
Addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow and the Moscow Region

Perekrestok is a chain of stores located mainly in Moscow. The logo of the supermarket is known to every resident of the capital. Food prices in these stores are not the lowest in Moscow. But a huge selection of goods, convenient location, a round-the-clock work schedule for most of the stores - all this made Perekrestok extremely popular. Not so long ago, supermarkets appeared in other cities of Russia. This article lists the addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow at metro stations and administrative districts.

addresses of shops crossroads in Moscow

First store

The history of the "Crossroads" began in the distant nineties, when the choice of goods in the country was small, and there was practically no competition in the retail market. The company was founded in 1995. It would be correct to start listing the addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow from the location of the first supermarket.

In 1995, a store was opened under the name, hitherto unknown to Muscovites. And it was not located in the center of the capital, but in one of the sleeping areas of the city. Address of the first "Crossroads": Angelov Lane, d. 7. This street belongs to the North-Western District of Moscow. Nearby is the metro station "Mitino". True, in 1995 she was not at all.

crossroads of stores in Moscow

Addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow (SZAO):

  1. Street of General Beloborodov, d. 14/1.
  2. 34/29 Dubravnaya Street (on the first floor of the Rook shopping center).
  3. Stroginsky Boulevard, 1/2
  4. Skhodnenskaya street, 25.
  5. Street Planernaya street, d. 7.

A bit of history

In 1997, the number of Perekrestok stores increased. Supermarkets were opened in areas on the outskirts of the city. For example, the area of ​​the Warm Camp. The addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow, located in the south of Moscow, are presented below.

In 1998, a distribution center was opened, that is, a warehouse complex that receives goods and distributes them for retail. Today it’s hard not to believe it, but once this event was unprecedented. Indeed, such large companies in Russia then simply did not exist. Therefore, the process of distribution of goods did not require the creation of a special department.

The next ten years, the network has been actively developed. Crossroads has been awarded several prestigious awards. In 2006, the most important event in the history of the network took place - the merger of Crossroads and Pyaterochka. So one of the largest Russian companies appeared. Three years later, the first supermarket with a green logo was opened. Here were presented premium products.

chain store crossroads in Moscow addresses

Today, every resident of the capital knows the addresses of Perekrestok stores located in his area. In Moscow, almost every metro station has at least one supermarket, on the sign of which you can see the famous logo in green or blue. By the way, the company changed its corporate identity several times. And in general, in the history of its existence, the Crossroads has undergone many changes. The addresses of stores in Moscow listed in the article are an impressive list. About five years ago it was much shorter. The assortment has also changed.

In 2007, ready-made food products appeared in stores: salads, pastries, meat and fish dishes. Prices in departments that offer such products are quite high.

If you list all the addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow, you get a very extensive list. Most of the goods in these supermarkets are aimed at busy people who have good earnings. That is, the main population of the metropolitan metropolis. In other cities of Russia (for example, Kaluga, Orel, Voronezh) Perekrestok stores are already open.The company is persistently trying to conquer the all-Russian market. But in the regions, stores have a slightly different format. They presented a not so wide assortment, goods are offered at more affordable prices, their total number is small. In small provincial cities, there are no Perekrestok stores.

Returning to Moscow supermarkets, it should be said that today there are about two hundred of them. In order to present a list, it is worth splitting them into several groups. And it is better to do this, based on the administrative division of the city.

addresses of crossroads in Moscow and the Moscow region

Shops in CAO

In the north of Moscow there are metro stations "Voikovskaya", "Water Stadium", "Falcon", "River Station". Addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow (CAO):

  1. Marshal Fedorenko Street, 12.
  2. Onega Street, 34, cor. one.
  3. Festivalnaya street, house 2B.

Shops "Crossroads" in NEAD

  1. Cherepovetskaya street, 17.
  2. 21 Dezhnev Street.
  3. Prishvina Street, 22.
  4. Pleshcheeva street, 4.
  5. Glow passage, 14/1.
  6. Altufevskoe highway, 95.

Shops "Crossroads" in SZAO

  1. Pyatnitskoe highway, 3.
  2. Tallinn Street, 7.
  3. Nezhinskaya Street, 6.
  4. Minskaya street, 14.

Shops in the southeast of Moscow

In this part of the city there are metro stations "Vykhino", "Kuzminki", "Maryino", "Tekstilshchiki", etc. Shop addresses:

  1. Sovkhoznaya Street, 8.
  2. Street Bratislavskaya, d. 27, building 1.
  3. Street Lublin, d. 169, cor. 2.

Shops in the southwest

As already mentioned, with the opening of a supermarket in the Teply Stan area, the Perekrestok chain of stores in Moscow began its development. Addresses of supermarkets in the South-West Administrative District:

  1. Borovskoe highway, 6.
  2. Borovskoe highway, d.35.
  3. Golubinskaya Street, 28

Shops "Crossroads" in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow

  1. Green Street, 7.
  2. Street Yalta, d. 2.
  3. Prospect Andropova, d. 36.

Shops in the west of Moscow

  1. 5 Pokryshkina Street.
  2. 2 Lobachevsky Street.

And finally, in the city center, Perekrestok stores are located at the following addresses:

  1. 15 Novy Arbat Street.
  2. Ladozhskaya street, 13, bld. 1.
  3. Okhotny Ryad Street, 2.

Above were the addresses of the Perekrestok stores in Moscow. Both the Moscow Region and such cities as Zelenograd and Khimki (which also belong to the capital) are characterized by developed infrastructure and densely populated areas. And therefore, here the supermarkets of the well-known chain are open. Addresses of some stores in the Moscow region:

  1. Sverdlova street, 26 (Podolsk city).
  2. 21 Leningradskaya Street (Podolsk).
  3. Sovetskaya Square, 5 (city of Klin).

Supermarket addresses in Zelenograd:

  1. Building 124, p. 1.
  2. Youth Square, 2, p. 1.
  3. Street Radio ow. 11, building 2314B.

addresses of shops crossroads in Moscow and the region


Perekrestok stores have a discount system. In addition, supermarkets organize all kinds of promotions that are so loved by customers. For example, on holidays in the "Crossroads" are the so-called weeks of discounts. Of course, this promotion is not valid in all stores whose addresses are listed above. The list of supermarkets changes every time. In order to have full information regarding current shares, you should periodically go to the official website.


The company offers products manufactured in its own factory. The assortment of large stores always contains salads, cold dishes, and various bakery products. The large Crossroads has everything from food to books. But the prices of printed products are somewhat overstated. So, the cost of a paperback book is from four hundred rubles. In the center of Moscow you can also find a small "Crossroads", the range of which is exclusively food.


The popularity of Perekrestok stores indicates that employees are satisfied with the work of their customers. But among the reviews about this network, there are still negative ones. Consumers are dissatisfied primarily with the fact that price tags often indicate the cost of production per hundred grams. Moreover, the employees of Perekrestok often lay out such goods on one display case with products whose value is indicated for the entire package (its weight can also be a kilogram).There is confusion. And the amount of the total purchase announced at the checkout for the buyer sometimes comes as a surprise.

addresses of shops crossroads in Moscow at metro stations

There are other shortcomings in the work of the Perekrestok chain stores. Nevertheless, these supermarkets remain the most visited in the capital. The article lists the addresses of Perekrestok stores in Moscow and the region. But if in small cities there are few of them, then in the capital supermarkets of this network cannot be overlooked. They are everywhere. Therefore, hardly a list of addresses can be useful to a Muscovite.

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