
Electronic registration of DDU in Rosreestr: terms, pros and cons

The share agreement is made upon the purchase of real estate in a house under construction. This document is an official confirmation of the transaction. On the basis of it, buyers of apartments are protected from possible bankruptcy or fraud on the part of the developer. This documentation is subject to state registration. The process can be performed not only with a personal visit to Rosreestr, but also through the website of this organization. Electronic registration of DDU has many advantages, and is also considered a simple process. The procedure can be performed by any person, for which you need to make copies of the necessary documents in advance. Registration fees can be paid directly on the official website of Rosreestr.

Why registration is required?

DDU is an official document that is signed with the developer. He confirms that a citizen has purchased an apartment in an unfinished apartment building. In this case, the person is not just a buyer of real estate, but a participant in the construction. With the help of such a purchase, a significant amount of money can be saved, since buying an apartment in the process of building a house is considered a profitable process.

Only the signing of the DDU by the buyer and the developer does not mean that the document becomes legal. The settlement of various disputes through a court is possible only after the registration of such a document. The most popular is the electronic registration of DDU, which has many advantages and simplicity. Only after this process does the investor become an official shareholder.

Many developers require a fee before direct registration. But such a decision is risky for buyers, since there is a possibility that they are faced with a fraudster. If the contract is not registered with Rosreestr, then it will not be possible to use it in court to resolve various disputes or to claim rights to the apartment.

electronic registration ddu reviews

What does registration mean?

Electronic registration of the DDU, like another registration method, means:

  • all documents held by the developer have been thoroughly checked;
  • legal purity of the transaction is ensured;
  • there are no problems with the project and title documents available to the developer;
  • all actions of the company are carried out on the basis of the provisions of Federal Law No. 214.

A correctly registered agreement has a special stamp on the back. Additionally, it is signed and stamped by an authorized employee of Rosreestr. The institution is assigned a unique number for such an agreement.

electronic registration

Registration Methods

Registration of the DDU consists in entering information about this contract into a special database of Rosreestr. Through this process, you can avoid fraud on the part of the developer, and you can also be sure that one apartment will not be sold to several people.

If a home buyer officially registered a DDU, then he may demand protection of his rights on the basis of the content of Federal Law No. 214. The procedure can be performed in various ways:

  • direct appeal to the department of Rosreestr;
  • use of an intermediary provided by the MFC, but due to this, the registration period is slightly increased;
  • electronic registration of DDU on the website of Rosreestr.

Each method has both pros and cons. If a person wants to save time on visiting different institutions, then the latter method is chosen.It consists in the fact that all registration activities are performed via the Internet. Feedback on electronic registration of DDU is only positive, as the process is legal, prompt and simple.

cost of electronic registration

Advantages and disadvantages

There are certain pros and cons of electronic registration of DDU. The main positive aspects of the implementation of this process include:

  • significant time savings;
  • registration period is reduced to 5 days;
  • the possibility of error is excluded, since often the documents were returned to the applicants due to the fact that the employees of Rosreestr or MFC did not have the necessary competence to verify them upon receipt from a citizen;
  • it is not required to use the help of couriers or proxies to transfer securities to the office of the IFC or the Federal Register
  • by paying a fee on the site there is an opportunity to reduce costs.

Therefore, registration on the institution’s website is considered a popular process. But it has some disadvantages, which include the need for an electronic digital signature.

electronic registration deadline

How is registration done?

If a person signed a DDU with a developer, then he will have a question how electronic registration of DDU occurs. The process is divided into successive stages:

  1. All the necessary documents are collected.
  2. A digital electronic signature is being made.
  3. On the Rosreestra website, a section is selected that allows you to receive various electronic services.
  4. There is a service offering to register DDU in electronic form.
  5. An application is filled out, for which data are entered in a special form.
  6. The purpose of the appeal to Rosreestr is indicated.
  7. The information on the cadastral number of the property is entered, as well as information about the developer and the buyer.
  8. The method is indicated by which documents will be received after registration, since an extract from the USRN is issued for this, for which you can issue an electronic version of the extract or get it at the Rosreestr branch.
  9. Scanned documents are attached to the application.
  10. The procedure is confirmed with a digital signature.

