
Standards for development of land (private sector). General requirements for site planning and construction

Building standards need to be known to all land owners planning the construction of a country house. Without them, it is impossible to build a safe building.

Legislative regulation

Construction issues are covered in a large number of acts: Civil Code, Urban Planning Code, LC RF. In Art. 209 of the Civil Code said that the owners can freely own, use and dispose of the site, provided that this does not harm the environment.

land development standards private sector

When receiving a building project from a company, you need to look not only at the original design solution and good layout. You should also check the compliance of the building with all the rules. For these purposes, developed special standards for the development of land (private sector) - SNIP. They indicate all the parameters and the necessary building materials. There are also local RSN standards 70-88.

For their violation, administrative responsibility in the form of fines is provided. For the movement of objects - from 500 to 1,000 rubles, for reconstruction, overhaul without prior permission from government agencies - from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. If the construction of cottages is carried out without permission or in violation of the rules, then the structure is recognized as unauthorized construction. Such buildings are subject to demolition, which should be carried out at the expense of the violator. Ownership of such a building is not recognized if it poses a threat to the life of citizens.

You can try to defend your interests in court. Preliminary, it is worthwhile to conduct an independent examination on the issue of compliance of the building with building standards and fire safety requirements. This examination may be ordered during the proceedings. When establishing facts of a significant violation of the rules, the court may oblige the defendant to demolish the building on its own.


According to the law, it is only possible to build on a site already owned. Therefore, before starting suburban construction, it will be necessary to collect and correctly execute documents. The company engaged in the construction of the building can not only provide plans and drawings of the building, but also help with the documentation for administrative authorities. Although some developers are ahead of the curve and are building a house without waiting for permits. As a result, a large number of problems appear.

total land area


To agree on the norms of development of land (private sector), you will have to spend a lot of time. The simplest thing is to write an application to the Office of Architecture for a building permit. A package of documents is attached to it. If the site is owned, you will need:

  • A petition addressed to the head of the district.
  • Decision of the state administration on building permission.
  • Copy of documents confirming ownership of land.
  • A situational building plan, which displays the location of the object in conjunction with settlements, energy, heat and water supply networks, sewage.
  • The situational plan of the site.
  • Development project.
  • General plan of the site.
  • Permissive documents for connecting communications.
  • The contract of sale on the site.
  • Floor plans.
  • Topographic survey of the site.
  • Registration of the object in Glavgosarkhstroynadzor.
  • Land Bounding Act.

A separate folder serves the project of the basement, floors, facade, ceilings, roof systems, roofs, foundations with architectural and construction units and details.An explanatory note and economic indicators, construction estimates, and drawings are also attached.

planning and development standards

The permit must indicate the type of land use: “development of the IZHS plot”, “for summer cottage construction”. The document is issued if there is a site plan and organization chart with a designation of the location of the house. The development plan of the land plot (sample, standards are shown in the photo below) should be drawn up before starting all work.

The objects

On the land plot you can have a residential building, a greenhouse, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse, a shower, a garage. Economic buildings may be different. The order of their construction and composition are determined by local authorities. Additionally, you can place a pit or restroom on the site. Before you start planning, you need to correctly set the landmarks - the neighbors' houses and the fence.


Let us consider in more detail the main norms for the development of land (private sector):

  • The residential building should be located at least 5 m from the road and 3 m from the streets. The same parameters are provided for business buildings.
  • Between the buildings should be at least 6-15 m.
  • The distance between the fence and the building should be at least 1.5-2 m.
  • Cesspools and sewer pits shall comply with Conclusion No. D.013948.12.08.
  • If the outbuildings are adjacent to the house, the distance to the neighbors' area is measured separately for each object. The garage should be located at least three meters from the fence. The building for livestock and poultry is installed at a distance of 3 m from the neighboring site.

How to measure the distance?

The norms of planning and development provide for the presence of a minimum distance between objects. If the elements of the house recede from the wall by no more than 0.5 m, then measurements are taken from the base or from the wall. In other cases, from the projection of building parts onto the ground.

Fire safety

Suburban construction should be carried out in accordance with fire safety standards.

The minimum distance between wooden houses is 15 meters, and between stone and wooden structures - 10 m. The total area of ​​the land is not regulated by fire regulations.

A canopy or garage can be adjacent to the fence from the side of the fence. The garage itself can be separated by outbuildings.

Distance to neighboring buildings:

  • from home to bathhouse, restroom - 8 m and 12 m respectively;
  • from the well to the compost device - 8 m.

The border of the site of neighbors from the house should be at a distance of 3 m, from buildings intended for small livestock - 4 m, from other buildings - 1 m, from the trunks of short, medium-sized trees, shrubs - 4 m, 2 m and 1 m, respectively.

building plot

A basement or cellar can be created under a residential building or an outbuilding not intended for small livestock. The minimum permissible height of the premises is 2.2 m, the basement is 2 m, the cellar is 1.6 m. In all these cases, measurements are taken from floor to ceiling. In the case of the cellar, the calculation is carried out to the protruding structures, for example, beams. Design of stairs is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 330.

In estates, the distance from the windows of the rooms to the walls of the house and the buildings of neighboring plots is at least 6 m. The latter are placed one meter from the fence.

Depending on the area of ​​development of the land, the number of buildings, paths and sites is calculated. On a plot of 0.06-0.12 ha, one structure should occupy a maximum of 30% of the territory.

