
Own business: Sausage shop

There is an opinion that the production of quality sausages is a priority only for large meat plants. That is why "home" production is not widely spread among Russian regions. But, one way or another, a mini sausage shop can compete well against the background of the "giants" of this market segment, focusing on the quality of the products. Each production has its own characteristics, therefore, when creating a sausage shop, it is worth paying attention to sanitary requirements, product certification, especially raw materials and premises.

Sanitary standards

Half of the success in this business depends on the correct choice of premises. Today, there are strict requirements for food production, so your future premises must fully meet sanitary requirements. As a rule, independent preparation of a workshop causes difficulties for an inexperienced person, therefore, the most optimal option is to contact a construction and consulting company. They will analyze the structure and its compliance with future production, taking into account all the requirements, norms, rules and GOST, as well as develop recommendations for reconstruction, repair and operation.

One of the most important requirements is that the finished product in no way intersects with unprocessed raw materials. In addition, following the requirements of September 30, 1996, it is necessary to equip the workshop with appropriate equipment.

Equipment and equipment for the sausage shop

According to the requirements of Russian law, sausage production must contain the following equipment:

  • raw materials shop;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • a chamber for storing raw materials;
  • defrosting and preparatory processing workshop;
  • manufacturing facility;
  • thermal workshop;
  • warehouse for dry bulk products;
  • a warehouse for spices;
  • warehouse for inventory and other tools;
  • washing department;
  • warehouse for sodium nitrate solution;
  • household premises.

It is worth noting that, in coordination with the SES bodies, certain types of premises can be combined, and some may not be used at all. Another feature is that instead of the whole variety of equipment of the workshop, it is possible to purchase a monoblock, in other words a mini-workshop. Upon purchase, it is fully ready for use and meets all standards. They are actively used in rural areas, where it is difficult to find the right rental space.

sausage shopOpening a sausage shop, it is necessary to prepare technical task. According to the assignment, an analysis of raw materials and their calculation is made, an assortment of manufactured products is compiled. Then, when all the preparatory work is done, inspectors are invited to analyze the fulfillment of all requirements. If the outcome is positive, you will receive a veterinary certificate issued for 1 year, as well as an act confirming compliance with sanitary standards.

 Product certification

According to the law, the production of any product must be certified. It can have two forms, namely: certification system GOST, product certification rules through declaration declaration. The first type of certification is more suitable for large production, since the required documents, in this case, are difficult to draw up for small enterprises, which includes:

  • certificate of quality system and production;
  • test report;
  • certificate of hygiene;
  • veterinary certificate.

The small sausage workshop is certified by a declaration.By submitting an application, the company undertakes to produce only high-quality and safe products that will comply with all standards. To obtain such a certificate, it is necessary to collect a whole package of documents, a list of which should be clarified with the relevant supervisory authorities.

Raw materials for sausage shop

In the process of carrying out activities, it is important to collect all the documents related to the supply of raw materials. It must also be certified. Specialists recommend hiring a qualified employee who will be able to assess the content and authenticity of the documentation, as well as the quality of the products. In this way, you reduce the risk of inappropriate products that could affect the health of consumers.

Premises for the production hall

Recommended area directly depends on the capacity of the equipment. Profitability is achieved with a workshop productivity of 200 kg. per shift. Mini sausage shop may well function on 45-60 sq.m. More powerful workshops are recommended to be located on an area of ​​more than 100 sq.m. Given the current real estate situation in our country, the average rental price of a production workshop will be from 22,000 rubles per month.

Small production is easily serviced by two employees. In addition to production workers, you will need a technologist, a butcher, a forwarder, a mechanic, and an accountant. Today, the production line is as automated as possible, so several positions can be assigned to one person.

Financial plan

When opening a sausage shop, do not forget about the repair of the premises, which will require additional costs, which should also be included in the investment plan.

- LLC registration - from 5,000 rubles;

- Creation of the authorized capital of an LLC - from 10,000 rubles;

- purchase of equipment - from 240 000 rubles;

- purchase of refrigerators - from 120 000 rubles;

- purchase of raw materials - 60,000 rubles;

- rent - from 22 000 rubles

- consulting services, repair or reconstruction of the premises - from 60,000 rubles;

Total investment amount = 517,000 rubles.

Thus, taking into account all the features of the business, profitability can be distinguished, which varies from 25 to 30%. The greatest efficiency is achieved with round-the-clock work in several shifts. Business payback occurs during the first year of activity.

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