
The reserve is a territory of exceptional nature

There are few places on the planet where untouched nature has been preserved. National parks, reserves, reserves are designed to preserve the virgin environment.

Nature reserves

The reserve is the territory of the Earth or the water area, which is under the protection of the law. In reserves it is forbidden to engage in industrial and economic activities. Any fishing is strictly punished here. The reserve isA unique landscape, especially valuable plants, rare animals - factors that determine the emergence of reserves in a particular geographical area. The desire to preserve the exceptional nature of nature reserves leads to the use of all possible means of nature conservation. Natural science, legal, technical and economic measures carried out on the territory of nature reserves ensure the rational use of the environment for the benefit of the entire animal world of the planet.

History of reserves

Mankind has been thinking about the need to create protected areas for a long time. The first law on the establishment of a protected natural area is considered the Sri Lankan law of the third century BC. A large number of national parks and reserves began to be created in the era of industrial coups, when there was a massive change in the pristine appearance of the planet. Industrialization affected the existence of individual taxa, the destruction of vast territories with a unique landscape.

Reserve (meaning of the word goes back to the word reserved, that is, “forbidden, untouchable”), like the National Park, is designed to preserve nature. The very concept of the word "reserve" is exclusively Russian. In other countries, nature reserves do not exist as such. The establishment of nature reserves in Russia for the conservation and restoration of nature began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The first reserve of Russia (1874) is Askania-Nova, located in the Kherson region. The oldest in Russia is the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, the significance of which is great today. Reserve meaning of the wordOne of the first reserves established during the formation of Soviet power are the Astrakhan and Ilmensky reserves.

Types of nature reserves

The reserve is a territory completely protected by the state. This distinguishes nature reserves from nature reserves. In sanctuaries, individual taxa are protected. The reserves also differ from the National Parks, which are created primarily to demonstrate the unique nature of the visitors. Nature reserveEntrance to the parks is poorly restricted. In reserves, visiting is either limited by ecological excursions to a certain part of the complex, or is completely prohibited. The purpose of creating reserves is scientific. Here, experts from various fields conduct their research and observations. The reserve is a place where the natural course of processes and phenomena in nature, the genetic diversity of fauna and flora are studied. Reserves are distinguished by the specifics of the protected area: state biosphere, state natural, architectural, natural-historical, museum-reserves. Large reserves with a unique, inimitable nature are included in the list of protection of international law and are protected by UNESCO.

Reserve Day

Preservation of nature in its original form, ensuring the natural development of animal populations, protection of rare plants - the tasks that the reserve solves. These are postulates taken into account when creating protected areas. In Russia, every year on January 11 is celebrated the Day of reserves and national parks. This holiday has been celebrated by ecologists since 1997.The date, January 11, was not chosen by chance: it was January 11, 1916 that the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was opened. The officially recognized date of the celebration speaks of the priority role of environmental activities in the country.

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