Construction of cottages

Consider what should be the minimum total building area in order to obtain permission in the BTI. Compliance with the standards listed below guarantees not only comfortable living conditions, but also the absence of problems with the home environment.

Room parameters: ceilings - 2.5 m, bedroom area - 8 m2, hall - 12 m2, dining room - 6 m2, toilet - 0.96 m2. The attic can reduce the room area by a maximum of 7 square meters. m. All walkways in the house are also limited.The width of the stairs to the second floor should be at least 90 cm, the corridor - 0.9 m. The developers set these minimums based on hygienic norms and standards of furniture, appliances, devices.

The building is considered unsuitable for living if the height of the floors is less than 2.5 m in the house and 21.3 m in the masandra. Storeys are determined by the presence of above-ground floors. If the developer wants to build a basement or basement, then these rooms cannot accommodate living rooms.

The basement can be recognized as such if its overlap is not higher than two meters from the planned level of land. Building rules allow you to combine the basement with a workshop or garage. At the same time, non-combustible materials should be used, and fire extinguishing means should be in the garage. The minimum ceiling height is 2 m minimum.

land development plan standard sample

If the indicated norms for the development of land (private sector) are not met, the violator will face a fine in the form of payment of property tax. The living room must be installed electricity metering devices. Heating is carried out by autonomous systems, for example, boilers and furnaces. Boiler rooms are subject to separate requirements. The height of the equipment should be at least 2.50 m, volume - 15 m3. A hood is also required.


The total building area is determined by the sum of the areas of all floors. Balconies and loggias are also taken into account. But the attics, unheated premises of the basement, the basement are not included in the calculations.

Sewerage and drainage

The flow of water from the roof can be directed to the site, if the nearest outbuildings are located one meter from the building. In case of violation of the installation rules of the network, the developer is threatened with regular blockage and regular pipe cleaning.

Daily sewage costs are 200 liters per person. The smallest diameter of the outer pipe is 150 mm with a slope to the collector of a maximum of 8%. Pipes must be laid in the ground at least 0.3 meters. Water can be supplied centrally or autonomously. In the second case, the free head in the section should be more than 0.1 MPa.

In the absence of water disposal, it is necessary to install powder closets, dry closets. Cesspools such as backlash, outdoor latrines, local treatment facilities with a productivity of 1-3 m3 can be placed at a distance of more than one meter from the border of the site.

A filtered trench or other wastewater treatment plant is one meter from the site. By agreement with state authorities of sanitary inspection, wastewater can be discharged into a ditch.

land area

Heating and ventilation

The developer needs the help of specialists who can correctly calculate the number of heating devices for a particular room. Typically, the technical documentation for the equipment indicates the power in W or kW. The heat flux that comes from the devices must be at least 10 watts per 1 sq. m of the floor of the room.

In a private house, the main coolant is water. Electric heating is allowed only if there are no cheaper sources of energy. In this case, other tariffs are set.

If the building consumes 50 kW or more, an automatic flow control system must be installed. Radiators and convectors are located under the window openings, and not in vestibules with external doors. Ventilation ducts should not be used to remove combustion products. The room in which the boiler is located should have a window clearance of 0.03 square meters. m per 1 cubic meter m volume of the room. If a solid fuel boiler is used, it is allowed to equip a pantry on the first, ground floor or in the basement. In residential buildings, ventilation must be installed in the bathroom, toilet, if these rooms do not have windows.

In general, lighting should be taken into account in a built house.So that the owner does not burn the light during the day and does not suffocate from a lack of ventilation, it is necessary that the total area of ​​the windows in proportion to the floor area is at least 1: 8, and in the attic - 1:10.total building area

Gas supply

Developers are not allowed to mount gas communications on their own. This network must clearly comply with security requirements.

Gas supply is carried out from tank installations, networks. The capacity of the cylinder in the kitchen can be 12 liters. More powerful devices should be located in the annex or in a metal box at a distance of 5 m from the entrance.

Pipes can be introduced into the building from the furnace or kitchen side. Communications can be introduced into old-built houses with a heating stove, provided that there is a disconnecting device on the outside. You can not enter a gas pipe through the foundation and even more so under it. The diameter of the outer pipe must not exceed 50 mm.

Pluggable joints of the pipeline should not be located under window openings or balconies. Welding, threaded connections are allowed only in the places of installation of fittings and devices. Three or more heating devices and water heaters in the bathroom are not allowed in the room. The height of the boiler room should be a maximum of 2 meters. One device can be mounted in a room of 7.5 cubic meters. m, for two you need at least 13.5 cubic meters. m

If the pipe passes over a pedestrian crossing, it should be installed at a height of at least 2.2 meters.

Power supply

In low-rise areas, electricity is transmitted through overhead lines. An electric pole installed near the house should not block the entrance to the courtyard. Outgoing wires should be at a height of at least 2.75 m from the surface of the earth. If the branch is conducted from the side of the street with motor traffic, the wire should be at a height of 6 m. The maximum allowable length of the branch from the line to the house is 25 m planning and development standardsIn other cases, you need to install additional support. The line must be insulated. The minimum distance between the phase and neutral wires is 0.2 m. The places where the wire is in contact with the building and passes through the walls must be very well insulated. At the points of entry, the end of the pipe goes down so that atmospheric precipitation does not fall into it. It is forbidden to lead the wire over the roof. Access to external wiring should not be from the balcony and windows of the house.

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