
Company "Mail Service": reviews, features and services

In the modern world, each of us needs to be careful when receiving certain offers from various organizations. Fraudsters have developed many schemes for stealing money from people's pockets. Unscrupulous organizations constantly change their name or appear under the name of a famous brand in order to increase loyalty among potential customers. This is misleading to many people who believe that they are interacting with a real company.

What it is?

Mail Service is the largest fraudulent network with which many are familiar firsthand. People who like to read magazines and newspapers have met the name of the company on the pages of various publications. This organization holds lotteries and guarantees participants 100% payout of winnings. The rules of the lottery are simple, since it is enough for participants to correctly solve the crossword puzzle or erase the protective layer. After the participant sent the correct answer to the specified address, he receives a lot of papers from the company "Mail Service". The reviews of numerous participants report that this is a real scam, as the company earns on the trust of people.

The essence of deception

This type of fraud is common in many print media, where it is proposed to solve the words in a crossword puzzle. Participants who send a response to the specified address or call the hotline phone number automatically get into the database. Letters of winnings are sent to the formed base, with the condition of placing an order for a certain amount.

Cheating retirees

Recipients receive colorful envelopes with lots of papers. They contain information about the action, but specific conditions are not specified. Important information is located directly inside the envelope, which no recipient pays attention to.

Can I get a win?

To receive a prize, the participant must order goods from the catalog for a certain amount. Only after that the scammers promise to transfer funds to the client’s account with the details of the Mail Service company. Reviews say that this is a fraud that millions of citizens of our country have fallen for. You need to know that even when paying for the ordered goods, you can not wait for a win from the company. Print media are not ashamed to post such information on their pages, and people still fall into the hook of the Mail Service company. Feedback from participants indicates that you should not believe in the honesty and fairness of the draws and various lotteries.

Mail service reviews

People who expect to receive a win call the hotline. Operators request the participant’s data and say that after a certain time a letter will come to the mailbox with instructions on how to receive a win. LLC Pochta Service collected feedback on winning money exclusively in a negative way, since the participants became victims of this fraud. Fraudsters steal money from participants' pockets, and then again send their promotional items by mail.

LLC Post Service: reviews about winning money

User reviews report that the activity of this company is a real scam of people for money and fraud in its purest form. Many people want to get a lot of money with a minimum of effort. It is precisely on this category of people that the tricks of the Mail Service company are designed. Feedback on the winnings, which cannot be obtained, is entirely negative, and some participants showed an active citizenship and appealed to the relevant authorities.However, the company’s activities are still flourishing, since the specified company details are false, and it is very difficult to find them.

Feedback from participants

Negative user reviews report that scammers are aimed at luring money from the most unprotected population - from pensioners. The older generation trusts people and the information coming from them, so it is naive to follow all directions.

Features of cheating

Many people talk about the fact that this is a quality fraud that is aimed at gullible citizens. If you carefully look at the information in the letter, you can see that all phrases about the big win are accompanied by asterisks. Footnotes are located at the bottom of the document and contain information that winning is possible only "if you choose a winner."

Such papers have been sent to citizens for 10 years, but there are still people who believe in a miracle from the company Mail Service. "Home" reviews are extremely negative, as its reputation has declined significantly due to widespread advertising.

Inbox Advertising

Special attention should be paid to the products presented to users in catalogs. Many reviews report that all things are of low quality, but their prices are very high. The order of the goods does not guarantee the subsequent receipt of the prize, since the participant receives a letter stating that after a certain time the next promotion will be held. "Mail service", reviews of which are extremely negative, obsessively sends letters and deceives unsuspecting citizens.

The target audience

The target audience of the company "Mail Service" are pensioners, single people and people who are in difficult financial situation. Fraudsters take advantage of the financial and moral weakness of these people and drag them into their scams. For this, knowledge of the features of human nature and various methods of psychological influence are used. The company distributes catalogs with goods and forces participants to complete the order of completely unnecessary things. Many deceived citizens wrote statements to the prosecutor's office, but they still have not received decisive action.


People who believed in the possibility of easy money voluntarily enriched the developer of the service. Lovers of easy money will find many unpleasant surprises. People act as sponsors for scammers, so they can’t get anything. Real user reviews report potential dangers and warn others not to get caught by scammers. It is necessary to realize that if there is no work, then there is no earnings.

Kind of fraud

Scam companies flourish and live for many years, and people continue to naively believe the promises of such companies. It is gullible people who bring the main income to such organizations. Do not trust the promises of fabulous cash prizes and other attractive offers.

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Reason for complaint
Mail service scammers of the highest category. Why are they still not interested in the competent mystery bodies. But the answer is in all probability simple. For such an enormous period, they cut such grandmothers on their low-grade product that it’s not a problem for them to share with anyone who covers them. And even then ordering goods is not fraud, but everything else is YES. Anyway, if you want, you can throw a rein. Just like in everything, who will please ordinary citizens for us? Here is the actual question !!!


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