
Fine for drinking alcohol in public places. Drinking in public

The issue of responsibility for drinking beer, alcoholic, low alcohol drinks has become very relevant recently. And it is quite justified. Drinking alcohol in public places is fraught with disorder. It is rather unpleasant to see scenes when not sober people behave in a defiant way. In this regard, the Government adopted the Law on the use of alcohol on the street. drinking alcohol in public places

Penalties under the Code of Administrative Offenses

In accordance with domestic law, a fine has been established for drinking alcohol in public places. Punishment is provided for any citizen who sits with a bottle in front of other people. We are talking about beer and other drinks containing alcohol. It should be noted that if a minor violates the law, then guardians or parents will be responsible for it.

What is forbidden?

Liquors that are not allowed to be consumed in public places should include liquids with an alcohol concentration of more than 12%. The law, however, provides for exceptions. In particular, in cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments drinking alcohol is allowed. In this case, accordingly, the actions of citizens will not be regarded as a violation of the law. drinking beer alcoholic soft drinks

Where is alcohol not allowed?

In public places, citizens are forbidden to stay with liquids that cause intoxication. The ban applies to:

  • Different medical facilities. These include, in particular, hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers and more.
  • Educational and children's preschool institutions.
  • City transport, including suburban.
  • Gas stations, pavilions of stops.
  • Sports objects. This category includes sports fields, fitness clubs and so on.
  • Places of rest - beaches, cinemas, parks, squares and so on.
  • Stations, airports and other facilities in which there is a large concentration of people.

Fine size

The code, the provisions of which regulate the area of ​​administrative offenses, provides for certain amounts that are charged to citizens for illegal actions. In particular, from 100 to 1000 rubles may be charged for drinking alcohol in public places. It should be noted that the punishment will also apply if the citizen is detained while intoxicated. It does not matter where the drinking of alcohol occurred: in public places, in a cafe or at home. Young offenders will also have to be held accountable. However, fines will be recovered not from them, but from parents (guardians).

about drinking alcohol on the street


If the offender refuses to plead guilty and evades payment of the amount imputed by law, he can be brought to court. To start the process, it is enough to file a statement of claim. The plaintiff may be a witness to the incident, who suffered from the actions of a drunk person. After the case is considered, the court will make a decision in accordance with which the amount of the penalty is established.

Further actions to ensure the enforcement of the decision will be carried out by the bailiff. A writ of execution is handed over to him and he begins to apply legal coercive measures. The trial can be conducted both with respect to an adult or a citizen under the age of 18.In the latter case, again, guardians or parents will be held accountable. Some violators, however, manage to avoid punishment with the help of a lawyer who convinces the court of the insufficient evidence of guilt.

Who else can be held accountable?

If drinking alcohol in public places was carried out by a minor in the company of adults, the latter may be punished. Citizens who contributed to bringing the juvenile intoxicated are also subject to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In this case, a penalty is also provided. Its size is 100-500 rubles. The amount will depend on the degree of the drink. Also, an increase in recovery may be affected by the consequences that arose as a result of actions of a person in a state of intoxication. how to drink beer in public and not pay a fine

Sale time limits

In Russia, there is a ban not only on drinking alcohol in public places, but also on their sale at certain hours. Each region has its own time frame. However, the sale of alcohol everywhere is prohibited at night. According to the authors of the law, these measures contributed to a significant reduction in crime. In addition, the drinking of alcohol in public places almost completely stopped at night. In accordance with the Federal Law No. 171, it is not allowed to sell these products from 23:00 to 8:00. Regions have the right to establish more rigid time frames. So, for example, in the Moscow region. alcohol is not sold from 21:00 to 11:00 hours, in St. Petersburg - from 22:00 to 11:00, and in Novorossiysk - from 22:00 to 9:00.


As in the previous law, the Federal Law No. 171 provides for places to which the requirements do not apply. In particular, prohibitions on the sale of alcohol do not apply in cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments, in stores duty free trade. There, sales can be carried out around the clock.


If the fact of the sale of alcoholic beverages at an unspecified time is proved, the company will pay a fine. Its size is 50-100 thousand rubles. The head of the organization will also be held accountable. From it may be recovered from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. drinking alcohol in public places

Sale to minors

In connection with the aggravation of the situation around crimes committed by persons under 18 years old, the Government introduced tough measures regarding the sale of alcohol to these citizens. As a result, some amendments were made to the Administrative and Criminal Codes. If the fact of the sale of alcohol to a minor is revealed, a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles will be imposed on the seller. for citizens, from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. - per official, from 80 to 100 thousand rubles. - to the legal entity.


The problem of alcoholism, both among adults and those under 18, was quite acute in Russia. Various attempts have been made earlier to resolve this issue. So, for example, the “prohibition” was introduced at one time. However, neither he nor other less stringent measures did not allow to eradicate the problem. Only in the last decade has the Government been able to effectively resolve this issue. The ban on drinking alcohol in public places is one of the measures in the general system of combating alcoholism. This measure helps to maintain order not only in the daytime, but also at night. fine for drinking alcohol in public places Many citizens who are unable to cope with temptation think how to drink beer in public places and not pay a fine. In general, there are several options. The first is to drink beer in a cafe or restaurant. In this case, no one will be held accountable. However, on the way home from the cafe you should behave yourself, if possible go smoothly, not fall (everything, of course, will depend on the amount received). The second way is to buy a dark small plastic bag and put a bottle in it. Everything here will depend on the rules that apply in a particular region.If the law does not say that drinking from a bottle in a bag is prohibited, then there will be no liability. It will come only if a citizen begins to behave inappropriately while intoxicated.

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