
The address of the US Embassy in Moscow. How to get to the embassy?

Many people want to visit the United States. Someone wants to admire their sights, someone wants to learn English, and someone wants to go live in America. For all this, you need to get a visa. To do this, you need to contact the US Embassy, ​​which is located in the center of the capital of Russia. Below you will find a detailed description of the route from the metro to the embassy itself.

U.S. Embassy in Moscow: Address

Metro is the easiest way to get to the embassy. About which way you need to go will be written a little below. It should be noted that the address of the US Embassy in Moscow is indicated on the official website of this institution. It is located in Bolshoi Devyatinsky Lane, 8. But unofficial sources claim that the embassy can be found on Novinsky Boulevard, 19/23. The question arises: how is this even possible?U.S. Embassy address in Moscow

In fact, both addresses are correct. The US Embassy is located on Novinsky Boulevard and on Devyatinsky Lane, because they intersect. But from Novinsky Boulevard the place where the entrance for visitors is located will be easier to find. It should be noted that the US Embassy is not one building. There are many of them, all buildings occupy a whole block.

How to get to the embassy

The address of the US Embassy in Moscow has already been written above, but in order for you to have no problems, the road will be fully described in this article. First you need to get by metro to the station "Barrikadnaya", and then go out into the city. You, most likely, will not get lost, because at this station there is only one way out. After you climb the escalator and leave the subway, you need to go towards the Stalin skyscraper. This building is quite small in size, resembling a university. Next you need to cross the stone-lined road. After you crossed the carriageway from paving stones, go around this building on the left, there you will see a staircase up. Next, you will need to go up and cross the square diagonally. After this, you need to go to the Garden Ring and go in exactly the same direction to the embassy itself. On average, a 10-minute walk from the metro to the institution you need.

Arriving at the embassy, ​​head to the American flag, where there will be an entrance. There is only one flag, so you are unlikely to get lost.

How to enter the embassy

No metal objects or gadgets are allowed in this building. You will be forced to leave such things in a specially designed storage room, but it will be wise to minimize the number of such things.

U.S. Embassy in Moscow address

Near the entrance to the embassy you will see several groups of people lining up in line. Each such group is assigned for a specific time. You need to find people who also came to your time. To do this, the easiest way is to find a guard and ask him. To enter, you will need a Russian passport, without it, entrance to the embassy is impossible.

How to behave

So, you found the address of the US Embassy in Moscow for an interview. What to do next? There are several rules, the importance of which should not be underestimated:

  • You need to be sure to arrive at the US Embassy on time (the address is indicated above).
  • Take time with a margin, because there may be traffic jams. It’s better to wait a bit in line than to be late for an interview.
  • Do not carry a lot of things. You will have to turn in gadgets, as they will search you with a metal detector.
  • No need to dress officially in a suit and tie. Dress like you wear in everyday life.
  • Behave naturally, do not fuss. A smile will also help you.
  • You should always look at the officer, even if he himself is not looking at you.
  • Follow the basic rules of communication. There is no need to interrupt the officer and say something that he does not ask at all.
  • You need to show that you are a patriot of your homeland. If you behave like a person who travels to the United States with the aim of immigrating, then most likely you will be refused. Be prepared for what you will have to name specific reasons why you will return to your homeland. For example, it is that you love Russia and its culture, your mother has a birthday in 2 months, etc.

U.S. Embassy Moscow Interview Address


To obtain a visa, you need to contact the US Embassy in Moscow. The address is indicated at the beginning of the article, it must be remembered so as not to waste time searching and not be late. You should be polite at the interview and behave in such a way that you are not suspected that you want to immigrate to the United States.

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