan


Not all beginning entrepreneurs, thinking about how to open a butcher's shop, know that this type of activity for some time does not require licensing. This, of course, greatly simplifies the task. Therefore, all you need is to register as an individual entrepreneur (or individual entrepreneur) or open an LLC.

The first option is more profitable in that you only have to pay a single fixed tax and you don’t have to bother with bookkeeping. No sanitation permit is also required. However, if you decide to establish your own production of semi-finished meat products, and even not at the point of sale, then paper from

Rospotrebnadzor required. In addition, remember that each of your employees must have a sanitary record in their hands, and you will certainly need to require a veterinary certificate from the supplier, and for each new batch of goods.

We buy equipment for a butcher's shop

First of all you have to get:

  • refrigerated display case necessary for the sale of meat and its own semi-finished products;
  • refrigerators and freezers that are required to store products;
  • trade scales, as well as scales for production;
  • chopping deck, a set of axes and knives designed for cutting meat;
  • an electric meat grinder for making minced meat;
  • cash register.

This is the minimum that will be needed at first. Well, then, with the expansion of the enterprise, everything you need can be bought as needed.

opening a butcher shop


When opening a butcher shop, immediately look for a professional meat chopper. You will need a true master of his craft. After all, much will depend on him, including your profit. Why? Yes, because the carcass, chopped up incorrectly, gives up to fifteen percent of the waste - that is, pieces of meat that have a non-marketable and unassuming appearance. It will be possible to realize them only at an illiquid price, which will raise the logical question: “Do you need this?” True, if you still cannot find such a person, that is, a way out. It is necessary to agree with suppliers that they will sell you already cut meat. True, its cost will already be slightly higher than the cost of an unbroken carcass.

You will also need at least one seller. Only sensible. Which will not only be able to tell the buyer which meat is best suited for a particular dish, but also sell everything, even far from the best pieces. After all, meat is not pasta; it cannot lie on a shelf for months.

If you plan to organize your own production of semi-finished meat products as well, you will need a cook to make them. As for the accountant, for these purposes it is better to have a person providing one-time services, as necessary.


Of course, you will need a good and trusted supplier (or even several). It’s better to buy products yourself, more reliable. Later, as the business develops, it will be possible to hire a manager. At first, this is useless. Where to look for suppliers? In private or farm households. It is there that you can buy really high-quality products, because the freshness of the goods on the shelves of your store is the key to making good profit and having a large number of regular customers. As mentioned above, meat must certainly be provided with a veterinary certificate.In addition, be sure to check for stamps on the carcasses.

Do not immediately buy huge quantities of meat. It is a perishable product. It is better to bring a fresh batch every two days than to puzzle over where to put unsold products.

meat delicatessen production


On your counter should be only the best seller. This is - naturally - the meat itself, and not bad if it is of different types: pork, beef, veal, even lamb. Offal is well sold out - heart, lungs, liver, etc. As for dietary (turkey, rabbit) and exotic (say, ostrich) meat, then they should not get carried away especially. Eating is good. No - well, okay. But chicken - as highly sought after - should be present. After all, not all of your customers can get involved in pork. So why lose the buyer. Let them take chicken. After all, everything goes to your profit.

As for semi-finished products, the following products are considered the most popular from this category: minced meat (preferably several types), raw sausages, chops, barbecue, sets for soup.

Further, with the development of the business, the assortment can be replenished.


You cannot do without this engine of trade. Advertise yourself and your products everywhere: distribute leaflets, post advertisements on specialized stands, place signs near the shop. Carefully consider what to call a butcher shop. So that by looking at a sign or reading an announcement, a person could not only immediately understand what product he was offered, but also take note of the name itself, that is, quickly remember it. If it’s not very expensive, date advertisements in newspapers, on television, try to tell about yourself on the city’s website.

what to call a butcher shop

We calculate the costs

The meat business is characterized by very mild conditions necessary for entry. What does this mean? And the fact that for the opening of a butcher's shop, say, on the basis of a supermarket, an amount of seventy to one hundred thousand rubles will be enough. Moreover, most of it will be needed specifically for the purchase of the product itself, the rest will be spent on the purchase of the necessary equipment, registration of entrepreneurial activity, rent, "communal apartment", staff salaries and repair of the premises (if required).

In order to slightly reduce the initial costs, it is possible to purchase not new, but used equipment, or even take it out for rent.


Based on the fact that you will put a margin of thirty percent on your products, the company must pay for itself within six months. And over time, having gained relevant experience and having filled a hand, it would be advisable to open several additional shops that will make you richer and richer. And each subsequent point will pay off much faster - it will be enough only three months of work.

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