
Household territory of a private house: borders, contents

There is no strict definition of such a concept as a site of a house adjoining territory in the legislation. There are various approaches to explaining it, but all of them are relative and, depending on the context, have corresponding features. In general, by the house adjoining understand the territory adjacent to the building, which can be used in the interests of the owner of the structure. Let us further consider the features of this zone. house territory of a private house

Household territory of a private house

As a rule, this concept is used for multi-unit residential buildings. The adjoining territory of a private house is a zone owned by the owner of the building and adjacent to it. As a basis for confirming ownership, a certificate of ownership or a lease may be used. The adjoining territory of a private house, as a rule, is used for maintenance of buildings, landscaping, etc. One of its integral features is fencing from other plots. This means that the area adjacent to the construction is separated by a fence from neighboring or municipal property.

Household territory of a private house: how many meters can it be?

Often there is a need to determine the size of the zone adjacent to the structure. There are no specific norms of the local area. For example, the average size of the areas adjacent to multi-apartment residential buildings is from 3 to 6 m. Of course, the area may be larger. The specific parameters will depend on various factors. In the calculation, the plan of the land plot, the characteristics of the structure itself, the number of residents, requirements for parking spaces and landscaping are used.

When establishing the zone, the need to provide distance for fire entrances, urban planning standards established for a particular area is taken into account. As for individual development, the situation here is not so clear. Nevertheless, it is worth saying that when determining the size of the zones adjacent to the structure, not so many mistakes are made, as in the case of multi-apartment buildings. When a land plot plan is drawn up, the area owned is taken into account first. In addition, a distance of 1.5 m from the outside of the fence is taken into account. It can be considered a local area. plot plan


In determining the boundaries, the issue of who may be responsible for maintaining the area adjacent to the structure in good condition may be the subject of a dispute. Territory cleaning is quite relevant issues for private owners, especially in the spring and summer and in the fall. As mentioned above, the zone adjacent to their structures extends beyond the boundaries of its allotment. In this regard, cleaning of the territory should be carried out within 1.5 m from the fence.


The adjoining territory of a private house can be transferred into ownership or rental. To do this, you must obtain an appropriate certificate of state registration or conclude an agreement on the purchase of the part located behind the fence. The latter must be endorsed in the BTI. For registration, you should first contact the local authorities. There you need to fill out an application. In addition, evidence must be provided that the site is ownerless. Typically, the decision to assign status is made within 3 weeks. If the answer is yes, information about it is entered into the Unified State Register. land plan


Another quite urgent problem for many private owners is the improvement of the zone, which is adjacent to the construction. In this regard, experts recommend drawing up a site plan, distributing objects on it at their own discretion. Accomplishment involves a certain set of works. It includes:

  1. Uprooting unnecessary shrubs and trees.
  2. Garbage removal.
  3. The construction of arbors, arches, hedges, pergolas.
  4. Delivery of fertilizers and new land.
  5. Breakdown of lawns.
  6. Creating flower beds.
  7. Vertical gardening of the facade.
  8. Planting shrubs and trees.
  9. The construction of a fountain or reservoir.
  10. Arrangement of a recreation area and a playground. territory cleaning

Undoubtedly, not all of these points can be fulfilled. Some work for one or another owner will be simply irrelevant or inappropriate. The site plan is made taking into account the wishes of the owners. Nevertheless, regardless of how many points from the above will be completed, each of them requires a certain amount of time, study, quality training, procurement of materials, tools. The presence of certain skills will be of no small importance.


Each owner seeks to create comfort and coziness both inside and outside the structure. House territory should be in harmony with the environment. In this regard, you should take care of its landscaping. The design of the site with trees and shrubs allows you to profitably decorate the territory. You can use both decorative and cultural plantings, placing them in certain places. If the site is flat, then it is quite possible to create flower beds, set up a garden, build a fountain and a gazebo, surrounding it with climbing plants. If the relief is uneven, then do not despair. It can also be designed in the original way.  house territory of a private house how many meters

Plant Features

When using plantations, it is important to take into account their specificity. Trees or shrubs planted in the wrong place will not develop well. Therefore, landscaping the local area, you should know the factors that affect the growth of plantings:

  1. Heat and light loving.
  2. Frost resistance.
  3. Resistance to drought.
  4. The chemical composition of soil and water.
  5. Soil moisture.
  6. The relief of the soil.

Water supply

The improvement of both the house itself and the territory adjacent to it directly depends on it. In case of any accident, pipe break, valve breakage, urgent repair may be required. If the trouble occurred inside the structure, it can be eliminated quickly enough. Damage to the outdoor water supply may require earthworks. This means that fences, fences, trees can create serious obstacles. In order to avoid problems, it is necessary to carry out all the work on the water supply and irrigation systems before the site ennoblement begins. At the same time, decorating it with shrubs, lawns, trees, small architectural forms, it is necessary to take into account the location of communications so as not to damage them. If you plan to carry out vertical gardening, creating a hedge, it is imperative to create a drainage system. site area


The adjacent area should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Particular attention must be paid to the lighting around the structure. The relevance of this issue increases in the autumn-winter time. The lighting of the local area can be decorative or functional. In the latter case, lights are installed, lamps are hung with the expectation of providing a certain level of security to the owners in the dark. Decorative lighting can be used directly on the site. So, the backlighting of paths, light bulbs on trees, light elements on fences looks very beautiful.

Footpaths and stairs

Walkways, ramps, steps can give the entire house territory a more harmonious and, in some cases, solemn appearance. The choice of building material will depend on the area, type of buildings, terrain.Creating such objects, it is necessary to take into account that they must be reliable, easily accessible, durable. local area norms


When improving the local area, one should not forget about the fence. Fencing should be provided around the perimeter. It performs not only a protective, but also a decorative function. Today, owners can choose almost any building material. This can be a traditional tree, profiled sheet, mesh, living plantings, brick, concrete. You can also decorate fences with climbing plants. Small fences inside the site will effectively divide it into zones. For example, a gazebo and a playground can be fenced off from the garden.

Rest zone

As a rule, owners of private houses build arbors. As a building material, many choose wood. It is harmoniously combined with surrounding plants, environmentally friendly, durable and reliable. Metal forged designs are also quite popular. Additionally, in the recreation area you can equip a playground. In large local areas, homeowners often build pools or fountains. You can complement the landscape with small architectural forms. It can be alpine hills, figures, sculptures, etc. Pergolas and arches entwined with flowering plants look very harmoniously on the plot. Such designs, as a rule, perform only a decorative function.

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Reason for complaint
Good day! The essence of the question: we have an alley, we are the first inhabitants of it; they installed a pipe at their own expense and covered their porches with gravel. In the process of construction and settlement, the neighbors drove along our fence, we made concessions. Over time, they installed a new pipe together, but no one wants to go on it ... the road along our household is "privatized by default." The other day, we began the improvement of our driveways - they gave us a scandal, even to the risk of life ... Write, please, there are nominal norms for the private ownership of the private sector at the size between the holdings of 14 meters O_O !!! if anyone owns the info, please provide links to the rules and paragraphs. law please ..
Good afternoon! I would like to clarify who should restore the drainage ditch and clean it, is it two meters from our house? And how should the district administration conduct a check on the cleanliness of the adjacent house territory and who should be present?


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