
How to open a bookmaker

How to open a bookmakerThe betting business is very profitable. People have understood this for a very long time and have been earning it for hundreds of years. Each person has a certain degree of gambling, some put money, some just watch. Bookmakers focus on those who put money on sporting events, sometimes even put on politicians, an Oscar. According to statistics, the main customers of bookmakers are men aged 20 to 50. This is the age period that interests most. The same statistics say that in Italy 40% of the bets are made by women, but this is Italy, and we have a different situation.

In general, the profitability, according to the bookmakers, is 10%. But it seems to me that they are underestimating their income. But still this is a business that brings profitable. There are difficulties that need to be quickly resolved and not be misled.

How to open a bookmaker?

First you need to decide how to work. You can open your own office, which will be completely independent or become a partner of a large foreign company. Each of these proposals has positive and not very positive sides. If you are a partner of a large company, you will have access to all the company's forecasts for sporting events, so you can easily start. Profit will be divided in half, respectively. But if you lose, the partner company will cover half of the payments. When you open your own independent office, you will need to face all the problems of a novice businessman. And many other problems, but the profit will go only to you alone.

When deciding how to open a bookmaker, take advantage of the experience of many burnt out companies, their successful counterparts, and choose the most profitable strategy.

When you open your own bookmaker, you will need to find a place where it will be located. It will be enough 5-10 square meters. You will also need to purchase a computer, printer, copier, cable TV (if possible satellite), of course, Internet access. You will also need to purchase certain software, which will also cost money.

Often there are problems in obtaining a license for young businessmen without experience in the gaming business. To obtain such a license, a person with experience is needed, sometimes directors are hired who have such experience or take their share.

Every day, bookmakers set their quotes on bets and percentages for a particular event. Such quotes are called a line. The lines can be created by the bookmakers themselves, but then there should be a special person among the staff who understands all the wisdom of this sport. Such a professional will monitor the situation and give his forecast for the game. It will be unprofitable for a young business to maintain a large staff, so you can buy a line of a well-known company for 300-500 dollars a month or find free statistics on the Internet.

There is also a great danger of burnout in the first months. As soon as you open your business, competitors and experienced players who live off bets will rush towards you. Your competitors will bet huge amounts on games with a predetermined result and thereby force you to pay huge amounts of winnings. Experienced players who will not exceed a percent, your visitors will look for all your forecast errors and earn.

To begin with, you will need to put a limit on the maximum bet amount. You will also need to have a reserve fund from which winnings will be paid.

If you think well about how to open a bookmaker, you will find the solution that is most suitable for you. If you can not afford to open your own business because of financial difficulties, then transfer your idea to the Internet. The amount to start on the Internet will be much less. Thus, you can solve any difficulty.

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Olga Kannunikova
Thanks for the information. For me this is not very clear.


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