
Cement business

Cement is created by combining limestone, gypsum, clay, mineral additives and other components. The technology and type of cement are diverse, its production is carried out thanks to various technologies.

Cement production - A fairly profitable business that is highly competitive. To open this type of business is possible only after a detailed study of the market, taking into account regional characteristics and the current economic situation.

The development of an individual business plan is required to implement this idea. On the Internet you can find a standard package of contracts and requirements for the production of cement. The main investment will be equipment costs.

One of the most popular and sought-after building materials in the market - cement - is made quite difficult.

Production technology

The cement production process is divided into these two main stages:

  1. Obtaining clinker - an intermediate specific product, which is granules mixed mechanically and heated to 1500 degrees clay and lime (or other materials of a similar gross composition). Clinker granules form the basis of any cement. This is a difficult and time-consuming stage, the most expensive.
  2. Grinding clinker with gypsum (or other additives). In other words, the preparation of Portland cement.

The cement manufacturing process is complicated by the fact that the chemical and mineralogical composition of the raw material varies quite widely (humidity, uniformity, hardness). Plants and factories specializing in the production of this material, which operate on imported raw materials, are exposed to this factor the most.

There are natural and technical varieties of raw materials that differ, for example, in purity and humidity. For each type, one of the existing production methods is selected, which provides fine grinding and uniform mixing of components using a minimum amount of energy.

Important are the conditions for the extraction of material, its transportation and storage, as well as the “human factor” in working with it.

Methods of cement production:

  • a wet method of grinding a mixture of raw materials is used and is produced in water to obtain mixed ingredients (mixture) in the form of a suspension;
  • dry method - does not require water in the production technology and the mixture is a powdered powder, the components of which are specially dried before mixing;
  • a combined method based on one of the previous ones. The result is a mixture of moisture up to 20%.

In the basic dry method, the initially prepared mixture is granulated by adding up to 14% water. With the wet base method, the raw material mixture at the outlet is dehydrated by 16-18%.

Equipment costs

Naturally, you have to spend money on equipment. In the production of cement, limestone or clay is used. If limestone is used, then it is first crushed in special industrial crushers (from 200 thousand rubles per piece), and the clay is crushed using water in special mixer-mills (chatterboxes).

[caption id = "attachment_4695" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]cement production Own business: cement production [/ caption]

In tube ball mills (the cost of one is about 3.3 million rubles) they are mixed and finely ground to obtain a mixture of homogeneous limestone, clay sludge and additives.

After the composition has been checked and adjusted, the sludge enters the rotary kiln for firing, where chemical reactions are completed and lead to the production of hot clinker. It is cooled in an industrial refrigerator.The price of a rotary kiln is approximately 140 thousand rubles.

Tube ball mills also jointly grind gypsum, clinker and mineral additives.

To create a cement business, you must carefully select a room. The ceiling height in it should be at least 4 meters, and the area should be at least 400-500 sq.m. It would be ideal to have your own clay quarry or limestone - then the cost of production will be reduced only to the sum of the costs of utilities and staff maintenance.

You will also need additional equipment that will be used for packing cement in bags and shipping.

The amount of equipment for the manufacture of cement, as well as the number of specialists, directly depends on the volume of production. A significant factor also remains the financial capabilities of the businessman.

Equipment costs will amount to about 2 million rubles. But business is payback anyway.

Cement mortar

An integral important part of any construction is cement mortar. It is prepared from cement powder, mixing cement, water and sand in certain proportions.

Depending on the purpose of use, the proportions of cement per mortar are calculated. For example, the amount of cement in the mortar for bricklaying is 1: 4 with sand, and for internal finishing work this proportion will be 1: 3 or 1: 5, given the brand of cement.

A concrete mixer is used for masonry cement mortar, since it is practically impossible to manually knead a large volume of material. If it is necessary to carry out simpler work in the house, it will be quite realistic to use a basin or bucket to mix the solution.

The cement mortar is prepared as follows:

  • pour cement and sand 1: 3;
  • add one part of water to a dry mixture mixed with a shovel or trowel. Stir again;
  • cement mortar dries for 2 hours.

To dilute too much solution is not recommended unless you know exactly how much material you are using.

Payback and demand for business

The small and medium cement business is highly competitive. The smallest amount of investment in this activity is from 10 to 50 thousand dollars. The amount depends on the planned volume of production and the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

The payback period of such a business is from 6 months to 1 year.

The modern construction market requires a large amount of cement, so customers and buyers for it are quickly found.

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