
Academic vacation at the university: everything a student needs to know

Now, many students are striving to arrange academic leave at the university. Someone is trying to do this for really important reasons. For example, to earn extra money. And someone just wants to relax. But making this type of “break” is not so simple. Let's see what you need.
academic leave at university


So, the male half of the students, we appeal to you. Do you want academic leave at the university? The army will help you. The fact is that quite often children who have not yet served are ready to be taken to the service. So, for example, if you have tails, then you are at risk.

Nevertheless, it happens that you yourself want to go to the service, but are afraid to lose your place. Then go to the military registration and enlistment office, ask them for a certificate for appearance at the medical board and call. Scan them and submit to the university. For reasons of joining the army, you must be granted academic leave with the preservation of your place. If you want, you can use this method. But the student's academic leave may be arranged for some other reasons. Get to know them?


A pretty good reason for taking a break from school is a serious illness that affects you or your close relative. True, you will also have to prove your plight.

 academic leave at university reasons

Now very often fake references. Therefore, try to go through a medical examination in advance. Desirable independent. Then granting academic leave will accelerate. If you have the appropriate certificate of a serious illness or a long stay in the hospital, you must be given leave. Thus, your health is another reason why you can go on a well-deserved vacation.

In addition, if your close relative is sick, and there is no one to look after him, then you also have every right to apply for academic leave at the university. True, and here you have to prove your position. It is very difficult to do, but possible. There are several more reasons why you can take a break during training. Now we will study them.

Family matters

Academic leave at the university, the reasons for the provision of which are often hidden, can be given to those who have any problems in the family. The so-called vacation for family reasons.

academic leave at university army

These include any problems that you can confirm. The illness or death of a loved one, the difficult financial situation and the testimony of doctors about your peace - all that can only be confirmed on paper. Provide the necessary documents and certificates to the dean’s office, depending on your problem, after which you can safely write an application for a vacation. True, some manage to deflect one more way from school.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Academic leave at the university can be given to the female half of students due to pregnancy and childbirth. Indeed, quite often in the early or already late periods there are various factors that can lead to disastrous consequences. In addition, study also has a very strong effect on the woman’s body, which means that it affects the unborn baby. So, if you are pregnant, you can apply for academic leave at the university.

In order for you to be provided with it, you will have to go through an examination and bring to the dean’s office a certificate confirming the presence of pregnancy. In addition, if you decide to study to the last, then you will be required to issue a certificate of the approximate date of birth. For this period, the provision of academic leave is not a whim, but simply a necessity.So after receiving all the pieces of paper, write a statement and attach all the supporting documents issued to you.

Baby care

After the girl gives birth, she is unlikely to immediately wake up and run to university. So after the birth of the baby, you have every right to apply for academic leave in connection with the birth of the baby. The term may not exceed two years.
 student leave

What do you need? To get started, get pregnant and give birth. True, this does not apply to our topic today. To the dean’s office, you should include a request for leave to care for a minor child.

Plus, you will be required, as usual, evidence. What can be provided as an argument for the provision of maternity leave? No, not a child. You will have to bring a copy (and the original would be nice to grab) of the baby’s birth certificate. After you attach all the documents, you can get a well-deserved rest. True, raising a child independently at home can only be up to two years inclusive. Then go to study and study further. No one will save you a place for more than 2 years.

What and how?

How does a student go on academic leave? Let's now try to put everything written in its place and formulate with you a more accurate procedure for obtaining the right to rest from study.

First you have to find a good reason why you can’t attend classes at the university. After that, undergo a medical examination and receive an appropriate certificate of your health status (in cases when you are planning a vacation due to health reasons). If you have a different reason, you still have to get all the necessary papers. For example, an income statement or birth certificate of a child.

provision of academic leave

Now it’s worth going to the dean’s office. There, ask to show a sample filling in the relevant application. Then write a request for academic leave in the name of the rector. Attach to it all the documents prepared in advance. It remains to submit an application for consideration and wait for an answer.

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