
Administrative fine for smoking in public places

A burning topic about where the new anti-tobacco law will push smokers, and whether there is a tobacco lobby, worries many more than the dollar or the price of a barrel of oil. If global financial incidents seem distant and ephemeral, then the topic of the ban on smoking, which has become a vital ritual for many, is close and painful for many people who are addicted to this habit.fine for smoking

Who owe this law?

Opinions on the appropriateness of sanctions, as you know, are as many as there are people. Many believe that smokers get what they deserve, many believe that the state intervenes in the personal space of citizens. Especially those who have already been fined for smoking. However, no one will argue with the fact that the state had a definite goal in drafting the law ...

If a few years earlier, remarks to malicious smokers were made only for personal reasons (do not smoke - the child is nearby), now the comment is made for reasons of administrative responsibility in accordance with federal law. At the same stop, the smoker no longer has the right to snuckle and blow a smoke in the direction of indignant citizens. First of all, the law is intended specifically for such marginals who do not value the health of others and do not show respect for the society in which they live. And it is to such persons that we owe the advent of the law and the aggravation of the situation of the nicotine-dependent population.

Not knowing the ford, do not get into the water, or What if I got caught?

what is the penalty for smokingHowever, marginals are observed not only among smokers. From the side of the legislation there are also authorized persons who want to profit from the new law. More precisely, on our ignorance of this universal position. Many, for example, do not know what the penalty for smoking is for those who are "caught" for the first time. And in some regions it is absent! In Lviv, for example, only repeat offenders are fined; in many regions, a fine is also optional. If you are sure that you have not come across before and are not listed in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but require money from you, you can safely get the phone and record the illegal actions of police officers. The law allows for such actions, based on the principle of "Openness and Publicity" of police officers. In general, the amount of the fine can be from 500 to 1,500 rubles and above.

However, a separate and severely punishable item is the smoking of minors. If a teenager is caught red-handed, he is not subject to a fine for smoking, however, persons who have made the sale or purchase-transfer of tobacco products are subject to administrative responsibility. In other words, a minor’s request for a pack of cigarettes is nothing more than a request to break the law.

Announcement: for smoking - fine by European standards

Many people know Russia's constant desire to “catch up” with Europe. We have “euro” windows, sockets and repairs. People got used to these neologisms and began to believe that it was the root of the “euro” that is the standard of quality and stability, which
I want in our years of economic turmoil. So the Legislative Assembly decided to borrow ideas from Western colleagues in the workshop, and in the near future we are considering securing the territory of public places for responsible persons.

For example, in almost any public place you can see fire extinguishers, on the plates of which are signed the name of the person responsible for fire safety. In Russia, they can introduce similar signs in relation to "counter-smoking safety".To write a fine for smoking, the law will resort to the appointment of responsible persons in public places, which radically changes the rules of the game. The responsible person at the production site, for example, can be the boss, and work breaks can now intersect according to the letter of the law.

Exotic lovers

administrative fine for smokingRussian reality is characterized by the mentality in the spirit of "Swift one comb." The law on fines was formed earlier than the very concept of smoking, and in the eyes of the uninitiated it is now harmful and dangerous, it seems, everything related to smoke. A good example is the ban on smoking hookahs in
in public places. Moreover, he touched not only tobacco-containing fillings, but also ordinary fruit, based on flavorings and glycerin. Deputies note the "harm" of such products, but in essence its nature is far from the harm of nicotine smoke.

Restaurants without hookahs

The fine for smoking hookah for restaurateurs is about 80 thousand rubles. Moreover, such fines do not justify the main purpose of adopting a bill designed to protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke. The fact is that there is no information about the dangers of passive smoking of fruit fillings for hookah. It is known that inhaling a large amount of hookah smoke is fraught for smokers with intoxication and headaches due to the content of formaldehyde and gornium products. However, such harm depends on many factors: the composition of coal, filter fluid (milk / wine / water). And most importantly: the tobacco-free hookah gas station does not contain nicotine and tar, which means that making such a decision is reasonable? ..

Do you smoke electronic? Prove it!

Also, the question remains open regarding the smoking of electronic cigarettes for those who decided to maintain their health, but cannot abruptly quit smoking. FZ-15 does not include electronic cigarettes as tobacco products in its list, however, the nicotine contained in their smoke (vapor) is still a controversial issue. The average user of "electronic" may have problems with citizens negatively opposed to smokers. how much is the fine for smokingIf the smoker is unable to provide evidence in favor of the fact that his product is not tobacco, he faces the same administrative fine for smoking. In this case, the law gives people the power to judge for themselves: can a person use such products or not, and therefore, cases of conflict have become more frequent.

At first glance it may seem that everything is very simple to prove, but the devil, as always, is in the details. There are known cases at the factory when employees were forced to leave their position, as they “caught” the lens of hidden video cameras, which are often more in offices than the employees themselves. High authorities avoided all proceedings by the method of dismissal. And the reason is that legal entities may be subject to penalties in the amount of 100-150 thousand rubles.

Restaurant aggravation

A separate segment affected by the smoking ban is restaurants, cafes and coffee houses, which previously provided a cozy atmosphere for smoking people to meet. Previously, such establishments were opened on every corner, but now they, although there are, are hiding from the public announcement of a free smoking policy.

Those who paid on time among officials “the right to smoke” in their cafe,
Satisfied with the influx of customers. They do not worry about how much the fine for smoking is, and they will not be held responsible for smoking in the presence of, for example, children and pregnant women. train smoking penaltyAnd again, the law does not protect anyone from anything, and appeared before us like another gold mine. However, you should not draw a general picture of the tobacco lobby, based on this example. Local officials are fed their local "feeders." This money goes to their wallet, and in no way connected with the treasury of the state. Even an ordinary fine for smoking may not reach the treasury and get stuck in an unscrupulous link.

200 rubles / pack. Meet Lobbyism

Surprisingly, the big money deposited in the pockets of officials is a trifle compared to the general market for tobacco products. Few pay attention to the excise stamp, which is torn at each opening of a new bundle. It is due to this brand that the country's budget is replenished, and even the published position intervened in it.

The fact is that in order to reduce the consumption of cigarettes, the state decided to tax them with a high excise tax, in light of which they, in fact, are becoming more expensive. So at present, the forecast for the cost of a pack of 200 rubles does not seem so bold. fine smoking adAnd the high price in our country is the key to counterfeiting, which does not apply to the fine for smoking, which can hardly be called cigarettes. So, figuratively speaking, Prima can jump up to 200 rubles. And it will also be a fake "Prima" from the shadow market ... If the fine for smoking on the train can be considered legal, then a sharp intervention in the market economy is still in question. Lobbying issue.

Well-intentioned road to ... cancer

Few people know that in the context of restricting tobacco advertising, charitable events held by tobacco concerns were banned. Of course, for many, it may seem cynical to raise funds for the treatment of cancer patients among those organizers who actually stamp this cancer. However, are tobacco users forced to smoke during pregnancy? .. But cases of assistance to children with HIV are known, but they are in the past and will be hushed up, as now this information is prohibited by law.

issued a fine for smoking

In light of the foregoing, it remains only to think twice whether to quit smoking, and three times - before you go to the store for your first pack. Best way to avoid
of the above problems - never overlap with smoking! A mistake can cost a lot, but the risk is not worth a penny ...

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