
Where to call if the car was evacuated? How to find an evacuated car?

The fast rhythm of megacities, many events, meetings, working questions - only at such a fast pace do you begin to value your time. For example, a man drove up to the building of an official institution to carry out any business. But the trouble is: all the places on the parking lot are occupied. This, unfortunately, is a chronic problem in big cities. So it turns out that a few minutes are enough for a business meeting, and it takes an entire hour to find a car seat. In addition, after that you need to go far on foot.

As a result, most people leave the car in the wrong place, hoping that in such a short period of time the offense will go unnoticed. But, going into the institution, there may be urgent matters, therefore, delays. When a person finally leaves the building, then, not finding his car, he tries to find the answer to the question: "How to find an evacuated car?"

how to find out where the car was evacuated

Missing car

Corresponding services deal with such violators promptly: they simply evacuate the car. This is the best method to teach a motorist lesson, as he will spend quite a lot of time, effort and money to get the car back. A fine is not such an effective way, since it is enough to simply pay the specified amount, and the goal of the state is to prevent further offenses.

If you got out and did not see your own car in the abandoned place, you do not need to immediately grab his head and think that the car was gone. It is not necessary to panic at the thought that she was stolen. Most likely, the car was seized for improper parking. How to find out where the car was evacuated to? Do not worry: the police get information on fines quite quickly, so you can quickly find out where you can find your vehicle. Where to call? If you evacuated the car, immediately dial the number 102 or 127 and calmly explain what happened. If your car was taken to the parking lot, then put off the matter and go to rescue the iron horse.

how to find an evacuated car

Where to look for a vehicle?

Now you can answer the question: “Where to call if the car was evacuated?” The next problem is to find a car. Everything is simple here. Firstly, the vehicle will not be left unattended in any case, but immediately taken to a parking lot. Secondly, the faster you find your car, the better, because an hourly fee is charged for finding it. In addition, the fine will be from one thousand rubles for parking in the wrong place and the operation of a tow truck (only 1,500 rubles). In addition, you will have to pay from 30 rubles per hour for a parking lot, and a significant amount is already obtained per day.

But in megacities there is a fairly large number of penal stations. How to find out exactly where the car is? After it turns out that the car was legitimately expropriated, you need to have information where to call if the car was evacuated. It is not difficult: dial the number of housing and communal services of the city (a single reference service), and there you will be given the addresses of these institutions. After you can start searching for your vehicle. To save time, you should first call the penalty areas and find out if the car you are looking for is there. If it is not possible to find out, then you have to look for a car in all institutions.

where St. Petersburg cars are evacuated

How to return a car?

When a vehicle is found, certain actions must be taken to return the vehicle.Contact the department of enforcement of administrative law (STSI). Before going there, you must bring along your phone and the following documents:

  • driver's license;
  • passport;
  • technical documentation for the car;
  • CTP insurance policy.

If any documents are in the evacuated vehicle, pick them up. To do this, it is necessary to issue an autopsy certificate, since the vehicle is sealed. After you have collected the necessary papers, you will have to seal the machine, and you should issue a special document so that later there are no problems.

The traffic police are obliged to issue a receipt for the payment of a fine, which should be paid off immediately. They will also be given a report on the administrative offense and permission, which must later be presented in order to return the car.

After you pay the fine, you can pick up your car. To make a refund, take with you: passport, permission to issue a vehicle, receipt, insurance policy.

evacuated St. Petersburg car

How to pick up a car from a parking lot?

Before you pick up your car, look for new scratches or dents on it. When the vehicle was evacuated, a protocol was drawn up where all the damage should be indicated. This information is necessarily confirmed by photographic materials. If you find scratches or dents that were not previously, immediately call the traffic police, and the signing of the certificate of receipt of the vehicle should be postponed. If no external damage is found, then open the car in the presence of the staff of the parking lot. In this case, it is necessary to issue an act. If you notice that things that were in the car were missing, also contact the traffic police.

Evacuation in the presence of the owner

If the vehicle is evacuated before your eyes, then there is the opportunity to protect yourself from wasting precious time. In any case, you will have to pay the fine, but you can get rid of the inevitable search for a car at the parking lots.

Go to the service staff and calmly explain the current situation, because of which you could not leave the car in the right place. Since the owner is nearby - the law is on your side, because you can rearrange the vehicle yourself. No need to be rude, because this way you will not get what you want.

If all the persuasion is useless, call the traffic police and file an oral statement about the fact that you illegally expropriated the car. If employees continue to evacuate your car, you can climb into the cabin and wait for the police to arrive there. Of course, this is an extreme measure, but sometimes effective.

where to call if the car was evacuated

How to find an evacuated car in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Finding a car after evacuation is quite difficult. Not only residents of a big city, but also guests of the capital who are not used to this rhythm, can fall into this situation. Where to call if the car was evacuated in Moscow? There is a single dispatch service in the metropolis. To get information, use the number 8-495-539-22-99. There you will find out at what kind of a parking lot the vehicle is standing and which traffic police department you need to contact. If you did not immediately receive the answer of interest, do not panic, because the data is not updated immediately and most likely you will have to wait several hours.

evacuated the car in Moscow

The second option: to find out where the car was evacuated, go to parking.mos.ru and enter your car number.

If you are interested in the question: “Where are SPB cars evacuated?”, Call 02 or 004 (a single reference service). From a mobile phone, you can contact the number + 7-812-004 and (812) 987-00-00 (help desk with coordinates).

As you already know, to pick up a car, you must visit the traffic police department, take the necessary documents with you and pay a fine.It is noteworthy that in Moscow the first day of a car’s stay at the parking lot is not paid, then the payment will be 40 rubles per hour, but there are no tariffs for the operation of special equipment.

If the SPB car was evacuated, then from the first hour the vehicle is in the parking lot, a fee of 30 rubles is charged. In addition, 2700 rubles must be paid for the operation of special equipment.

Disabled parking

People with disabilities are also not allowed to park their cars in the wrong place. In this case, the car can be evacuated, and in order to pick up the vehicle, it will be necessary to do the already agreed actions.

Unfortunately, many ignore the ban on parking in places for people with disabilities. Some even specifically attach appropriate stickers to their car to be able to park in the free spaces for the disabled. But if the car of a disabled person, that is, the owner who has supporting documents on disability, was evacuated, then, by contacting the police, it is possible to return the car. Among other things, the vehicle must be equipped with the appropriate sign.

Now they began to fight with drivers taking places for the disabled. The fine for a car parked at such a place reaches 5 thousand rubles. Moreover, the traffic police inspector can come up at any time and ask for documents proving disability.disabled car was evacuated


Now you know where to call if the car was evacuated. But, in general, do not break the rules: after all, saving extra time and money for paid parking, you can lose a whole day searching for a car and several thousand rubles for redeeming it.

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