
Academic certificate: essence, cases and rules of extradition

Studying at a university or secondary vocational education institution implies the inseparable presence of the student in the classroom and when passing tests and exams, especially if the student is in full-time education. However, what if, for one reason or another, attending school becomes temporarily impossible? In such cases, the student has the right to arrange academic leave and receive an academic certificate.

What is an academic certificate?

This is a document confirming the fact that a person was studying at an educational institution, but was temporarily exempted from compulsory attendance at classes and passing control measures following the results of the sessions. Also, a similar document is issued in case of termination of training (as we will discuss in more detail below).

The academic certificate contains a list of disciplines studied by the student, obtained as a result of the assessment and the duration of the course completed by him. Such a certificate makes it possible to postpone their studies for exactly 1 academic year, and then continue to gnaw at the granite of science again.

academic reference

An academic certificate is drawn up by writing a statement by the student, which indicates the reason why training is to be suspended, which is accompanied by the provision of supporting documents.

For all training, a student can be granted no more than 2 academic holidays, without taking into account the reasons for receiving them.

When is an academic certificate issued?

As a rule, a certificate is issued in the following cases:

  • when a student, for good reason, is temporarily unable to attend classes for health reasons or for family reasons;
  • when a student for some reason is not able to continue studying;
  • when a student is expelled from an educational institution from the second or first year;
  • if the student needs confirmation of his knowledge with parallel admission or training in another educational institution;
  • when a student is transferred to another educational institution.

An educational institution does not issue an academic certificate to students who have not completed the first semester or who have not been certified in any subject.

Issue of health certificate

In this case, the issuance of an academic certificate occurs in connection with the deterioration of the student’s physical condition associated with an illness or pregnancy and childbirth. When a student applies to a medical institution, an expert commission is created, which, based on his state of health, documents the temporary inability to study. The medical institution issues the conclusion of the clinical expert commission, which the student submits to the dean of his faculty when filling out an application request for academic leave.

issuance of an academic certificate

Further, the dean of the faculty issues an order on granting the student leave for health reasons, which indicates the dates of the start of the educational delay and its completion.

If the student did not have health complaints prior to the examination session, and he received unsatisfactory marks based on the results of the session, the student’s application for academic leave will be rejected.

Family certificate

A certificate for academic leave is also issued in the case of a serious illness of the next of kin of the student living with him, and if there is a need for immediate care for the patient.

certificate for academic leave

In such a situation, whether or not to grant academic leave to a student is decided by the administration of the educational institution, while applying a strictly individual approach.An important role is played here by providing the administration with an appropriate supporting medical report.

If the decision is positive, on the basis of the application-request and supporting documents, the educational organization issues an order on granting leave to the student for family reasons, indicating his terms.

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