
Documents for a loan from Sberbank to an individual. Credit application. Types of loans

Want to get a loan, but can’t decide on a bank? What are the criteria for choosing it? What you should pay attention to? Read the article carefully and you will find the answers to all these questions.

How to choose a creditor bank?

Nowadays, the lending service has gained wide popularity. And this is no coincidence. It is very convenient. You can give money in parts, and not immediately a large amount. But you can use the money from the very beginning.

However, it is important to understand that credit is a medal that has different sides. Some people do not think about the consequences, take a loan without having thought through to the end all the nuances. And in the end, they have nothing to pay and they are sucked into debt more and more, like in a swamp, from which it is very difficult to get out. And every day this “swamp” sucks in even more.

Loan rate at Sberbank for individuals

And other people understand that lending is a great tool, and with it you can make money by doubling or even tripling your profit. How it works? Why do some people make money from it, while others create unnecessary problems for themselves?

The thing is that you need to be responsible in choosing a creditor bank. Before you get a loan:

  1. Explore the banks that are currently on the market. Choose only reliable! With a rich history and good reputation.
  2. Make a rating of the banks with which you are ready to cooperate (preferably no more than 5).
  3. Check rates for loan products at a bank branch, by the hotline number or on the official website.
  4. Perform an in-depth analysis of loan products. And only then submit an application!

consumer loans to individuals in a savings bank

What types of loans exist?

In the modern world, every person, one way or another, has come across a lending service. More and more people prefer to receive a thing, goods, money immediately, and give it later in equal parts. Let's find out what types of loans exist.

Sberbank loan application

The following types are possible at Sberbank for individuals:

  1. Consumer. It is characterized by a fairly high interest rate. And that means a big overpayment. Issued in cash.
  2. Car loan. This loan is targeted, because it is issued for a specific purpose. There are fewer risks, which means that the interest rate is lower.
  3. Mortgages for the purchase of housing. It is characterized by a low interest rate, a long loan term and the amount of debt.
  4. Commodity loan. Issued in stores. To purchase goods directly at a given point of sale. For its execution, a minimal package of documents is needed, in most cases one passport is enough. As a rule, issued in small amounts to minimize the risks of the bank.
  5. Education loan. It has a fairly low interest rate. Provides for deferred payment. You do not receive money in your hands, the bank transfers it to the account of a school, college, university or other educational institution with which you have an agreement. It is important to understand that you are obliged to bring a certificate from the place of study every year, so that the bank will continue to transfer money for your training.

Sberbank loan terms for individuals

What other types of loans at Sberbank for individuals exist?

  1. Overdraft credit card. Simply put, a card with an authorized credit limit. If you want to not pay interest for using the card, you need to fit into the grace period of the loan. Each loan product has its own term, and it depends on various factors. But usually it ranges from 20 days to 3 months.
  2. Refinancing a loan taken from another bank.
  3. Personal loan development loan.

What documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank to an individual?

  1. The most basic document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Without it, you can not get a single loan.
  2. Help confirming your financial condition. Either in the form of a bank, or 2 personal income tax.
  3. A copy of the work book certified by the employer.
  4. If the loan is secured, that is, secured or guaranteed, you need to prepare documents confirming that the security has been drawn up for you. Or the guarantor needs to prepare the same documents as you, to confirm their solvency.

Documents for a loan in a savings bank to an individual

What to look for when choosing a loan product?

  1. At the interest rate. It depends on her the amount of your overpayment. Therefore, the lower the rate, the better.
  2. The amount you need to pay monthly. Realistically evaluate your financial capabilities. Because in case of non-payment of the monthly payment, sanctions in the form of fines, penalties and fines will follow. You will suffer quite large financial losses. And every day they will grow and it will be more difficult for you to cover the debt. Therefore, it is better to take the product for a longer period, but with a lower monthly payment and pay more every month than to get into trouble and allow for late payments, thereby spoiling your credit history.
  3. Loan terms. As mentioned earlier, it’s better to take a little longer, but you should not go too far. Because sometimes, especially on mortgage programs, the difference in the monthly payment is 1-2 thousand rubles, but the difference in the loan term is as much as 5 years! Be careful!
  4. By what criteria does the bank select borrowers. Whether it’s age or the presence of guarantors / collateral. If at least 1 point you do not fit, then look for another loan offer.

Type of loans in the Savings Bank for individuals

Interest rate

What is the loan rate at Sberbank for individuals? This question interests many people. As a rule, loan conditions at Sberbank for individuals periodically change. It is calculated individually and depends on many factors. Namely:

  • age;
  • credit history;
  • Do you receive a pension / salary in an account opened with Sberbank;
  • Are there any loan guarantors or collateral.

The minimum consumer loan rate starts at 14.9%. And the less likely that you will pay on time, the higher the interest rate.

How to apply for a loan?

  1. See which consumer loans to individuals in Sberbank exist and which one is right for you.
  2. Collect documents for a loan at Sberbank. An individual needs a passport, as well as a document confirming your income. The bank considers each situation separately, so an employee will give you a list of documents that you will need to collect.
  3. Contact Sberbank. Application for a loan is submitted within 30 minutes. Wait for a decision.

The loan application was approved, but what to do next?

  1. Contact Sberbank. An application for a loan has its own "expiration date". After the expiration of the application will have to submit a new one.
  2. Sign documents for a loan at Sberbank. A second copy of documents is issued to an individual in his hands, in which all credit conditions, the date and amount of payment are prescribed.
  3. Be careful! The date sometimes shifts due to weekends or holidays, so pay in advance, preferably 3-5 days in advance.

Insurance service: voluntary-compulsory?

Recently, a situation has often arisen when bank employees simultaneously issue documents for a loan at Sberbank to an individual and an application for voluntary participation in insurance. What is this insurance for? Is it necessary? The decision on insurance is made by the borrower on a voluntary basis, the bank can only recommend insuring your life with the loan amount. To minimize your risks. Agree or not - you decide.

What should I look for when applying for a loan?

  1. Read the contract carefully. Pay special attention to the payment schedule. It contains the amount and date of payment.
  2. Specify where and how you can pay the loan. Do I need to open an additional account? Is there a transfer fee? And if so, how much.
  3. A very convenient feature is the automation of payment - auto payment. With this service, you don’t have to worry about being late. Because the system will automatically transfer the amount of money on the specified date to your account. Your only concern is to ensure that you have money in your account at the time of debiting.

It’s better to think it over 7 times, and only after that apply for a loan.

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