
The water area is the boundary of the water resource

Our planet is very beautiful and diverse. Most of its territory is covered by the waters of huge oceans, numerous seas, bewitching lakes, winding rivers and spacious reservoirs.

Concept and difference

sea ​​water

Each of the reservoirs refers to the concept of "water area". This is a kind of territory of a particular water resource, designated for convenience by coordinates or borders. For each water body these frames are different. Although the names of the water areas are similar in sound, they all differ in location and area. So, the most extensive is the Pacific, which includes almost half of the world's water reserves.

Artificial reservoirs, man-made reservoirs, dug canals and constructed sea and river ports, places in the open ocean or sea for the extraction of various minerals - all of them are united by the concept of artificial water area. Sometimes it even happens that in this way the boundaries of various tests are carried out, conducted on the surface of the water or at depth. This is done for convenience when navigating on the water. All those who may cross them must be notified of these borders to ensure general security.

New in the ocean

artificial water area

That is, it turns out that in the natural (natural) water area created or “designated” by a person can be located. This is quite common. They are part of each other. It happens, for example, in a sea water area that is port or coastal, etc. Based on the fact that the number of artificial ones changes constantly, it is impossible to name their exact number.

The underwater world is very diverse and bright. Despite the tremendous successes of hydrologists, comprehending the sea and ocean, this mysterious world remains completely unknown. In keeping their secrets, the ocean and the sea are comparable with space. The water area of ​​each large water body is not fully understood. After all, research that is carried out at great depths is not only very exciting, but also dangerous. Difficulties in the development of the underwater world are similar to manned flight into space.

Water wealth

water area is

Ocean water area is a storehouse of useful and necessary minerals for people. In its bowels a large number of carbon components necessary for the modern world is stored. The world’s waters are saved from the “plunder” of oil, gas, and minerals due to a number of reasons. The exploration and development of places for the future extraction of the internal wealth of the land that the water area hides is the inaccessibility of distant objects, and the difficulty of laying routes, and complicated transportation. Despite the risks and dangers of such mining, the number of people wishing to appropriate deep subsurface remains quite large.

In recent years, detailed studies have begun even of the Arctic Circle and the Arctic Ocean. He always beckoned with his lack of knowledge. But only now have hydrologists acquired equipment and equipment that is quite unique in its kind for studying “cold” waters.

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