By using the Rosreestra website, a 30% discount is offered in the process of paying the registration fee. The standard duty for individuals is 350 rubles, and for companies it is 6 thousand rubles. Using discounts can significantly reduce costs.

readiness of documents

The nuances of digital signature

Registration of DDU in Rosreestr in electronic form is available only with an electronic signature. For its design it is necessary to contact specialized organizations, and they provide this service only for a fee.

Signature fees can vary significantly from region to region. It varies from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. Therefore, if the registration process of the DDU in Rosreestr is carried out by a private person who does not need to further use an electronic signature, it is advisable to contact the organization directly.

What documents are required?

It is important to prepare in advance the documents required for registration of the DDU. The share agreement is recorded in the USRN on the basis of the following documentation:

  • direct agreement signed with the developer;
  • a copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • application for registration;
  • project declaration;
  • additional agreements drawn up with the developer;
  • if the applicant is married, then the spouse's notarized consent to the transaction is additionally required.

Other documentation may be required if necessary. The cost of electronic registration of DDU is low for individuals, and by filing documents electronically, you can count on a discount of 30%.

registration ddu in the registry

Nuances of registration with Sberbank

Sberbank offers the opportunity to electronically register DDU. This organization works directly with Rosreestr.You can use this method only if you use a mortgage registered in Sberbank to buy an apartment in a building under construction.

The advantages of applying for registration with Sberbank include:

  • To complete the process, a citizen is required only a DDU signed with the developer;
  • the term for electronic registration of DDU through Sberbank is from 5 to 7 days;
  • with this method of registering a transaction, the bank reduces the mortgage interest rate by 0.1%.

Although this method does not require self-registration of a digital signature, still the Sberbank service is paid. The cost is slightly different in different regions, but is within 7 thousand rubles. This amount includes the state registration fee.

Ddu share agreement

How to find out about registration of a contract?

It is important not only to correctly submit the documentation for registration, but also to check the timely availability of documents in Rosreestr. You can get information about whether the DDU was registered in the USRN in various ways. These include:

  • direct appeal to Rosreestr for extract from the USRN;
  • visit to the MFC office;
  • use of the website of Rosreestr or State services for receiving electronic statements.

Most often, citizens prefer to use online services to quickly receive information. An extract in paper form is provided on a paid basis, and information can be obtained on the website for free. The applicant must transfer to Rosreestr employees or upload his passport and direct DDU to the selected site.

The nuances of obtaining an extract through the website of Rosreestr

You can learn about the readiness of documents at Rosreestr at any time. To do this, it is advisable to order an extract from the USRN on the official website of this institution. The procedure is divided into stages:

  • initially you need to register and log in to this site;
  • a section is selected that offers the opportunity to use the electronic services of the resource;
  • there is a section with the help of which information on various objects is provided online;
  • the cadastral number of the existing apartment is entered in the search line;
  • request is formed;
  • in a new window, you can examine all the information that is available in the USRN about a particular object;
  • an important section is the paragraph relating to rights and restriction;
  • this paragraph should contain information about the registered DDU.

If the necessary information is missing, then there is a possibility that the data on a specific contract has not yet been entered into the database. Otherwise, you will have to contact Rosreestr employees for clarification.

How does electronic registration work?

Reasons for refusal

Even when using the electronic registration of the DDU, there is a possibility of collision with a failure. It may be due to the following reasons:

  • not all scanned documents are uploaded on the site;
  • there are errors in the documentation;
  • the filing of documents is carried out by a person who does not have the necessary rights and authorities for these purposes;
  • it turns out that the Rosreestr already has a registered contract for this apartment.

If a negative decision is made, then the employees of Rosreestr must certainly notify the applicant in writing. Therefore, a notification is sent to him stating the reasons for the refusal. If they are connected with the absence of the necessary documents or with errors in the papers, then it is enough to correct these violations in order to re-submit the application.


Registration of the DDU is a mandatory process that can be performed with a direct visit to Rosreestr or electronically. In the second case, the applicant must have a digital signature. Most often this method is used by companies with digital signatures.

Electronic registration of the contract has both pros and cons. Reviews about this process are only positive due to its ease, speed and confidentiality.Additionally, you can count on a discount in the process of paying the fee.

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