
3 group of health in a child: a list of diseases

Each child immediately after birth is carefully examined by a neonatologist for existing congenital pathologies. Why is this done? This is necessary to assign a child a health group. It depends on the condition of the child after birth and on whether there are deviations in health.

3 group of health in a childOften parents do not attach serious importance to this, believing that their child is healthy if there are no serious pathologies. But it happens that they ask questions when they see a certain number in the child’s medical record. What does this mean and on the basis of what are health groups assigned to children?

How is children's health evaluated?

Before a child receives a health group, he must:

  • pass inspection with the right specialists;
  • take basic tests;
  • undergo other studies if necessary.

Based on the above data, it is concluded that the health group is assigned to children. It is worth considering that when making a decision, past diseases are not taken into account, unless they have become chronic and do not bother the baby with frequent exacerbations. The assigned health group can remain with the child until he reaches adulthood or change to another.

Criteria for assessing child health:

  • chronic diseases of children (also congenital abnormalities);
  • functionality of vital organs;
  • the body's resistance to disease (conclusions are made based on the frequency of the child's incidence);
  • level of physical, nervous and mental development.

5 health groups

flat feet in childrenHealth groups are divided into 5 categories. They are usually denoted by Latin numbers. Children are assigned to health groups based on the Integrated Assessment Guidelines, which was approved by the Ministry of Health. Distribution is carried out according to the rules, also approved by the Ministry of Health.

Health group I

These are absolutely healthy children who do not have chronic diseases, and if they were serious, they have long passed without a trace. Children belonging to the first group do not have congenital pathologies. Their physical, mental and nervous development corresponds to the average norms for a particular age. Such children undergo medical examinations at certain periods established by the Ministry of Health.

Health Group II

One of the common groups that is assigned to more children. The second group of health is for babies, children and adolescents who have weakened immunity and often catch various diseases. However, in this category of children they are cured without going into the chronic stage. In children from the second group of health, minor deviations from the norm in nervous and mental development are allowed.

Health Group III

what does the 3rd group of health in a child meanWhat does the 3rd group of health in a child mean? In it, doctors include often ill children with chronic diseases, periodically in the acute stage. This group may include children who have pathologies in the development of internal organs or a partial loss of their functionality. Such children can lag behind their peers in physical and mental development.

Health Group IV

This group includes children who have chronic diseases, often in the acute stage. These children are regularly observed by doctors. Also, group 4 includes those who have small deviations in the work of internal organs.

The same group is assigned to children who have suffered injuries with subsequent operations. Those who belong to the 4th group are often contraindicated in the usual mode for children. Such children learn at home.

Health Group V

The fifth group is considered the hardest. It includes children with serious developmental disabilities, as well as congenital pathologies. Doctors almost constantly monitor children from this health category.

The fifth group provides for the complete exemption of children from education in public kindergartens and schools.

The most common health group in children

health deviationsGroup 3 is a fairly common category. It includes children with the following diseases:

  • gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases in children;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • anemia;
  • reduced immunity;
  • stuttering;
  • dermatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • adenoids;
  • anemia.

If there is flat feet in children, then they are also referred to this group.

Is the group permanent or passing?

If parents found out that the 3rd group of health of the child, then they should not panic. Any of the groups, except the fifth, is considered temporary. If the baby's condition changes for the better, the pediatrician will make an appropriate entry in his card.

It is important to remember that the 3rd group of health in a child can be not only constant, but also passing.

Children from this category are often seen by a doctor. The regularity of visits to specialists depends on the type of disease and on the form in which it occurs. If the disease is in remission for a long time, then the child is transferred to the second group. This can happen, for example, with dermatitis. Often it is an allergic manifestation to any irritant. To a greater extent, this is a childhood illness that babies simply “outgrow”. For example, if the 3rd group of health in a child appeared on the basis of often manifested dermatitis due to allergic reactions, then most likely, even by school age, there will not be a trace of allergies. In this case, the child will already belong to group 2.

Physical education at 3 health groups

chronic diseases of childrenChildren from this category are not completely limited to sports. After a physical examination and diagnosis, the doctors conclude what physical activity the child may receive. 3 group of health means light loads and therapeutic exercises.

However, it all depends on the illness of the child, his health and physical abilities. For example, flat feet in children is often the reason for transferring a child to a weakened group.

Other restrictions for children of 3 health groups

Children who fall into this group of health due to often worsening gastritis or gastrointestinal problems need to follow a special diet. It is composed by a doctor based on observation of the child.

Parents should also remember that if a child is worried about adenoids, pyelonephritis or exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, then he is strictly prohibited from prolonged exposure to cold. Long winter walks will have to be significantly reduced so as not to cause even greater harm to health.

Recommendations to parents

Often parents do not hide from children that they belong to a certain group of health. However, before telling the child about this, it is worth making sure that he will correctly understand what they will tell him. The fact is that many children begin to consider themselves “not like everyone else” because of health problems. This develops many complexes, inhibits the normal mental development of the child, extends the period of his recovery.

If there are deviations, parents should be more supportive and encouraging. If his classmates tease him, for example, due to the fact that instead of football he is engaged in medical gymnastics, then he should visit the class teacher and ask him to have a conversation with the children.

How to maintain a child’s health?

gastrointestinal tract diseases in childrenMany diseases from 3 health groups are acquired. For example, chronic bronchitis or pyelonephritis can be earned due to frequent hypothermia, gastritis due to an unbalanced diet, and stuttering due to fright.If you follow all the rules of the upbringing, feeding and development of the child, then many health problems can be avoided. In most cases, many diseases of children (if they are not congenital) can be cured in the very early stages. The main thing is to pay attention to them in time.

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