
Social scholarship: who is entitled and what documents are needed?

Probably, everyone knows that there are different types of scholarships. Someone receives an award for success in their studies, others have financial support from the state or private individuals for their active participation in the sports, public, scientific life of the institution, no one has canceled personal scholarships, which are awarded on the personal recommendation of university leaders. In addition, a social scholarship is offered for some categories of students. Who can count on it and what does it take to get it?

And on what basis?

The main reason for which a social scholarship is paid is the difficult financial situation of the student. Only state employees can apply for this type of financial support - money is allocated from the state budget. In addition, the student must have positive grades in academic disciplines and attend classes, otherwise payments will stop. However, when the student returns to the true path, he will receive all the money that was not paid to him.

social scholarship

Each university determines for itself the terms of payments and the circle of persons for whom it is possible to receive social scholarships.

To whom?

First of all, material assistance is provided to students from low-income families (whose income is below a certain level, but this will be discussed in more detail below). Necessarily a scholarship is also awarded to people with disabilities of the first and second groups (for this you need to present a special medical certificate). Social scholarships to orphans or to those without guardians are paid only up to twenty-three years. The last category of compulsory fellows is young people who have served for three years under a contract in the army, that is, at least young, but war veterans.

social scholarship to students

By the way, students who nevertheless receive a social scholarship will be able to apply for other types of scholarships, for example, academic or for sports achievements, the main thing is positive grades and a good characteristic.

Additional Fellows

If the university has free funds, which, of course, is extremely rare, the list of those who are entitled to social scholarships is expanding slightly. Those students who have already managed to get a family and children, students from large and single-parent families, as well as those with disabled parents are added to it. In these cases, the payment of a scholarship depends on the decision of the dean's office.

social scholarship amount

In this case, a competition is held, according to the results of which additional payments are assigned. The invalids of group III have an advantage - it is they who are primarily paid. Then the remaining candidates are considered. They take into account both the financial situation of the family and academic success. Thus, the most talented children who are simply unlucky to be born in a wealthy family are selected.

What to provide?

If a social scholarship is already expected, what documents are needed to receive it? It all depends on the grounds on which you apply for financial assistance.

Persons with disabilities, orphans and those left without guardians must submit documents confirming the illness and absence of parents, respectively. Such papers are issued by VTEC and guardianship authorities.

receiving a social scholarship

The needy will have a harder time - they require more documents.Firstly, you need passports and birth certificates of all family members, then the passport office provides a certificate of family composition, after that papers are collected on family income for the last three months (meaning all the funds received that are taxed, and if a family member for some reason does not work, then he must submit an extract from the work book or a certificate from the labor exchange confirming that he is really looking for work). And last but not least, the student should take care of getting a certificate from the university that he is studying in it.

With all these documents, the student is sent to the Department of Social Services, where after filling in an even nth amount of papers, he will decide whether his family is low-income. To do this, the total income will be divided by the number of family members, and if the amount due for each person is more than the minimum established by law, no social scholarship will be awarded.

How much can I get?

And what determines the size of the social scholarship? In neighboring Poland, for example, from the amount due for each family member: the smaller it is, the more money the scholarship holder will receive. In Russia, this is determined by the university, so it is difficult to name any specific figure.

social scholarship what documents

Of course, there is a certain minimum below which social scholarship cannot be, but there is also a maximum threshold. In addition, the educational institution also affects the amount of cash payments: those who study at universities and institutes receive almost three times more than students in colleges and professional lyceums, so all these factors must be taken into account when collecting documents for receiving a social scholarship.

They have

Of course, a social scholarship to students is issued not only in Russia. In neighboring Belarus, for example, the so-called Chernobyl victims (children affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident; in Russia, by the way, in some regions they also fall on the list of students who are required to pay scholarships), and pregnant girls, and those who have tuberculosis. As for the disabled, the neighbors have a caveat: those whose disability is not the result of an illness or accident cannot apply for a scholarship, in other words, those who earned it under the influence of psychotropic drugs, alcohol and other intoxicating substances.

Without the "flocks"

Can a student lose a scholarship? Very unlikely: it is canceled only in two cases. Firstly, when a student leaves the walls of his home school. Well, everything is logical here: we are not learning from us anymore - we are not going to support you either. The second reason for stopping the payment of social scholarships is to eliminate the grounds on which it was appointed, for example, the abolition of disability or an unexpected improvement in the financial situation of the family. Recall that those students who had to go on academic leave (for any reason) also continue to receive social scholarships. It was said above about the suspension of payments due to problems in studies, but this remains at the discretion of the university, so it’s hard to say anything definite about stopping the payment of social scholarships.

who is entitled to a social scholarship


A social scholarship is a good addition to the money that a student usually has, in some situations it can significantly simplify the student’s life by taking part of the expenses from his family. The main thing is to know your rights and be able to use them, then everything will be fine.

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