
Law on smoking in public places in simple words

Not so long ago in Russia, on every street, in every yard, one could see a man or woman smoking. People who developed this addiction did not think at all about the fact that next to them are those who are passive smokers - relatives, relatives, friends and children.

In order to somehow protect these innocent citizens from the effects of tar and nicotine, they decided at the legislative level to establish some restrictions on smoking in the territory where other people, especially children, can be.

Public Smoking Act June 1, 2014

Legislator Plans

The law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption”, which was adopted in 2013, was planned to be launched gradually.

Before the law on smoking in public places (2014) was amended, the text was revised several times, but the deputies agreed that some provisions are simply necessary to change.

In addition, disputes arose over the World Cup, which will be held in Russia in 2018. At this time, it is planned to lift the ban on smoking in any public place. This is due to the fact that many guests do not know our laws, and the Russians will smoke almost at the building (as practice suggests). If the police fine the Russian, this is normal, but I would not want to have conflicts with foreign states.

Law 2013

In the year of the adoption of measures against tobacco users, the law on smoking in public places from November 15, 2013 came into effect, but partially.

Despite the fact that the bill was adopted on February 28, they began to actually fine them later.

Public Smoking Act November 15, 2013

At that time it was forbidden to smoke in the following places:

1. Kindergartens and playgrounds. Earlier in the evening, one could see young people gathering near a children's “fungus” in a sandbox. The next day, the place where the children play was littered with cigarette butts and empty bottles.

In the event that a police officer found the offender at the scene of the "crime", he could impose a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles.

2. Entrances of residential buildings, workplaces (even if the boss himself smokes), airports, train stations. The fine, depending on the situation, is from 500 to 1,500 rubles.

At the first stage, tough measures had not yet been taken with respect to advertising on television, in shop windows and in other places where the most ordinary person could see an attractive pack of cigarettes.

law on smoking in public places from June 1, 2014 fines

Thus, the law on smoking in public places began to work little by little. In films, they began to cover up a blurry cigarette smoked by the hero, in shops and stalls it was forbidden to flaunt tobacco products.

Fines 2013

Penalties were also applied. For showing tobacco products in children's programs or films, officials were punished with an amount of up to 50 thousand rubles, and legal ones - up to 200 thousand rubles.

If these persons were convicted of promoting tobacco smoking for the adult population, the fines are slightly lower in amount, but they are: up to 40 thousand (officials) and up to 170 thousand rubles (legal).

Public Smoking Act 2014

In 2014, the second stage of the project implementation began.

It was forbidden to smoke now in the train, on ships, in houses of residence (if the house is an apartment building), as well as in hotels and restaurants. The law on smoking in public places has been fully operational since June 1, 2014.

However, it is noted that if the room is equipped with an extractor hood that is able to remove harmful smoke, and if the owner has consented, then you can smoke. The same goes for entertainment.

Cigarettes stopped appearing on the shelves, they were carefully hidden from the eyes of those who do not have such a habit. Under fear of a huge fine, shelves with tobacco products began to be tightly closed, and information on the availability of cigarettes could be obtained from the seller or in a special price list.

Fines 2014

Public Smoking Act 2014 text

The punishment for an administrative offense, which is smoking in prohibited places, the law on smoking in public places (2014) provides as follows:

  • Involvement of minors: parents and persons equated to them, as well as smoking on playgrounds for young children - a fine of up to 3 thousand rubles, individuals - up to 2 thousand.
  • Smoking in a separate territory or in a room that is not intended for this is up to 1,500 rubles.
  • Non-compliance with the smoking ban in places where smoking is prohibited (there must be a special sign): legal entities - up to 60 thousand rubles, officials - three times less.
  • Failure to comply with the provisions of the law in production facilities: legal entities pay a fine of 90 thousand rubles, individual entrepreneurs pay forty thousand rubles to the treasury, etc.

Accordingly, for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and officials, the law on smoking in public places (2014) always provides a penalty several times higher than, for example, for individuals.


Despite the fact that the law came into force in parts, according to statistics, starting in 2013, the number of smokers decreased by 17%. According to VTsIOM, now 35% of the population smokes in Russia.

Nevertheless, judging by the development of politics in Russia, we can say that the authorities are doing everything possible so that people stop buying cigarettes. In this case, anti-advertising is very effective, which began to appear on every pack of cigarettes. In addition, excise tax prices are rising, which is why the cost of tobacco has increased several times in literally 1 year.

Public organizations

The Law on Smoking in Public Places (2013), article 10, provides for the active participation of individual entrepreneurs (IP) and legal entities (organizations, enterprises) in taking measures to limit tobacco use. It’s not forbidden to sell them yet, but it’s possible to establish a ban or restriction on smoking near the enterprise, store, etc. This provision has been preserved in the new edition.

Also involved in the activities and medical facilities. Treatment for tobacco habit has become a fashionable area in this area, but not entirely clear. Not many people decide to take such a step, since the treatment of addiction - it sounds scary, and it does not matter what the addiction is to tobacco.

Public Smoking Act

In addition, the law obliges administrations, administrations and other authorities to carry out the necessary measures to combat tobacco smoking.

Why is it unprofitable to smoke?

It must be emphasized that when the law on smoking in public places came into effect on June 1, 2014, fines became much larger in amount, and the number of points for which these fines were imposed increased. Therefore, it became unprofitable for organizations and individuals to violate the law.

Many quit smoking, as it became unprofitable not only to “get” a fine, but also to buy cigarettes, and organizations began to organize smoking places for their employees.

In addition, specially designated areas for smoking passengers began to appear at train stations, since the law on smoking in public places was not for everyone a road to a healthy lifestyle.

At the moment, you rarely meet a smoking person on the street. First of all, it favorably affects children. The younger generation, compared to the period of the 1990s, does not smoke at all. Accordingly, the nation is becoming healthier. But it must be remembered that health is in our hands, and not in the hands of the legislature.

Public Smoking Act 2014 fine

Nevertheless, the law on smoking in public places did not immediately have an effect on the consciousness of citizens.The long-standing habit of “lighting” on the street or anywhere else for a long time remained with the population of Russia.


For greater effectiveness, inspection bodies were also appointed. They were Rospotrebnadzor, Rostransnadzor, Roszdravnadzor and the police. They spend on their own scheduled inspections as well as working with citizens. In this case, if a complaint is received from the population, an order is issued regarding the object that needs to be checked. Perpetrators who violated the law on smoking in public places, from June 1, 2014 fines are set depending on the place of violation.


The Code of Administrative Offenses has also been amended accordingly. It was necessary to create a legislative framework for the law on smoking in public places to start working.

Public Smoking Act 2014

In particular, the amendments touched on chapter 6 (administrative offenses that infringe on the health of citizens, especially children). Tobacco smoking, that is, a violation of the rules of the law, equaled danger in terms of involvement in drug addiction, the use of psychotropic substances, involvement in child prostitution and violation of environmental requirements for public catering. Thus, lawmakers have shown the importance of quitting smoking, putting this addiction on a par with the most terrible vices.

In provisions 6.23–6.25 (liability for an offense) involving a minor in the smoking process is set out in a separate article under which a sanction is provided - a fine of up to three thousand rubles. At the same time, parents bear more responsibility under this norm than just individuals.

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