
Autonomous heating of a private house and apartment

An autonomous heating system is a worthy replacement for the centralized in apartments and an ideal solution to the problem of heating for private and country houses. There are several types of individual heating, which differ primarily among themselves which heat source they use. The variety of types of autonomous heating allows everyone to choose exactly what suits him only!


When winter reigns on the street and more and more patterns are visible on the windows, and snowstorms envelop everything, the only place on earth where you want to return is a cozy and warm house. Unfortunately, not everyone in the cold season has the opportunity not to notice the harsh antics of Mother Nature. And in the winter, utility bills are fabulous. How to make the house warm, but save on utility bills? Creating an individual heating system is the only way out.
heating system

Autonomous heating of houses and apartments: pros and cons

The advantages of an individual heating system include:

  1. The ability to adjust the temperature regime individually.
  2. The possibility of temperature distribution in the rooms in various versions.
  3. Autonomous heating does not depend on the central heating system (failure, pipe malfunction, leakage, etc.).
  4. Self-regulation of heat consumed, and hence costs.
  5. Possibility of remote control of the heating system. It implies turning on and off the heating at the most suitable time for the consumer (we leave - turn it off, we come in - start it).

The disadvantage is the relatively high initial cost and a rather long payback period. Also, an autonomous heating system needs specialized services, the responsibility for which lies solely with the owner of the heated housing.

Individual heating elements

The main elements of an autonomous heating system include:

  • A heat generator is a gas, solid or liquid fuel boiler, converters of solar thermal energy. The latter include solar collectors, solar systems. In addition, the territory’s electric power converters (heat pumping equipment), etc., act as a heat generator.
  • Pipes are one of the main elements of the heating system. Provide transportation of heat to all rooms of the heated room. To install autonomous heating, you can use metal, polypropylene pipes, pipes made of metal, copper and cross-linked polyethylene.
  • Heating devices - this category includes various heating devices (batteries) and specialized converter equipment.
  • Underfloor heating (electric, water).

autonomous heating in the apartment

How to make an effective heating system

Efficient independent heating - myth or reality? For a private house or apartment, the most important thing to do is to choose the right type of fuel. The choice of a heating boiler will depend on this.

It is recommended to give preference to the type of fuel in the production / production / purchase of which the region where you live specializes. Why is this needed? Everything is as simple as possible: the opportunity to stock up with the necessary fuel in sufficient quantities at the most affordable price should always be present and under any circumstances.

There is also integrated heating equipment on the market, designed to replace the main type of fuel in case of its absence.

Sources of heating and their types

The source of heating is the boiler. Depending on the type of fuel consumed, which is necessary for proper functioning, autonomous heating boilers are divided into gas (liquid fuel), solid fuel (coal, etc.) and electric. Each of the listed species has its own subspecies and classification according to one or another characteristic.

How to choose a boiler for autonomous heating

When choosing a boiler for creating an individual heating system, special attention must be paid to such characteristics as the type of equipment and power. The type of boiler is selected individually, based on the availability of a particular energy resource and its cost. But it will be more difficult to determine the required power indicator, since it depends on the size of the heated area, as well as on the specific climate of the region, the degree of tightness of doors and windows in the room.

Autonomous home heating systems: types and features

Individual heating of a private house can be electric, gas, water.

The electric heating system can be represented by electric convectors, a "warm floor" system, infrared heating devices. This is an uneconomic method of heating, since heat costs are enormous, and electricity tariffs are increasing every day.

Autonomous gas heating at home is the most profitable and economical option, which explains the ever-growing level of demand for gas boilers. Suitable for those houses to which the gas main is connected. However, choosing gas autonomous heating at home, you need to consider that a prerequisite for operation and proper operation is the systematic maintenance and control of special services.

The individual water heating system is a closed loop through which high temperature water circulates. The boiler heats the water, and it is transported to the batteries, moving along the pipe wiring. When the water in the batteries cools, giving up all the heat, it again returns through the pipes to the boiler, where it again heats up, and so on in a circle. Any boiler can be used for water heating, regardless of what fuel is needed for its operation.

Which heating system to choose, everyone decides for himself, depending on certain factors. So, if there is no gas pipeline to the house, the choice of an electric heating system will be optimal.

Autonomous heating in the apartment: installation features

To create an autonomous heating of an apartment in a multi-storey building will be more difficult than a private one. It will be necessary to go through a complex registration process, obtain the appropriate technical permits, draw up design documentation, calculate the heat load of the apartment. The insulation project must be approved by all authorities that have developed technical specifications for connecting the facility to an external source of heating.

Autonomous heating in the apartment and its installation have a number of features:

  1. Existing heating radiators and risers are disconnected. Tip: if the batteries are in good condition, they can be used for individual heating.
  2. In the wall, all the necessary holes are made for pipe routing. At this stage, a powerful hammer drill is used.
  3. If the central heating was gas, reconstruction works of the internal gas distribution are carried out.
  4. Heating equipment is installed and connected.

The installation of heating equipment and the installation of a heating system is recommended to be entrusted to qualified specialists, and not to be carried out independently.
autonomous heating of a private house

Independent heating of apartment type can be created by using an electric or gas boiler as a heat source. If we consider which heating system is more rational in terms of economy and more efficient, then the electric individual heating system has superiority.

Electric heating: advantages and disadvantages

Electric autonomous heating uses an electric boiler as a heat source. The main advantages include:

  • silent operation mode;
  • harmless to human health - does not throw harmful and toxic substances into the air;
  • simple operation;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature for each room and room separately.

At the same time, it has electric autonomous heating disadvantages:

  • can be installed only in a favorable environment, where there are no voltage drops;
  • high cost of electrical energy.


Gas heating: pros and cons

Gas autonomous heating of a private house or apartment is one of the most common types of individual heating system. This is due to several factors:

  1. The choice of the main heat source, a gas boiler, for heating a living room is rational from a technical point of view.
  2. Gas boilers are equipped with a protection system, so there is no need to stop their operation during the absence of the owner.
  3. Autonomous gas heating does not require much space, which is important for the installation of the system in the apartment.
  4. The installation cost is at an acceptable level. This provides enormous demand.

The power indicator of a gas boiler should be in the range of 18–90 kW, and the choice of a specific indicator (from a given numerical range) depends on the dimensions of the heated room.

autonomous home heating systems

Important! It is possible to make autonomous gas heating of a private house and apartment even to those owners whose living quarters are far from the gas mains. In this case, liquefied blue fuel is used - propane-butane, and a gas holder is purchased for its storage.

The disadvantage of gas heating is that in order to make its installation possible, it is necessary to ensure the availability of certain documentation (which needs to be issued again!). In addition, there is a need for installation work exclusively by specialized companies and their representatives.

do-it-yourself autonomous heating


Ways to save heat

There are a huge number of nuances that affect heat consumption. The first and far from the only thing that can be done to save thermal energy is to install thermostats on the batteries. This will warm up each room or room as much as necessary.

The next and perhaps the main way to save thermal energy is to minimize the heat loss of a residential property. These include external insulation of the house / apartment, internal insulation of street walls, replacement of old windows with new energy-saving ones, etc.

Advice! It will be useful to use heat-repellent foil. She will direct the heat that the radiator gives off to the room.
autonomous gas heating at home


Installation of an autonomous heating system requires a rational and balanced approach. It will be quite difficult to implement the project, both materially and morally. Autonomous heating of a private house or apartment is costly, therefore, before you make the final decision regarding the installation of such a system, it is necessary to make calculations that will determine the economic feasibility and approximate payback period. After all, if the saving indicator is minimal, and the period for which the costs will be paid off reaches several tens of years, it is worth thinking seriously before changing anything.

autonomous heating at home

When choosing the type of individual heating, it is more rational to give preference to the gas system - it is the most economical.

It is quite possible to install autonomous heating with your own hands, but in order to avoid troubles it is better to seek help from specialists.

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